My introduction


Hello all I'm not exactly new here I've popped onto the site from time to time to enjoy the content and read up on stories and experiences up until then I've kinda just been a Lerker lol but figured I'd finally make an Introduction post. I'm mostly into dogs and horses thoe occasionally dip into other animal content like Cows but that's about really it my favorite Breeds of Dogs are German Shepherds, Huskies and Pitbulls though I've only ever had a Pitbull since I was young and that just tended to be a family favorite dog but at some point I plan to buy my own dog to take care of as I like pets a lot and not just for "Knotty" fun times in terms of real world experience I don't really have much most just watched the porn and stuff but I do hope to get actual real life experience at some point. As for my sexual orientation I'd view myself as Bi at best with a lean towards women the most and my view goes the same for Animals as well.