I think my parents knew I was zoo

Thinking back on it, I think my parents may have seen the signs. My mom once caught me being overly lovey-dovey with a dog we had; just hugging and kissing her like there was no tomorrow. I tried to play it off.

My mom had a digital camera where I would sometimes record myself with another dog. I was sure to always delete those pictures. If I missed one, she never said anything.

I used to use my dad's computer to look at zoo porn. He wasn't very tech savvy, but with the amount of porn I was looking at, I wonder if he ever picked up on it.

Once, one of our dogs got pregnant. My dad started making jokes about how the puppies were gonna come out looking like me. I remember thinking to myself, "That's an odd thing to joke about..."

And my mom, well, she always knew things about me. Like, her maternal instincts are uncanny. Now that I think about it, the possibility is there.
Thinking back on it, I think my parents may have seen the signs. My mom once caught me being overly lovey-dovey with a dog we had; just hugging and kissing her like there was no tomorrow. I tried to play it off.

My mom had a digital camera where I would sometimes record myself with another dog. I was sure to always delete those pictures. If I missed one, she never said anything.

I used to use my dad's computer to look at zoo porn. He wasn't very tech savvy, but with the amount of porn I was looking at, I wonder if he ever picked up on it.

Once, one of our dogs got pregnant. My dad started making jokes about how the puppies were gonna come out looking like me. I remember thinking to myself, "That's an odd thing to joke about..."

And my mom, well, she always knew things about me. Like, her maternal instincts are uncanny. Now that I think about it, the possibility is there.
Obviously it's a hard topic to discuss with non-zoos let alone your parents.
Do you get along with them? If you don't mind me asking
Kinda. We don't talk very often, but stuff is usually pretty good when we do. I'd never bring up the zoo thing, though.
Well of course not! ;)
I was using my mom's laptop for business (work) a few weeks ago and forgot to sign out of my gmail. All of my bookmarks were thete, sign in history you name it.
Thankfully she hardly uses it and never brought anything up but I was traumatized over the fact that she'd see how much of a deviant I am.

I'll never make that mistake again
I had my dad walk in on me when i was busy with the dog, he told mom but they stated later that i was a curious teen... and then it was legal anyway. my brothers knew, so i should be happy i came from a openminded family.

That sounds kinda wholesome, honestly. I'm glad it worked out for you! My family is super Catholic, so I don't know how they wouldve reacted if they had to confront it.
its all ok - but the you cant have grandchildren with the furry ones
That would be a concern for my mother, but luckily a sibling of mine supplied some grandchildren already who are enough little ones for my parents to handle. So I am free from that burden. :)
I'm mostly sure that my parents never knew. I almost got busted a couple of times but they never said anything or acted like they suspected. In the end if they never make an issue of it it's all the same
Once, one of our dogs got pregnant. My dad started making jokes about how the puppies were gonna come out looking like me. I remember thinking to myself, "That's an odd thing to joke about..."

My dad used to joke about it too, but in front of other people. When a relative or a family friend ask if I had a girlfriend, he answered before me "Yes, he has his female dog". It was very uncomfortable every single of the at least twenty times he did that "joke"...

Also every time he found a related article about zoophilia (mostly sadistic) he read it loudly while having lunch or dinner. I just put poker face and make like didn't care.

I was never caught red handed, but very close to it, with difficult to believe situations, like covering my nakedness with a towel and telling them I was just about to take a shower, while the smell was hard to not notice... (probably that happened at least 10 times, between my dad and mom).

But at least they don't want to become grandparents, so no pressure on that side xD.
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Lol, my dad used to maj

My dad used to joke about it too, but in front of other people. When a relative or a family friend ask if I had a girlfriend, he answered before me "Yes, he has his female dog". It was very uncomfortable every single of the at least twenty times he did that "joke"...

I was never caught red handed, but very close to it, with difficult to believe situations, like covering my nakedness with a towel and telling them I was just about to take a shower, while the smell was hard to not notice... (probably that happened at least 10 times, between my dad and mom).

Yeah that's really unsettling lol. I'd be paranoid up the wazoo about why he's joking about it so much.

Do you mean the smell of you masturbating or the post-sex with animal smell?
My parents used to joke about me having my little sheep (I grew up in rural Argentina and it's a common saying that the farmer fucks his sheep) because I never brought a girlfriend home or anything like that.

My dad eventually found out but my mom didn't. If she knew that I was fucking one of the dogs, she would've gone totally ape shit. There were clues about me being careless like bed sheets stained with heat blood, vaginal smell that stenched the room, etc.

She did joke a few times about my girl being my girlfriend because of the way she used to act (always by my side, never leaving my room if I wasn't home, waiting for me on the bathroom mat while I was showering, etc) but I'm very sure she would've never suspected that she really was my girlfriend back then.
The fact that my abusive twat of a mother declared once that she wished she had a "human being for a son" and the fact that both of my parents were absolutely convinced that I was a violent psychopath bound for either a mental hospital or life imprisonment is all the evidence I really need that they probably know that I am at least non-standard in various inclinations. My father has gradually become apologetic toward me, and the last thing my mother said to me was to remark on the fact that I was not eating much meat anymore by grumbling, "Yeah, you always did get weird food fetishes."

My mother never quite forgave me for having weird food addictions when I was a kid. She claims that she gained a lot of weight because I would demand Spaghetti-O's with meatballs when I was a kid but always picked out the meatballs. The logic of it, for me, was that the meatballs acted as a thickening agent, kind of like a ham hock or a pig's foot, but I found the texture of the meat itself to be sort of nauseating. Without the meatballs, the sauce was acidic and runny and therefore bothered my stomach. That thickening agent made the stuff a lot easier on my stomach. If you think about it for a while, it makes an amazing amount of logical sense, but during that seemingly bizarre but oddly logical phase of my life, she developed a deeply entrenched opinion that I was a contrary, troublesome pain in the ass that was apparently put into this world for no purpose whatsoever besides to confuse her constantly and drive her absolutely berserk.

They already know that I am weird, and I don't think that I would change their opinion even slightly if they found out I was a pro-zoophile activist. They would just chalk it up to the fact that I am, in spite of being quite scrupulously peaceful and respectful toward other people's property and absolutely straightforward, unerringly appalling in most other respects.
Thinking back on it, I think my parents may have seen the signs. My mom once caught me being overly lovey-dovey with a dog we had; just hugging and kissing her like there was no tomorrow. I tried to play it off.

My mom had a digital camera where I would sometimes record myself with another dog. I was sure to always delete those pictures. If I missed one, she never said anything.

I used to use my dad's computer to look at zoo porn. He wasn't very tech savvy, but with the amount of porn I was looking at, I wonder if he ever picked up on it.

Once, one of our dogs got pregnant. My dad started making jokes about how the puppies were gonna come out looking like me. I remember thinking to myself, "That's an odd thing to joke about..."

And my mom, well, she always knew things about me. Like, her maternal instincts are uncanny. Now that I think about it, the possibility is there.
If you never cleared the search history then he may have come across some links to what you watched.
Thinking back on it, I think my parents may have seen the signs. My mom once caught me being overly lovey-dovey with a dog we had; just hugging and kissing her like there was no tomorrow. I tried to play it off.

My mom had a digital camera where I would sometimes record myself with another dog. I was sure to always delete those pictures. If I missed one, she never said anything.

I used to use my dad's computer to look at zoo porn. He wasn't very tech savvy, but with the amount of porn I was looking at, I wonder if he ever picked up on it.

Once, one of our dogs got pregnant. My dad started making jokes about how the puppies were gonna come out looking like me. I remember thinking to myself, "That's an odd thing to joke about..."

And my mom, well, she always knew things about me. Like, her maternal instincts are uncanny. Now that I think about it, the possibility is there.
Your dad sounds awesome. I wish my parents would joke about it. Both of them just stare at me like waiting for a confession when someone says anything about “loving animals” or horses. And being a very expressive guy doesn't help me one bit ^^.
I was alone with my father once, we were having an argument (that I don't remember what is was about), and he asked me all of a sudden if I was having sex with the dog, I denied it, and it was true since the most we did was licking and masturbation.

I think the rest of my family must suspect, the have seen me overly affective with my female dog, and hugging while sleeping with her.
Yeah that's really unsettling lol. I'd be paranoid up the wazoo about why he's joking about it so much.

Do you mean the smell of you masturbating or the post-sex with animal smell?

A mix of both xD

Yeah I used to be more paranoid, but not as much now that I haven't been practicing it in the last few years. But what I can do about it? I don't even talk about sex or relations with my parents (my father didn't even give me "the talk" when I was a teenager), so I became extremely reserved.

My parents used to joke about me having my little sheep (I grew up in rural Argentina and it's a common saying that the farmer fucks his sheep) because I never brought a girlfriend home or anything like that.

My dad eventually found out but my mom didn't. If she knew that I was fucking one of the dogs, she would've gone totally ape shit. There were clues about me being careless like bed sheets stained with heat blood, vaginal smell that stenched the room, etc.

She did joke a few times about my girl being my girlfriend because of the way she used to act (always by my side, never leaving my room if I wasn't home, waiting for me on the bathroom mat while I was showering, etc) but I'm very sure she would've never suspected that she really was my girlfriend back then.

I thought she know about it, since she did go totally ape shit about it for what you told in your story.


It could've gotten much worse. Her apeshitness came from me not following her "strict orders" (as if I was her soldier or something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) on how to take care of the dogs (when in reality they didn't obey her when I was around)
Oof, haha.. I think I was too careless with my internet history as a youngun' because I remember at one point my dad was watching TV and when a nature documentary came on he exclaimed to me (I was walking by) how "Some sick people only watch animal documentaries to see animals fuck!" and I was like.. "Like.. who?" and he answered "I don't know, just.. some people!" I asked "So.. what about it" and he just grumbled non-words and I retreated to my room confused.
Documentaries, especially the animal ones had been my passion since I was like 4 years old.. for as long as I can remember and as long as I could just express with my body and words I like to watch them. I wanted to see every single movie and documentary off the TV which would show the lives of animals. So I didn't get it - I didn't watch documentaries to see animals fucking! I've had an interest in watching those shows since I became a conscious being :D
So it didn't really affect my self-image negatively like I bet he wished to do.

Nowadays I feel a bit hurt he thought that way of me and my interests. Being so overly paranoid of me just ogling animals "like that" and being.. desperate to see animals fucking or something??? I can just google it, dad, lol.

It also explains why at one point I told my parents "I can't believe people get bored of their dogs! Our dog has been with us for five years now and I still love her just as much!" and my parents didn't say anything, they just became really awkward and avoided me, drifting away from my vicinity while avoiding eye contact. I thought they were super weird for acting that way, but I feel like I know why now lol. They must've talked about it privately with each other. Mom never brought this subject out like my dad kinda did with that documentary comment.

Funny thing, since I abstined from having sexual relations with animals until I was 19-21 years old anyway. I was shamed even though I was trying so hard to stay vigilant. Proves that you have to live your life as you wish and not as others would like you to live, they'll never be happy anyway lol