I told an owner to his face that his dog licked me when he wasn’t looking…

Hi! Hello and thanks for stopping in.

I have a sense of relief after coming back in contact with the guy whose dog licked me, my first and only time. Being able to tell him face to face, about it… and how it made me feel.
All true, all current events.

So last night (3/9/24) I told my first in life person about my fantasy.

The backstory about this person and my connection is as follows:

Over the summer, in around July or August I met this guy at a bar near a restaurant I was working at. I’m hanging out with some coworkers in the bar, post-shift and I remember this big white and orange pup coming my way. So he brings his dog with him into the bar, and he claimssss haha his dog “chose me” and is picky with people. Who knows if that’s true or just a pick up line. (Fast forward being what I’m into now, and remembering him telling me that made me wonder… is he into his dog with women?…. I need to know) So anyways, I end up getting pretty drunk.. and end up going back with him to his apartment. He was interested in me once him and his dog initially came my way in the bar. We end up doing some blow so I’m pretty blasted haha. We were in his bedroom, and I went in the back room to look for something, I believe my bags may have been in there as well as to why I went back there in the first place. I am naked as I’m walking around the apartment looking for who knows what. I bend over and stick my hands in the couch to find whatever it is I’m looking for, and that’s when I felt a warm rugged tongue and I’m like … oh my god wtf lmao. So I shoo him away a bit, but then I kinda bend over in his face some more… I was very perplexed with my actions in sticking my ass in this dogs face now, wanting him to lick me but not totally because I was blasted and I’m always horny so it felt fun at the time. Can’t remember if I found what I was looking for, but I went back to bed… and didn’t think too much on it.. until last month, this February and someone on Reddit told me they were into zoo and then I started watching videos and found this forum, like the 6th day of February so we’re only just a month in haha.

Fast forward to last night. I had been drinking, and my period had just came off… and although this fantasy still being very new.. I want what I want and to move with intention.

Me and this individual lost connection for no specific reason, I probably just distanced myself… anyway I decide to send him a text, see if he answers and continue to go from there. I text him… he responds.
I ask him, what all does he have going on tonight and he says nothing. If I want to come over and get a drink downstairs that we should, so I’m feeling great. I mentioned his dog a few times, but I don’t think he knew actually why, which he didn’t. I do an at home wax (hoping his dog will be allowed to lick me later)

I make my way into the city, to the bar and everything is good vibes. Nothing is really awkward, but we are both somewhat awkward haha. We don’t stay at the bar too long, being it’s late and the bar was closing sooner than expected because of day light savings and the clocks going forward.
We go upstairs and I get to see his beautiful puppy. I was so excited, the owner claimed he remembers me and missed me and that would be sweet if it’s true. I was wearing a bucket hat and puppy’s owner put it on puppy’s head and he looked soooo adorable with my stylish little hat on.
He kept his dog in the back room because he said his puppy would get jealous and/or be all over me, so he wanted to spend alone time with me without his dog haha.

We get into bed, and we’re chatting, drinking, teasing.. and he keeps asking so why did you really text me? And he had been asking me that multiple times throughout the night and I would giggle and avoid it every time… but I just kept sighing trying to find my words… until I just said “well the last time I was here… your dog licked me on accident and I kind of liked it but didn’t think about it again until last month when someone told me they were into seeing dogs with women…and now I am interested in it too, in being with a dog.” He then got really silent. After some seconds, he said “soo does anyone else know this.” I respond “not in real life.” He says “so like online?” “kinda yeah.” He’s says “oh so some kind of online community?” (Shout outs to you all)

I can see him trying to wrap his head around the information I just shared. He seemed to go back and forth a bit, probably just trying to get a better understanding. He then mentioned all the messages from earlier asking about his dog made more sense to him, haha. As in will his dog be joining us at the bar, is he home, etc haha. He asked me something along the lines of well why would you want or need him to do it opposed to me, and I tried to explain it’s not a competition. He responds that his pup nor him will be competing for me.. haha, I assured him that’s not the case, it’s just a different sensation that I enjoy, given the opportunities to feel it… I would want to. He even asked me to pull up videos to show him what I was talking about, but I was behaving very bashfully in that moment and couldn’t bring myself too. He also asked if I wanted him to bring his pup into the room or if I wanted to go in the back room alone with him. I think he was teasing, I said no but of course I wanted to say yes… hellllloooo that’s why I’m here, but that could have been a lot for the both of us, especially after me just confessing to him.
After that we basically cuddled and giggled .. I heard him on a porn website I wonder if he was trying to find what I was explaining..

Anyway I didn’t get a totallly disgusted or repulsed reaction, so I think that’s a good sign. He mentioned consent in this scenario so again at least he’s thinking and not barfing, but that’s where he doesn’t seem for it because he believes the dog can’t give consent so it’s wrong. He’s asking questions versus immediately shutting me down so maybe this is a good sign.

However, he had something to attend today with his family. Last night before I told him about his pup, we kind of flirted with the idea of me staying in the apartment while he’s doing his family activity.
Before we cuddled and went to bed he let me know that he wasn’t comfortable with the idea of me and his dog alone :( and that I can’t have a relationship with his dog :(
but this morning he told me he was letting his dog loose out of the back room and to control myself… I asked him was he talking to me and he said yes and we both giggled.. so for me it’s hard to call where things can and will go.

I really feel a sense of relief in letting the owner of the dog who’s only ever licked me know it happened.

He texted me sometime after his family outting so at least he’s still communicating with me…

we shall see if this will go anywhere … and where they will go.
but baby steps! I am proud of myself for my honesty though so I’m buzzing about that haha.

PM me to talk about this exchange further!
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