Hi I’m Little

Hey this is my first time getting into beastiality too! If you want to chat I am always available. I really want to explore this lifestyle more, so meeting more like minded individuals are always welcome!
Hi everyone!

Just saying a quick hello.
Im new here but so far everyone’s been really nice and welcoming.
I love finding a community that understands a part of myself I’ve only started to actively explore (research, accept, understand). It’s nice to not have to hide this part of me for once. It’s even better to know I’m not alone.

Anyway, I’m 27f, a piscis, and from Canada.

If you wanna know more about me check out my “about” page section 🌲🐈🧜‍♀️

PM if you ever wanna chat. I’ll be around :)
Altho I am late but hello and welcome. Hope you are enjoying it here 😊