If you ruled the World...

I’d obviously legalize zoophilia. Put a ban on keeping marine mammals in captivity, bring back vcr’s and video cassette, revive analog tv (because it was free), ban global large scale industrial fishing operations and only allow small scale individual fishing to preserve the ocean, anyone caught poaching will be severely punished, make Honey Comb cereal great again, and go back to cars from the 20’s-70’s (but making them environmentally friendly).
I would enjoy the company of as many mares as I could before someone inevitably assassinates me.
Legalize Zoophilia, ban fucking twilight, and anything having to do with "sexy" vampires, and force any fans of twilight to sit and watch The Strain from beginning to end. And...I don't know what else really, lol
Make zoophilia and interspecies sex legal, and then pass off the job to someone else. Definitely don't want to be in charge unless I can print myself an endless supply of money for me and my family for generations.
Imagine the level of outrage created by mandating that farm animals be treated with humanity and dignity. Being raised for food means existing for the purposes of killing as food stock (perhaps humanely - but largely not). My change upon the world would include a hard halt to the hypocrisy that cows/chickens/pigs are treated while as living beings