Lonely canadian guy


Hi all, I'm new here and really happy to have discovered this site after years of feeling alone.
I'm 36, from near Gatineau, Quebec. I love women but I have been enjoying the family dog's cock for a few years now. I am hoping to finally meet others like myself and make many, many friends here!


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Posting personal identifiable photos is generally not a good idea. Consider not doing that.
It does not matter to out one self if posting history or intentions are not illegal - In this cases i'd proceed with caution, because someone could just doxx someone they dont like and who is not zoo at all - The op has only 13 messages so its more than likely.
It would be better to (self) delete his messages.
There.. i think the remaining pics are okay? Please let me know if you feel they still are "asking for trouble"
Cant do anything about my dumbass username now but oh well....tbh, it's not much of a secret to the people that make/made up my family and social circle so at least there's that.
There.. i think the remaining pics are okay? Please let me know if you feel they still are "asking for trouble"
Cant do anything about my dumbass username now but oh well....tbh, it's not much of a secret to the people that make/made up my family and social circle so at least there's that.
well my username could be JohnDoe so who is there to argue about a common name ?
Hi all, I'm new here and really happy to have discovered this site after years of feeling alone.
I'm 36, from near Gatineau, Quebec. I love women but I have been enjoying the family dog's cock for a few years now. I am hoping to finally meet others like myself and make many, many friends here!
Nice body
Hi all, I'm new here and really happy to have discovered this site after years of feeling alone.
I'm 36, from near Gatineau, Quebec. I love women but I have been enjoying the family dog's cock for a few years now. I am hoping to finally meet others like myself and make many, many friends here!
Wish you liked guys because I would marry you so fast! You’re beautiful man!
haha, i randomly found this thread.
yeah Adam1103 you should edit your photos so nothing above your shoulders appears.
you would be shocked at how dangerous slightly identifying selfies are.
image searching software is getting scary.

about, your physique, nice work bro.
i used to train hard in another life, thinking i could make pro. lmfao
but i learned.

(coming from a straight male):
what's your weakest muscle group to grow?
your symmetry isn't too bad.
Before covid hit and all the gyms closed, I was 10 pounds shy of beating the previous year's first place squat in my weight division and I had tied bench, OH press and deads. I have an issue with my squat stance I have always struggled and failed to try and rectify that makes me always end up putting too much back into it and...well..my back cant keep up with these big ass legs. Lol.
Muscle group as a whole, though, I'd say biceps/brachi are my slowest and weakest links.
Also, I have no clue how to edit my existing posts or even username, or else my dumbass would have done so as soon as I was first told of my dumbness.
Before covid hit and all the gyms closed, I was 10 pounds shy of beating the previous year's first place squat in my weight division and I had tied bench, OH press and deads. I have an issue with my squat stance I have always struggled and failed to try and rectify that makes me always end up putting too much back into it and...well..my back cant keep up with these big ass legs. Lol.
Muscle group as a whole, though, I'd say biceps/brachi are my slowest and weakest links.
great reply. thank you.

ok so you are into power lifting, not bodybuilding. ok gotcha. that makes sense, when i'm looking at your physique.
symmetry is not a priority. but you still have great symmetry actually.

your quads are awesome. i can tell you put a LOT of work into them. it's hard to get legs to that development.
the vastus medialis heads are at a high development stage. it really shows. i bet your using leg extensions.

your lower pecs, clearly seem to be a genetic strong point for you. their pretty extreme tbh lol.
traps are good.
i would say your weakest spot is your lats. but, your into power lifting, so lats are not such a priority i imagine.
lats are not going to help much with your lifts.

you wrote: "I have an issue with my squat stance" - have you tried smith machine?

i think you have really good genetics. and your somatotype seems mesomorphic.
there is not a lot of vascularity, so your body looks natural actually, no juice.

nice work on your physique.
happy for you dude.
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Wellllll.. that's all amazing of you to say. It's surprising and cool to find another real lifter on here, lol.
I am nothing if not honest, though.. so.
I have been hitting the gym since I was 19. I'm 37. Until about 5 years ago, I never weighed anything over 160. I was strong for such a small frame but I was nowhere near the image of myself I had in my head as my goal, both in terms of raw might and also physical looks. I did, at first, start lifting and martial arts as a sort of security/defense-minded thing. Was raped when I was 16 and sexually assaulted quite a few times when younger... one day I just decided that I needed to help myself by making myself into my own protector. I wanted to get to a point where I would feel confident that the next person, couple or even group of people that would try to force me into anything I didn't want would get broken. Literally. Fast forward to 5 years ago. Got diagnosed with a pituitary tumor. I managed to fight it with treatment and it went nothingness but it was that that pretty much made me decide there was no reason anymore not to push things further.
So yeah, juice became a thing. 3 very big cycles in, I went from 160 to 235. 235 at 5'7" is.. heavy. Lol.
My doctor insists there is no research to prove any correlation to what I am dealing with now and the steroid use but I am reading that Polycythemia vera is somewhat of a common cause of death for bodybuilders and heavy lifters. The poly dosen't usually kill you but the damage that in ensues does. Right now I've got a ruptured tricuspid valve that is about to be at it's 3 ablation in. I am out of breath whenever I do so much as put my shoes on... but being out of breath still dosen't stop me. I still work hard and I still train hard. I might breathe heavy faster than everybody else but I am still satisfied to feel like, around here at least, it dosen't matter which room I walk into... I am the strongest person in that room.
Wellllll.. that's all amazing of you to say. It's surprising and cool to find another real lifter on here, lol.
I am nothing if not honest, though.. so.
I have been hitting the gym since I was 19. I'm 37. Until about 5 years ago, I never weighed anything over 160. I was strong for such a small frame but I was nowhere near the image of myself I had in my head as my goal, both in terms of raw might and also physical looks. I did, at first, start lifting and martial arts as a sort of security/defense-minded thing. Was raped when I was 16 and sexually assaulted quite a few times when younger... one day I just decided that I needed to help myself by making myself into my own protector. I wanted to get to a point where I would feel confident that the next person, couple or even group of people that would try to force me into anything I didn't want would get broken. Literally. Fast forward to 5 years ago. Got diagnosed with a pituitary tumor. I managed to fight it with treatment and it went nothingness but it was that that pretty much made me decide there was no reason anymore not to push things further.
So yeah, juice became a thing. 3 very big cycles in, I went from 160 to 235. 235 at 5'7" is.. heavy. Lol.
My doctor insists there is no research to prove any correlation to what I am dealing with now and the steroid use but I am reading that Polycythemia vera is somewhat of a common cause of death for bodybuilders and heavy lifters. The poly dosen't usually kill you but the damage that in ensues does. Right now I've got a ruptured tricuspid valve that is about to be at it's 3 ablation in. I am out of breath whenever I do so much as put my shoes on... but being out of breath still dosen't stop me. I still work hard and I still train hard. I might breathe heavy faster than everybody else but I am still satisfied to feel like, around here at least, it dosen't matter which room I walk into... I am the strongest person in that room.
wow, lots of info. good story.

you look totally natural, because there is not a lot of vascularity.
that's interesting, because i can usually tell someone thats on crank, a mile away. but your physique fooled me. haha
good genes.

for me, looking back to when i trained, i wish i would have done cycles of deca durabolin. i wish i did that.
why deca? because out of all the juices, it's probably the grandfather of them all. it's the most tried & true. and it's super cheap. low risks.

test & gh, that's extremely expensive. but their needed for high end bodybuilding really.
if your in the ifbb, you need to be on gh for example. those guys are doing $100,000+ / year in crank.
test i would be scared of, because i would be scared that my voice would get permanently fucked up. it can happen.

but deca? yeah, i'm a big deca believer.
in fact if i were to train someone, i would push them for 1-2 years to max out their genetics - all natural, and then (only then) start up on deca.

you actually are still young, at 37, in the context of power lifting.
dudes can keep progressing all the way into the 40's, no problem. maybe even 50's.
you have good genetics, so whatever direction it is that your interested in taking that physique, i say go for it, hardcore.
because you only have so much time, and you have terrific genetics. so push it.

for me, i realized after only 2 years, that i just simply didn't have the right hardware (genetics) to ever make pro.
imo the full equation is: nutrition/training/discipline/juice/genetics.
to really compete well, you have to have all 5.
i had 4, but not genetics part. but with me, i was honest & objective enough, to see that i was just dreaming. so i'm happy i can see clearly.
but i did do extremely well, women would literally come up to me on the street to hit on me, people would turn their heads to look at me.
i did well. but, it's not enough. genetics are a huge huge factor, of the 5 factors i listed in the full equation.

you got good genes. so i say yeah, take some safe / low risk juice, and push yourself to max out what you got, while you still can.
omfg i would know how to slap another 30 lbs on you, based on your photos. lol i wish i could train you!!
Welcome to the zooverse, and off to a great start (Being real and not single minded goes a long way in demonstrating being a real person!)

As said, pics are very dangerous as to getting outed by some pathetic jealous loser, but so far you're safe legally, any thing with action of the fun kind is what can land you in jail if outed (Doxxed)
Hi all, I'm new here and really happy to have discovered this site after years of feeling alone.
I'm 36, from near Gatineau, Quebec. I love women but I have been enjoying the family dog's cock for a few years now. I am hoping to finally meet others like myself and make many, many friends here!