Pictures of genitals as an avatar, yay, or nay?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 76481
  • Start date

Should pictures of genitals be allowed as avatars?

  • Yes, I don't see any issue with penises and vulvas as publicly visible avatars

    Votes: 492 48.6%
  • Yes, but only if it features both human and animal

    Votes: 35 3.5%
  • Yes, but only animal genitalia, since this is forum for zoophiles

    Votes: 177 17.5%
  • Yes, but only featured on animated characters

    Votes: 19 1.9%
  • No, photos of genitalia should stay in porn section

    Votes: 290 28.6%

  • Total voters
I find dick-pics and twat-shots as avatars to be EXCELLENT --- indicators of assholes that aren't worth bothering to even speak to, let alone try to form any kind of relationship with. So sure - I say let 'em use 'em. Nothing else does a better job of saying "I'm an uncouth, pathetic, sex-obsessed, desperate, one-dimensional asshole you don't want to have anything to do with - don't waste your time, just put me on ignore" without saying a single word. So I do. (put 'em on ignore when I see they're using a dick-pick or twat-shot as an avatar, I mean)

The example I like to use goes like this: You wouldn't walk into a real-world bar/cocktail party, etc with your dick hanging out of your pants without expecting to get tossed, the cops called, take a beating, or similar negative results, so why would you expect anything different when you do what is essentially the same thing by using a dick-pic/twat-shot as an avatar on a forum?
I'll throw my hat in the "Yes, but only animal genitalia, since this is forum for zoophiles" ring. As animal genitalia profile pictures don't bother me as much as human dick pics and twat shots. Hell, even when someone has a picture of a dog's red rocket or a stallion's 5th leg (something that does absolutely nothing for me sexual wise since I'm straight) it doesn't really bother me. When someone uses their dick or their twat as a profile picture it's the same as an unsolicited picture of their genitals. A visual assault to the eyes (although admittedly, since I at least have some attraction to human pussy it doesn't bother me as much, but let's not play favorites with the sexes now...)

We have a whole section dedicated to human dicks and human twats. If you're just itching to share a picture of your penis/pussy there's a whole section just for you and a dozen or more threads just for you. Besides when moderator duty calls, I tend to stay out of those sections entirely. I'm given an OPTION on whether or not I want to see those types of pictures. Instead of having them thrown in my face without a choice. Hell, I don't even have the option to ignore them. I can still ignore them, but as a moderator I need to be able to see what people are posting on the forum, so that if... ah who are we kidding... most of the time, WHEN they break the rules, I'm able to see it and take proper action.
I'd say no, at least to human genitalia, at least animal genitalia is more relevant. But I still think explicit avatars should be banned, personally, and only explicit content should be in the porn forums.

The thing is, I don't want to see some dude's hairy anus. I haven't clicked on a thread where I can expect it. It's almost like sending an unsolicited dick picture.
I don't really mind dicks or pussies of any species in the right time and place, although I'll take non-human junk any day, they are generally more interesting to look at or interact with.

But for me it's a bit like smoking, I accept it's your right to do what ever you want with your body. But the second you are shoving it in my face... well then it's not so pleasant. I have nothing against nudity or genitalia in general, I often get out of the shower and get my evening meal on cooking before I go and get dressed. But that doesn't mean I would go into town and walk down the main street nude. It's about respecting others who may not want to see what your packing. If someone walks 1/4 of Km down my driveway and looks into my house window they have no right to complain I haven't got pants on, neither have any of my 4 leggers I might add.

So if I'm reading a serious thread about a topic I'm interested in that is not porn related having dick picks on the side of my screen is unnecessary. Also unless I'm mistaken profile pics show up even when someone is not logged into the site. So is this really the image we want to portray to any curious bod who wants to find out a bit more about zoo and is reading non porn related threads, which are accessible to non-members.

as UR20Z said though it does help spot the oversexed riff raff a mile away though. Where I differ though, is I don't rule out what they post out of hand, just because they have a dick pic profile pic, but I do often take what they say a bit more skeptically than I might otherwise do.

Besides all that though, there are like a gazillion cute animal pics on the internet so even if you don't have your own animal companion to use as your avatar, there are countless other non-sexual images of the species your interested in readily available from any google search in literally a split second of your time.

Huh, when I started writing this I thought I was on the fence about the issue as I'm not offended by genital pics per say, but I think I've talked myself into a "No they shouldn't be allowed".
I'll throw my hat in the "Yes, but only animal genitalia, since this is forum for zoophiles" ring. As animal genitalia profile pictures don't bother me as much as human dick pics and twat shots. Hell, even when someone has a picture of a dog's red rocket or a stallion's 5th leg (something that does absolutely nothing for me sexual wise since I'm straight) it doesn't really bother me. When someone uses their dick or their twat as a profile picture it's the same as an unsolicited picture of their genitals. A visual assault to the eyes (although admittedly, since I at least have some attraction to human pussy it doesn't bother me as much, but let's not play favorites with the sexes now...)

We have a whole section dedicated to human dicks and human twats. If you're just itching to share a picture of your penis/pussy there's a whole section just for you and a dozen or more threads just for you. Besides when moderator duty calls, I tend to stay out of those sections entirely. I'm given an OPTION on whether or not I want to see those types of pictures. Instead of having them thrown in my face without a choice. Hell, I don't even have the option to ignore them. I can still ignore them, but as a moderator I need to be able to see what people are posting on the forum, so that if... ah who are we kidding... most of the time, WHEN they break the rules, I'm able to see it and take proper action.
So that's why you where those sun glasses I guess, to hide the damage done to your poor eyes from your time taking care of the trouble makers.
I have a great deal of respect for the Mods here some of the stuff you have to see and take care of can't be easy, and I'm sure someones poor judgement in choosing a profile pic is just another thing you have to face head on unblinking every day.

So while I think this is an issue we need to decide as a community here, the opinion of the Mods who have to see it all, should definitely carry at least a little weight in the decision making process.
I find dick-pics and twat-shots as avatars to be EXCELLENT --- indicators of assholes that aren't worth bothering to even speak to, let alone try to form any kind of relationship with. So sure - I say let 'em use 'em. Nothing else does a better job of saying "I'm an uncouth, pathetic, sex-obsessed, desperate, one-dimensional asshole you don't want to have anything to do with - don't waste your time, just put me on ignore" without saying a single word. So I do. (put 'em on ignore when I see they're using a dick-pick or twat-shot as an avatar, I mean)
Ok, this is actually a pretty good observation. It's a good benchmark for people to avoid.

Btw wish more of your posts could be as insightful as this, and not the utter garbage that they regularly are.
I don't agree with pornographic avatars being allowed, because they make the forum less serious and zoos look like "crazy perverts who shouldn't be taken seriously". If we zoos want to be taken seriously by the rest of society, we have to start by putting on "normal" avatars (what society considers normal).
It's probably no worse than what you might find on other porn sites, but here's the thing this site is about more than just porn (don't you all laugh I swear it's true!) and as such having avatars focusing only on a set of genitals that can be seen on all threads you post too does not really fit. I mean having a penis in a thread in the fun and games section is a bit over the top, so yes it does not show zoos in the best of light particularly in the non-porn sections accessible to anyone without an account. We are already starting off at a disadvantage by being of a sexuality outside of the norm, why make it easy for people just to dismiss us all, as a bunch of sex crazed perverts and nothing more.
I don't agree with pornographic avatars being allowed, because they make the forum less serious and zoos look like "crazy perverts who shouldn't be taken seriously". If we zoos want to be taken seriously by the rest of society, we have to start by putting on "normal" avatars (what society considers normal).
Or, well, at least halfway normal. I don't mind lewd avatars, but they have to be a bit more on the suggestive side than on the in-your-face side.

No matter what we do, normies won't accept us anyway. But for our sake I guess. I mean we're the ones who have to put up with the talking penises.
Are we talking about just "blam, here's my junk" or pictures from zoo stars/scenes, or the whole shebang?
I personally think it's weird, but I honestly don't spend much time looking at pfps
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Are we talking about just "blam, here's my junk" or pictures from zoo stars/scenes, or the whole shebang?
I personally think it's weird, but I have an anime succubus for mine, so I can't say much lol
We are talking about using genitals as your profile pic; so every time you post to the forum in any section (sexual in nature or not) you are basically putting a picture of genitals into the face of every single person who is reading that post. Genitals are wonderful things I like mine and many others I have seen in a huge number of species, but there is a time and a place where they should be on display for all to see. If you only ever post in the porn section then there is probably nothing wrong with it. But outside of the sexual threads the justification for the need to shove such images at others surely must come into question.

Even in the animal world most species cover their vulva with their tail or retract their penis into a sheath. So even though animals don't wear clothes per-say they also have times when all is on display and when they are somewhat more modest as they are not in a sexual situation.
Some people are just plain exhibitionists and others may be simply showing off their wares in the hope of attracting some interest. It doesn't do anything for me.