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How common do you think Zoophilia actually is?


I was just wondering how common is this? Like it's a taboo and very hard/akward topic to bring up or have a conversation in the real world.

Most have to hide the fact they are into it and have to act being disgusted by it in the real world.

But makes you wonder, how many people around us actually into it. 🤔
I can presume that bestiality (the sexual act itself) used to be VERY common since humanity began with agriculture until the Industrial Revolution. A big part of it could be that agricultural life was solitary, the only connections you had were your own family members. Very little information is shared between communities because there was literally no media back then. There are no statistics if bestiality was actually been tried at all outside of written text or art. You could be completely alone for months. survive on resources you have gathered/farmed independently and your closest neighbor probably lived far away. As a result, you are isolated from human contact. The nearest things you could release your sexual urges upon which you also had emotional affection for are your own farm animals. That would lead to the driving force behind it, puberty.

As your body is developing and raging hormones are triggering your libido, you start to experiment with your body. That kind of exploration can be done with animals that are willing to mate. Being penetrated by an aroused animal could very painful or be extremely pleasurable which will upfill your deep desire for sexual stimulation, and no one else is there at the present to get you caught. These repeated sexual acts will develop into zoophilia eventually and that could have the goto for sexual partners among lonely people of both genders (if incest isn't taken into account). Zoophilia could easily be taboo back then too, but it might be much easier to get away with it. As bestiality has been known to be practiced ever since humans have domesticated animals, but it could have peaked after agriculture started when people stopped migrated in groups and we were closer to docile animals that are safe to interact with. Zoophilia could be the definition of the "open secret" back then.

Since the world has been industrialized, the tables have been turned and we obviously know why. People moved to towns/cities there people live close by, information spread like rapid-fire between people, globalism, and most importantly, the options for sexual activity is much more diverse today. You have the common porn, sex toys, niche internet communities, and even lonely people who can still "get it" with the proper social skills required. Zoophilia is surprisingly more niche today than what it could have been for 10.000 years ago, this is why this forum exists.
Hard to say, lots of people with this tend to stay in the shadows, so theres no real way to get a good number. My guess would be around the 2% range, but I'm pulling that number out of thin air and making an educated guess haha
I was just wondering how common is this? Like it's a taboo and very hard/akward topic to bring up or have a conversation in the real world.

Most have to hide the fact they are into it and have to act being disgusted by it in the real world.

But makes you wonder, how many people around us actually into it. 🤔

I think many who live on farms or grew up on farms are into it. And yes they have to hide it. Kinsey did a study, he claimed 50% of men on farms has had at least tried sex with animals.
I think it is very common, but totally on the down low due to religious zealots and animal rights activists. I know that women being fucked by dogs is very common across the world. There are actually dog brothels that exist to serve women, many who are from high society and prominent women like entertainers and actresses.
“The Kinsey Reports rated the percentage of people who had sexual interaction with animals at some point in their lives as 8% for men and 3.6% for women, and claimed it was 40–50% in people living near farms...”

The rate of occurrence of bestiality (the physical act) varies greatly by ease of access to animals, especially large animals. The Kinsey Reports were done in the 40’s and 50’s but I would wager it’s still double digits for folks raised in very rural areas...

Zoophilia, the emotional attraction towards animals, is probably even more prevalent. Likely only a small fraction ever make love to their animals though. The idea of having sex with animals just isn’t really considered by most humans and most of those who do consider it are held back by societal norms.

Just my ponderings.
people who wanna have sex with animals: probably around like 3-4%

zoophiles: probably about 0.3%

people can never seem to understand the difference between wanting to have sex with animals and being a zoophile
Not common, but WAY more common than most people would think. And females are WAY WAY more receptive than straight men. Gay men seem MUCH more receptive than straight men. May in fact be more receptive to zoo than females of any kind. But, that's based on my own personal experiences and is in no way backed up by any science.
I think it is very common, but totally on the down low due to religious zealots and animal rights activists. I know that women being fucked by dogs is very common across the world. There are actually dog brothels that exist to serve women, many who are from high society and prominent women like entertainers and actresses.
where r these?
I have wondered how common it was back in the days of the Cowboy. I mean those guys were out on the trail for months ata time. They had to get very lonely. Not too mention very horny. I am guessing that back then it was quite common, yet probably just as today, not talked about.
I was thinking how common are we? I googled it and all the research is kinda old. It’s says like 3% of men and even less in Women. I’ve heard zoo is kinda big in Germany but idk
The best guesstimate, as the OP noticed, varies by source, some saying as low as 1.5% of the population, others as high as 3%, with one summary I saw years ago saying that it could be as high as 7 or 8%, though I'm not convinced that one didn't include a whole lot of wishful thinking. There's no real was of telling for sure whether ANY of those numbers are anything like accurate, though, and it shouldn't be too difficult for someone to figure out why that might be if they give it even a little bit of thought.

Then there's the question of "What do *YOU* consider "zoo" to mean?" The gal that got a tounge-slurp from the family dog once when she was a kid? The one that routinely lets her lab breed her? The other one over there that uses a dog cock as a dildo for "perverted" porn? The guy who "rubbed one out" while standing next to a sheep, and spooged on its butt when he was 13? The other guy who lets dogs fuck him in the ass? Or maybe the one who just thinks a cow pussy makes a great place to put his cock and squirt his load? The guy who married his horse? Something else?

It might seem like a simple question, and it really is, in a way, but trying to find a solid answer is a *REAL* deep dive into the ol' rabbit hole. Kinda like somebody handing you a 400 digit long number and expecting you to find the two prime numbers P and Q that got multiplied together to make it. Seems simple, but when you sit down and actually try to do it, you find that it's hard as hell.
This is going to be a regional thng.
Numbers will be high in say, South America compared to the UAE, for example.
I was once looking for "alternate sexuality" stats and found little to nothing concrete on zoo, but did find a few university studies that said 12% of relationships did include at one time in their lives, sibling incest in .ca land *shrug*
3% of the host population this is calculated on the lowest figures.

If one assumes that the lowest measurements are correct, it is 70 million people.

It can be anywhere from 3% to 15% because no country has made any 100% measurements of the population so no one can know
This is going to be a regional thng.
Numbers will be high in say, South America compared to the UAE, for example.
I was once looking for "alternate sexuality" stats and found little to nothing concrete on zoo, but did find a few university studies that said 12% of relationships did include at one time in their lives, sibling incest in .ca land *shrug*
those numbers might be higher in south america if you consider someone dipping his dick in a donkey just because she's available a zoo
i think the number of actual zoosexuals (meaning ppl for whom it's their sexual orientation and not something to "up their kinklist" or "animal pussy is easy sex") is really really low... at least it doesn't seem like there's that many of "us" even here on this forum, a place where "we" should be concentrated the most.
Indeed the question is what zoosexuality actually is. It is also difficult to make an estimate because usually the only cases society learns about are those of people being caught (be it during fence hopping, or through causing injury).

Finally, there is a difference between having sex with an animal to prove one's sexual readiness (the donkey in Latin America comes to mind) and having sex with that very same donkey because you want her rather than a human partner.
wow thanks for all the replies and i guess my question was more like how many people in the world have there pets as lovers? Like what %
Indeed hard to tell, you will never know what people do behind closed doors, i bet it's bigger than we all know and there are a lot off people participating it than there are on sites like zooville and others, i do believe there are a lot of people that did at least try something even it's only licking or do have some fantasies iff they see a red rocket coming out of a sheat, the biggest thing is they are told/teached it's wrong to think about this stuff.
Indeed hard to tell, you will never know what people do behind closed doors, i bet it's bigger than we all know and there are a lot off people participating it than there are on sites like zooville and others, i do believe there are a lot of people that did at least try something even it's only licking or do have some fantasies iff they see a red rocket coming out of a sheat, the biggest thing is they are told/teached it's wrong to think about this stuff.
and the total STILL averages about 3-4 percent overall have had SOME contact even if only once. Kinsey, M&J and Krafft-Ebbing all show a similar figure, and numbers dont lie. Youre strolling through an Orchard....why are you surprised that all you can smell is apples?

As people said, the first problem is your definition: What counts as that? Someone who did it once? Did it once because he wanted it, or because he was horny and this was the only option? Someone who can get off to the porn? Someone who lives exclusively with an animal as a life partner?

Depending on that, the percentage is going to vary wildy. 'Being able' to get off (at least once) on horse/women porn is going to be 50% of the populace, very coarsely. That's going to be the largest possible percentage. Exclusively living together and having sex with an animal as a "married" partner is probably going to be 0.0001 to 0.00001% of the populace. That is coarsely going to be the smallest possible percentage or order of magnitude thereof.
Those are my estimates. Depending on your definition, pick between that. But you likely should stick to the very small numbers.

A few observations: In general, the "zoo" population seems to be extremely skewed to the young generations. The cohorts appear distributed - to me - like Zipfs law, with those aged 16 to 18 making up a majority. And pretty much all male. After that, the "dropout" rate is really high.
This indicates - kill me - that for most this is an option they stray to to avoid women but they are still horny. So what to do? Be it that they are too shy, socially awkward and similar. The older they become, the more they get over their shyness and similar and settle in "more normal" relationships.
Just something to consider in the "what is zoo" definition.

Another thing: Kinsey is quite outdated, and the "accessibility" to farm animals has gone down a lot since then. You know adolescent boys, don't you? If the parents have a few cows on the family farm, you just know they'll stick it in there, because teens are horny as hell and every hole is a goal.
The percentage of people who live and work on farms is almost negligible nowadays. In Kinseys time, it was still a large portion of the populace.
This could be worked with both ways: Maybe we would need to correct a nowadays-number up. Nowadays teens/people are still born zoos, but don't have the means to 'live like that' as they are all stuck in cities. OR: maybe we need to correct the old Kinsey number down, cause fewer people were "real zoos", but the opportunities were so plentyful, even "non-zoos" did it.

To support both paragraphs: People do "settle" with things or poke around not knowing what they really like, don't they? You can see it microscopically here when zoos report they like horses but live with dogs - not everyone has the money for a horse, so second option it is.
And you can see it with the masses of "secretly-gay" people who have entire families because "that was expected of them".

Just for perspective: Here Demographics of sexual orientation - Wikipedia is a collection of mostly self-identification studies, and there 1% to 10% of the populace says they are "fully" gay/lesbian.
There is no way in my mind that there is more than a tenth as many zoos as there are gays/lesbians. Far less. Because otherwise where the fuck is everyone? Running around in public in a "free" country you will run into someone who pings "gay" eventually. If there were as many zoos, where are they? Riding stables would look a lot different, considering that due to the need to keep horses there, they all needed to bunch up at those locations.
If Kinsey( and the others) is outdated, and farm animal access is far less, that SHRINKS the numbers it wont increase them. Fewer youngsters seeing animals doing the deed means fewer going active. 3 percent tops