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is docking safe?


I'm wondering if docking with male K9s is safe. I want to be sure before I even think of trying it. I'm wondering if it's uncomfortable for them or even painful and what damage it could do if it does any.
ive seen videos on here before but it comes down to the size of your dog and stuff theres a lot of things to think about first
i have also seen vids but what I'm wondering is if they actually like it or is it uncomfortable
Most dogs don't care for it but I know one dog that did enjoy it.
Sounds about right. As far as I can tell most don't like it and it makes them uncomfortable. But, I also knew one zoo that had a dog that seems fine with it as well. He'd basically let the dog unload himself in his ass, and afterwards he'd dock with the dog. I've asked him about it and he swears up and down that the dog doesn't mind it.

That said, pretty much 90% of the docking content that's been shared here has been on the somewhat to highly questionable side.
Sounds about right. As far as I can tell most don't like it and it makes them uncomfortable. But, I also knew one zoo that had a dog that seems fine with it as well. He'd basically let the dog unload himself in his ass, and afterwards he'd dock with the dog. I've asked him about it and he swears up and down that the dog doesn't mind it.

That said, pretty much 90% of the docking content that's been shared here has been on the somewhat to highly questionable side.
do you know if the dog enjoys it, or just tolerates it? if anything what I'm worried is ill hurt my relasonship with my good boy.
I have not noticed dogs feel bad towards someone who tries something new and listens to them when they say no. The trust that a dog has he will be listened to is #1 to them. A dog's penis feels good on the back of the knot, the tether and the tip. Docking mostly hits the shaft and that is why they don't care for it that much. I would first try it with water based lube. Soap and wash your penis first.
Thanks, that helps. if I try it how should I go about it? Like how should I do it and get him in position
That is something I have explored and successfully accomplished with one dog but failed attempts with others has given me knowledge of applicable interaction.

As always first things first make sure everything's clean. Have lube available water based. A dog's sheath opening is the restriction point if you cannot safely get sufficient amount of fingers through that opening to ensure your penis is going to fit it is not going to work out stop don't go any further don't even bother there is a ring that goes around that opening it is extremely tight when it is stretched and it is painful to the dog if you tried to stretch it further than it's natural boundary. So it is imperative that you check the sheath opening before attempting any further. The next step is exploration. Will the dog tolerate/enjoy the interaction. With lube slide your fingers in and out. Gauge the dogs reaction. During that I have found you kind of have like a 50/50 chance.
How's everything going at this point? Do you still have a receptive dog or not? Make the right choice to proceed or not..

Okay great everything's going good the openings big enough the dog is enjoying or tolerating the activity with the finger exploration wonderful that is great news it is time to proceed. Neutered dogs there is no question about it you absolutely must have lube in use. Intact dogs you can use their cum to flood the sheath provide lube and mixed up with your pre cum your gonna have a nice slippers for entry..

Now comes to tricky part actually getting it in. Did you ever notice when you jack off your dog and open air and when they're knot goes down, the end of their sheath kind of turns inside out. You will encounter the same problem. You need to figure out the best way for inserting your penis into the sheath. The boy that I was able to talk I explored various methods and I will list what worked.

*******If you manage to have a sustained stiff erection that you can insert a level Force against an object in front of you without being deflected you can use both your hands with the dog standing too lightly open up the end of the sheath and try that way. I found while using that method that once you start getting inside the sheath you actually kind of want to use your hands to pull the sheath up onto your penis. Proceed from there depending on the dog.

********* Another method. Using the dogs semi erect penis as a follower. You begin this procedure by slightly masturbating the dog achieving a slight erection you stop with knot stimulation. From that point you place your penis directly on the end of the dog penis and slowly retract back into the sheath while you follow with him until you yourself are able to use your guiding hand to slide the opening of the sheath over your penis to begin.

Sometimes I was able to just get my tip just on the inside without any extra effort and slide into the sheath that way..

Size of dog definitely matters.. the root of the dogs penis, (area behind the knot) is an important erect penis measurement/comparison point.
If the dog has a restrictive opening. There is like going to be a line somewhere on the dog penis where the sheath settles to when the dog has a knot in sheath erection. Two restriction point can be found in those cases. One at the tip of the penis and typically one just in front of the knot.. look for those signs as well. If those restriction marks are present. They become your over size measurement points if you are at or larger than those restriction points..

It is up to you as the human interacting with the dog to properly gauge these things and interact in an ethical fashion to not cause injury this comfort or emotional distress to the dog.
I always find it very important to have a really good understanding of dog body language and behavior before starting any interaction sexually with a dog.
If you do not have experience handling and working with dogs to some level then I strongly encourage you to seek out interactions with dogs somewhere be it a dog park walking a trail going to a dog show or some other dog related activity volunteer at a shelter or even just visiting your shelter.
Get to know dogs before you even begin any sexual interaction with them.

Hopefully my advice here will help others having exciting alternate fun activity with their companions for the ones that are of course open to the activity.
I was too tired to read but it seems like you know what you're talking about. Can you create a guide? This post will get lost over time.
I spent my majority of my 30 plus years starting with frotting and docking. Doing that for 10ish years until life circumstances family death and whatnot I lost my access to the dogs that were in my life at the time
Obviously story goes on another 20 years. I have 4 dogs now.if circumstances were right.. I could take on several times more. But I'm trying knot to derail a thread here with all that..

That's my basis and experience with frotting and docking.. Nothing has really changed since I developed those ways of going about it.

Frotting that's a different writeup to it's own.. more dogs are open to frotting to some extent then they are open to docking.
I'd say that if you have a boy that likes to lie on his back on his own iniciative and love to have you rub belly, you are on a good start. If not, just do not try.

Then if you can slip a finger inside and move it around and he does not bat an eye or even thonk of moving, it is good too.

Then, if you go for it, be sure you do not *sit* on him and be attentive to any movement or noise indicating he has got enough.

Mine, I've tried a couple of times out of curiosity. He is totally fine for 1 and 2, but the moment you go at it, he just gets bored after a minute or two and walks away. 🤷

Also, there is nothing sexual in it for them, so be sure to at least give him good rubs, and if he looks interested in something sexual later give it to him just to be even. 😃

About safety:
I'd say even in medium sizes, sheath is big enough to fit (unless dog is engorged) That part looks fine.

But I remember back in Midnite, someone claimed he accidentally poked the bone tip into his urethra. Dog was fine but he said it was hell-o-pain.
I'd say that if you have a boy that likes to lie on his back on his own iniciative and love to have you rub belly, you are on a good start. If not, just do not try.

Then if you can slip a finger inside and move it around and he does not bat an eye or even thonk of moving, it is good too.

Then, if you go for it, be sure you do not *sit* on him and be attentive to any movement or noise indicating he has got enough.

Mine, I've tried a couple of times out of curiosity. He is totally fine for 1 and 2, but the moment you go at it, he just gets bored after a minute or two and walks away. 🤷

Also, there is nothing sexual in it for them, so be sure to at least give him good rubs, and if he looks interested in something sexual later give it to him just to be even. 😃

About safety:
I'd say even in medium sizes, sheath is big enough to fit (unless dog is engorged) That part looks fine.

But I remember back in Midnite, someone claimed he accidentally poked the bone tip into his urethra. Dog was fine but he said it was hell-o-pain.
You don't need the dog to be on their back. I primarily docked with the dog on all fours.
But I remember back in Midnite, someone claimed he accidentally poked the bone tip into his urethra. Dog was fine but he said it was hell-o-pain.
Oh yes it is.. other times it can be more erotic. Just depends on what happens when
You don't need the dog to be on their back. I primarily docked with the dog on all fours.
My aching back says "no!", but I did see such a video recently 😁

Also I admit I have no imagination when it comes to docking. I never even knew it could be a thing until I saw a video quite some time back. Was quite a wtf moment but I did not have a dog to check back then, so it ended in the bucket list for a long time.