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On A Scale of 1-10, How Social Are You Irl?

On a scale of 1-10, how social are you irl?

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Not socialising much with anyone or families, not even joining parties or other events, just if they need my help with something. Other than that I just stay at home.
I'm always making friends. It's only because I married an introvert that I've been able to settle down a bit and appreciate staying in
got my own apart, 3 months later covid hit. + I am already somewhat introverted + I quit my job this summer to do a course and now am unemployed. In short, i see friends and family a few times per month, but don't have a coherent social life.
been single AF for ages.
I have a small group of friends both zoo and non zoo that I visit with when my work schedule allows but 90% of my time is spent alone.
At company and all-day tasks in cities it's normal to quite excessive (as expected on business meetings, for example.. they're not planned for one to stay in a hotel suite).

Privately I keep to my own and don't like "random" people taking my time, as there's no profit nor fun in it.
Exception are common interests and hobby activities with friends. As such evens out to normal.
I'm a pretty extroverted person so I like to go out, do things, meet people, whatever. Iv got my limit and generally once I reach it I'm done but I gave myself a 7.
I'm an introvert. But life is more fun when interacting. On here it's easy. No one judges you here ... ( AHAAHAHAHA!) Face to face there are more things to consider: Is my fly open? Does my breath smell? Did I just fart? She's pretty, my face is purple ... But I soldier along, and I think I'm quite a good conversationalist. No silences at my table.
I pretty much only socialise in work and with the people i live with, i struggle meeting new people because I'm not good at starting conversation or assessing social norms
I go out walking with other dog owners a lot. I love seeing other people it take time out of a busy day sometimes. Just walking and talking. Then there's shopping seeing others also helps with mental health so very social.
depends on who you talk to, but my family will say that they can count on me to (1) be the extrovert and (2) keep them waiting as I am chatting up another random stranger.
I have severe social anxiety, don't have family and am too weird, dumb and ugly to have friends. I just never know what to do or say. Finding the right thing is a torturous, high-anxiety event for me, and no matter what it is it's always stupid and wrong. I make everyone uncomfortable, so there's lots of good reasons I avoid people, work nights by myself and hang out online. I can't vote 0 so I voted 1.
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I have severe social anxiety, don't have family and am too weird, dumb and ugly to have friends. There's good reasons I hang out online. I can't vote 0 so I voted 1.
You've got family, smarts, beauty AND friends here, KJ! 🥰 Still weird, tho, but we like that sort of thing :LOL:
I'm extremely social. Idk what it is exactly but I just like talking with people. Random people included. I'm that one guy that breaks through introverted peoples shells and they are no longer introverted around me.
I'm extremely social. Idk what it is exactly but I just like talking with people. Random people included. I'm that one guy that breaks through introverted peoples shells and they are no longer introverted around me.
I'm the same way. I've hosted parties and purposely invites introverted people just to see if I can get em out of their shells. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.