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Hi I'm zoosceptic and I got couple of questions

You done good job with that reply.
I think of animals as innocent cause of todays lack of connection to nature. I mean in nature all sort of bad things happen, like fight for food or rapes in species. Today's dogs are risen as sweet bois :3 and they are meant to be emotional. To be pet hugged and not to fight. Today's animals has even some kind morality, because they are able to feel guilty when they done something bad, like breaking furniture or shoes.

I see where you’re coming from. However, I do disagree with dogs being able to feel guilt. I’ve seen a few studies on this, actually. Here’s an example of what I mean: Dogs don’t usually feel guilty until their person comes home upset to see a wrecked furniture. No, the dog feels bad because they know they did something to upset their owner, and they don’t like upsetting their owner. They don’t feel guilty for wrecking the couch, but they know they did something their owner didn’t like. It’s like the difference between “I’m sorry I upset you” and “I’m sorry for wrecking the couch”. They only give you the “guilty look” to change your response towards them.

Long story short: Dogs don’t feel guilt, they imitate it.

Domesticated animals do tend to be sweeter, yes. However, that doesn’t mean their instincts or abilities should be underestimated.

I personally think of dogs as similar to psychopaths (I know that sounds bad, hear me out, lmao): They can’t feel some of the emotions most people do such as guilt, but they can still be loving, sweet, and average human beings. They just need some extra guidance on how the rest of the world around them lives differently. They can imitate the emotions, but they’ll never truly feel them. Like psychopaths, dogs can become dangerous if they’re not given proper care and guidance. Understanding how their minds work is the first step to understanding the best way to help them.

Also, even if dogs did feel guilt, that wouldn’t really be a problem when talking about sex. Unlike in the human world, dogs don’t have taboo subjects or stigma. There aren’t dogs that shame and ridicule other dogs for humping fire hydrants. It’s that ridicule element that psychologically affects humans when they commit a taboo act. Dogs don’t have that social stigma element. They’re free of those boundaries.
You done good job with that reply.
I think of animals as innocent cause of todays lack of connection to nature. I mean in nature all sort of bad things happen, like fight for food or rapes in species. Today's dogs are risen as sweet bois :3 and they are meant to be emotional. To be pet hugged and not to fight. Today's animals has even some kind morality, because they are able to feel guilty when they done something bad, like breaking furniture or shoes.

Thanks :gsd_happysmile:

I think the perceived innocence they have is a thing humans see but is not really innocence, they can certainly feel love but I think shame is an emotion that humans kind of made rather then a base natural emotion. As an example a human would feel shame if they wet them selves but a dog or a horse just goes when they need to go, or a human might be shamed for sleeping with lots of people but for a animal that is a sign of success.
Thanks :gsd_happysmile:

I think the perceived innocence they have is a thing humans see but is not really innocence, they can certainly feel love but I think shame is an emotion that humans kind of made rather then a base natural emotion. As an example a human would feel shame if they wet them selves but a dog or a horse just goes when they need to go, or a human might be shamed for sleeping with lots of people but for a animal that is a sign of success.
Animal has different standards. They might be ashamed of something other that is not so obvious. I don't know what could it be, but I like the idea of considering animal as feeling being.
that's a strawman followed by a slippery slope.
It would be lie to say no. To this point I didn't find any reasonable argument against zoosexuality, other than social stress. I will still look for the anwsers tho. Never stop question every time you ask something you gather new knowledge. You only need to remember to use logic and always be objective and you will find truth.
Give the pronoun-triggeried-snowflake crap a break, wouldja? "It" is a perfectly acceptable use when speaking of a generic/unspecified, perhaps unknown, perhaps even purely hypothetical, critter, especially when it isn't specified (or possibly even known) what its sex is.

Y'know, as in "If I get a dog, will it do thing X?" (A hypothetical dog that one is contemplating getting, but doesn't even know for sure exists, never mind what its sex might be) "If the horse I'm going to ride is brown and I fall off, will it fade into the desert like camouflage and get lost?" (likewise, an unknown horse that might be male or female - or might not even exist) "That dog had something wrong with it - it could barely walk." (Dunno what the sex is - only that it was a dog, and it apparently had difficulty getting around)
I didn't say i was triggered did i? I even said please, so why are you so ofended by me asking to call animals as if they were living beings and not things?
This was going to be a more longwinded message but i dont think i give enough fucks.

Have a nice one
I didn't say i was triggered did i? I even said please, so why are you so ofended by me asking to call animals as if they were living beings and not things?
This was going to be a more longwinded message but i dont think i give enough fucks.

Have a nice one
No NEED to say you were triggered - That's self-evident. After all, only a triggered snowflake would bother to even mention the concept at all - saying they're triggered would be a waste of breath that could be better (in the snowflake's mind, anyway) used on throwing a hissy-fit while trying to earn a Karen merit badge.
No veterinarian could honestly say that what my girl and I do has ever caused physical harm, even if they examined her immediately afterwards. Emotional harm? One could argue. I will say though that everybody who has ever met my dogs has commented on how happy they seem.
Same goes for me. With having a pack of 6 dogs and absolutely no health issues with them, all well socialized and extremely happy. A dozen comments every day about people telling me they know for a fact that all of my dogs know how lucky they are to be living under my woof.
No NEED to say you were triggered - That's self-evident. After all, only a triggered snowflake would bother to even mention the concept at all - saying they're triggered would be a waste of breath that could be better (in the snowflake's mind, anyway) used on throwing a hissy-fit while trying to earn a Karen merit badge.
Dude, give it a rest, i asked nicely and i would've been just fine if he said no, the only triggered person here seems to be you
Move to DF now?? It'll go toxic for sure now. It was actually a thread I had great interest in following but yeah no, not now.
First of all I'm not toxic in any way. It may sound like I'd like to kill everyone here or something, but I'm here to have talk not to attack.
I've red a bit about your community and I understand the relation between the animal and the person. The relation may look natural at the first look, but I discovered myself that, if we decide that having sex with animals is valid on the base of these arguments:
-Animal has own sexuality
-Animal gives consent by non-verbal signs
-Animal is able to feel satisfaction out of sexual intercourse
Then we might say same about kids that are as little as 10.
The age of sexual maturity in humans is set by convention to be either 15, 18 or 21. I reality the organism is physically sexually mature before that. I do not know whether 10 years is the correct age a human usually becomes physically and mentally capable of being involved in sex and relationship and understand it fully, I doubt that.

An animal on the other hand like an average dog reaches sexual maturity both mental and physical and is fully capable of procreation at about 6 months to 2 years. At that time the dog is fully developed and capable of understanding sexual behavior.
No zoophile would knowingly engage in sex with an animal that is not sexually mature. That does not mean that some people do not do it though.
But you can not compare zoo to pedo. The partners involved in these two things are not comparable.

I mean that not always the thing that animal wants is good for it. If you ever happen to give some animal some food treat you know what I mean. Therefore sexual interactions with animals may create issues similar to those that are done by pedophilia or sexaddiction. Animal may develop broken sexuality or have other mental or physical disorders.
Animal raised in captivity with no interaction with members of their own species have been observed to be mentally damaged and have difficulties socializing with their own species. This is not the case for dogs for example. My dog for example knows very well how to mount a female dog despite having sex with me pretty much from the time he became interested in sex. In my experience dog know very well that a human is not a dog and they treat humans and dogs very differently including sexual behavior.

How do protect your animal from negative that impact of sex?
I started having sex with my dog when he showed interest in mounting things which happened at 8 months or sometime around that. Since then he was able to mate with a female dog and continues to be extremely interested in female dogs despite having sex with me all the time. He also behaves differently when asking a dog for sex then me.

How do you prevent abuse from happening?

How do you protect animals from abusers when they won't tell you that something bad is happening or they rarely have contact with people other than owner, such as stable animals?
I do not have access to any such animals.