New puppy - rules?

We got a puppy (male). In a few months he will reach sexual maturity. How do you handle this? Are there any rules? Prohibitions? I am looking for real experience reports from people who have already been in the same situation and are active with their male dog and have no problems in everyday life.
From my experience when I was younger and had a young dog. I would say let them mature naturally.
Don't push Sex on them, let it happen naturally. Play with the dog on all fours like his buddy. Using chew toys to wrestle with him. but always let him win. A dog has a good pull and you could lose a tooth if you tried winning in a tug of war with a chew toy.
He will Bond with you eventually and start looking at you as a potential mate. When he starts to play mount you. reward him with treats. Eventually the play mounting will turn into the real thing. Take it easy and slow. Be Wary of that Knot though. I had one get spooked while he was tied with me and yanked that sucker right out of there with on quick pull out "Youch" That hurt.
Good luck with your Companion and hopefully future mate.