Have you told anyone about being into zoophlia?

Never. I almost did once. I was about to tell my gf at the time that I had sex with a animal. Only because I thought having her join would be awesome. But when I said "I fucked a" her eyes got huge. I wish I could share with someone but it's too dangerous.
The few people who know are the ones who got me into it and that's already enough people to share it with.
Do you mind me asking how they got you into it?

Did you accidentally find out and confront them? ...or was it more playfully hinted at until you showed interest?
Yup old contacts from years ago made on Bf.
But id never drop it of the sleeve to somone how i never meet through a community of simialiar minds like this one.
Im bat S##t mad but even ive got my limatations 😋
I have told two women in person and it wasn't the right thing to do either time, but it wasn't a disaster. Neither were someone I thought would have a strong adverse reaction but I hoped they may have similar kinks.
I’ve definitely kept it very private from people I know IRL. A total of three guys I have told. One surprised me a lot when I confessed to it. He admitted he was curious. We spoke a lot about it before trying it in person. He actually bought a dog to become closer to me, sexually. We had some fun but then things got weird. We’re still friends but yeah, a lot changed. Some great memories though ☺️
If you want to tell people in IRL maybe choose carefully who you tell, tell those you can trust and feel comfortable with.
Some time ago, I've found a girl on one of erotic dating sites. From her profile, it was quite clear for me that she is into zoo - into horses to be precise. She has some experience with donkey, too. Now we know each others real names and we are friends on Facebook. We've never met IRL yet, because we live in different cities but we spoke many times about going together to some fetish parties if there were an opportunity. So I hope we'll eventually meet, sooner or later. :)
Some time ago, I've found a girl on one of erotic dating sites. From her profile, it was quite clear for me that she is into zoo - into horses to be precise. She has some experience with donkey, too. Now we know each others real names and we are friends on Facebook. We've never met IRL yet, because we live in different cities but we spoke many times about going together to some fetish parties if there were an opportunity. So I hope we'll eventually meet, sooner or later. :)
That sounds great, wish you good luck!
I told my gf a while ago about the videos I liked to see. She was curious so showed her some clips. She found the penises off putting, now we’ve been watching a lot of videos. She gave her dog an HJ the other day for the first time and she then went to play with her vibrator right after. She’s liking it more and more.
I told one partner in the past.
It didn't go well and the relationship ended a couple months later lol.
Haven't tried again.
I keep it private. But when I have sex and my boi is in the room whoever I'm with sees how attentive he becomes especially if I get a long overdue anal pounding. So proud if him. They (both men and women) seem to understand and leave a good thing alone. My choices of kinky partners has much to do with it.
I've shared it with 6 other people on in the kink community. No one in my personal life knows. Even in the kink community it's very taboo in the AA community.
Why it is such a Big taboo in the AA community ? Every Woman should try it out if she gets some feeling for animals 🥰
It wasn't much me doing the telling here, but years ago a fellow brony connected the dots and one day asked me whether he would be right to assume that I love the mares. He was totally ok with it, mainly manely asking questions about how / when I realised I was zoosexual, and what made mares so attractive to me. We haven't spoken in a long time, but I guess I've been lucky here because of his "live and let live" attitude.
My girlfriend does custom videos and other sex work on the side. She was offered a good deal of money to make a video with a pup, we ended up passing. Way too many red flags.

What it did do, is spark a conversation between us, and turns out we are both very curious and turned on.

So we have been experimenting together. We are so lucky to not only both have this interest, but to have ever discussed it with each other at all.