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Imagine a wolf in your bed... 🐺

Dogs are descendants of wolves and my dog is beautiful. I do not even have to imagine it. :D
The dogs I like the most are wolfdogs, huskies and all those that look like a wolf.

I once read in a forum that the reason why many zoos prefer dogs that look like wolves is because in prehistoric times humans had sex with wolves and thus achieved a better bond with the animal.
The dogs I like the most are wolfdogs, huskies and all those that look like a wolf.
For obvious reasons those breeds are extremely beautiful and sexy.
Prehistoric wolf sex is not entirely out of the question. I do not think people in those times were particularly concerned with the ethics of bestiality. :D
I once read in a forum that the reason why many zoos prefer dogs that look like wolves is because in prehistoric times humans had sex with wolves and thus achieved a better bond with the animal.
Well, maybe this is what my cousin really means when he says we're part wolf!
For obvious reasons those breeds are extremely beautiful and sexy.
Prehistoric wolf sex is not entirely out of the question. I do not think people in those times were particularly concerned with the ethics of bestiality. :D
It would have been interesting to live in those days before Judeo-Christian morality came to haunt us. Imagine a world without "animal rights activists" judging us, and also that we still have the old pagan religions instead of Christianity that chases us to zoos as if we were Jews in the middle ages.
I am interested in mythological stories around the world. I think the most interesting mythological story I've come across belongs to the Turks. The name of the story is “the epic of the gray wolf”. In this epic, a war is told and as a result of this war, the warring Turkish tribe is killed. A boy survives, but they cut off his arms and legs and leave him, then a female gray wolf takes the boy to her cave, heals him and when he reaches puberty, female gray wolf mates with him and they have 10 children. Turks believe that their ancestry is based here. even nationalist Turks still use the sign of the gray wolf. 🤗
One of my fantasy is go for holiday abroad. In secluded hut in woods met a huge alpha male wolf who will be ready for mating, dominating me in bed. I would like to have sex with wolf so much in my life!
Gosh.. I have to write my own story about it! 👧🐺

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Out here in the American Mountain West, I have *ZERO* desire to think about a real wolf in my bed, as the real wolf packs have killed far too many animals around the location where I live.

On the other hand, I love the idea of a woman fucking a K9 stud snd look forward to watching at some point.
In the words on Jim Steinman...

On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?
I used to have a reoccurring dream I was a large wolf and stalking Red Riding Hood through the woods. She would stop at a clearing and undress and wait for me to show myself and fuck her. I hated the dream because I'd wake up horny and unable to sleep
On the other hand, I love the idea of a woman fucking a K9 stud snd look forward to watching at some point.
I think you're not a zoo, you're just a pervert who likes to see perverted women doing weird things with dogs. You are attracted to zoo women, and zoosexuality is attraction to animals, not women who fuck animals. This clearly shows that most of those who claim to be a zoo are not really one.
I think you're not a zoo, you're just a pervert who likes to see perverted women doing weird things with dogs. You are attracted to zoo women, and zoosexuality is attraction to animals, not women who fuck animals. This clearly shows that most of those who claim to be a zoo are not really one.
And that clearly shows that some Juan or other is full of mierde. You have a fantasy that you want to do a wolf....others do not. Sounds like your criticism is a personal problem....my way or hit El Camino, eh? Real wolves in the REAL world might eat you, but tell me, why would they remotely be interested in mating with you, niño? Even if you brought the alpha bitch raw meat, shed chew you first because the DEAD meat can't run away....Fantasy? Nooooo...Reality.
I think you're not a zoo, you're just a pervert who likes to see perverted women doing weird things with dogs. You are attracted to zoo women, and zoosexuality is attraction to animals, not women who fuck animals. This clearly shows that most of those who claim to be a zoo are not really one.
This comment had no place outside of the DF, little man.
We all carry a bit of the wolf inside us.
We do?....you must have gotten the part that dumps.
The dogs I like the most are wolfdogs, huskies and all those that look like a wolf.

I once read in a forum that the reason why many zoos prefer dogs that look like wolves is because in prehistoric times humans had sex with wolves and thus achieved a better bond with the animal.
More Mierde....and you bought it.
Imagine having a beautiful wolf next to you in bed, hug him affectionately and caress his genitals, penetrate him or let him penetrate you and one fills the other with cum, all before sleeping.
Oh Id Penetrate him all night and day. XD. Wolves are my biggest Fantasy and i Dream to fuck one.
Out here in the American Mountain West, I have *ZERO* desire to think about a real wolf in my bed, as the real wolf packs have killed far too many animals around the location where I live.

On the other hand, I love the idea of a woman fucking a K9 stud snd look forward to watching at some point.
Snooore. Lol
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Man. I wanna cuddle a wolf so bad. I've read that you can put your hand in their fur and it will sink away way deeper than you'd think!
Sure, they're hot as hell, but I bet that I could live satisfied just cuddling and hugging one.
I already have a wolfdog who sometimes shares my bed. I imagine a wolf would, like him, occasionally struggle with the warmth of lying in bed with a person. So for the sake of the imagined wolf, let's imagine a fan supplying a cooling breeze. ☺️
I don't have to imagine that, I have the closest thing to the real deal I could find.

Removed picture. One nasty DM about it was enough.
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Gosh.. I'm dreaming about mating with male strong wolf in bed, in forest, anywhere. I can let him hump on me and doing things that woman never did with wolf before 🥰
