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Is it better to start with your own dog or a trained one

either one really, depends on your level of how far you want to go. I started with letting my dog lick my cock till i would cum and then let her lick all the cum off me. have you tried anything yet ?
Honestly mate this just reads as if you view dogs as a sex toy and it isn't right. First and foremost it should be about companionship and the standard dog owner stuff, anything else is a bonus. Perhaps a nice owner would meet you one day with a trained dog - but even then that's their own companion yknow? You get to that point through mutual trust and love of animals, not by objectifying their animal as a simple fuck machine
If your only interest is the sexual part, *please* get a ummm... "trained" one (if you can find one) Meaning one that knows what to do. You will get what you want, everything will work and no dog will have to stand a live with someone who is not 100% commited.

IF you love dogs and think about going an step further, your own dog will be much more closer and intimate, and the wait and the way to destination are another part of fun and challanges, as you, basically can't even know of he will *ever* be interested in it, so...

Get him for the dog, not just for the dong, and if not... Duh... Rent one by the hour or for a night 🙄
Hi Cassie,best you look around in here,check the most engaged threads and etc. Eventually you will understand how things work in here and what are people's views on certain matters. Perhaps ask a friend in here about certain things first.
So, basically I am wondering which one kind of helps get things started. And gets the ball rolling.
I think that is a very good question. I, like you, are a novice and have never had the experience, yet. I think it would be great to find a dog that has been trained to fuck and knows what to do, however, I intend to take whichever one, trained or not, I can get
So, basically I am wondering which one kind of helps get things started. And gets the ball rolling.
Valid question. I second what most people have said here, dogs are more than four-legged sex slaves and a first-timer canine will have no problem doing what comes naturally.

I think it will make it all that much more special when your first experience is also a first for your partner. At least that's how it was with my girl.
I think that is a very good question. I, like you, are a novice and have never had the experience, yet. I think it would be great to find a dog that has been trained to fuck and knows what to do, however, I intend to take whichever one, trained or not, I can get
So, basically I am wondering which one kind of helps get things started. And gets the ball rolling.
There is no dog that is just "trained to fuck humans." There's technically nothing that challenging for a dog to mount someone. Though some males may not be interested. Just like for female dogs, there's no such as thing as them being "trained for a human to fuck her"
I'm not too sure for a male's first time, but most times (when they're at sexual maturity) you can rub near the rear of the sheath to stimulate them. One male I was around with a friend would instantly want to mount someone if you got him in the mood.. He wasn't "trained."

Females is seeing their body language when you want to try something with them. Which there's guides for that, but the main thing for females is waiting till their second heat. Which is recommended due to them still growing.
Either one honestly. I would make sure that whatever pup you're interested in getting is ultimately viewed as a part of your family rather than a toy. Just gotta be careful how you word things in the future. Many mighty zoos will come at you wrong.