How are You?

It's a combination of bad and very sexy memories; the sex was awesome, but the breakups were traumatizing. Now, all 3 of them are leading very happy lives, and I'm here left behind...alone.
Got myself checked in at the clinic today; got the flu shot and got myself tested for Covid-19. So far, no results yet.
Feeling exhausted. Very physically demanding day at work and then I had the bright idea to do a hike afterwords. Then I had to walk the dogs...

Currently collapsed into my lawn chair enjoying a beer next to the fire pit with the dogs and enjoying the beautiful view. Not sure whether to get up and make dinner or open this other beer somebody left next to me...
Had my spirits lifted just a someone finally responded to my DMs. The downside's on a dating site, completely unrelated to zoo.
You know that stabbing pain you get in your side when you exert yourself? I’m feeling that right now because I’m most way through a mountain hike.

Pretty cool I can complain about hiking from the top of a mountain though. Isn’t technology great?