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Have you told anyone about being into zoophlia?

Congrats on your first post. Great thread as some members may be contemplating if they should share their sex life with someone special that they admire or love.

I think your sex life should be private especially your kinks and taboos unless they share the same interests
Decided to go out on a limb with a friend who was becoming more than a friend and be an open book, something I had avoided doing in other relationships out of fear.

Not only did she not runaway screaming, after allowing me to explain exactly what it is, what I’ve done in the past, and how it makes me feel. She accepted it and told me she’d think no less of me, and was happy I could be honest. Not 3 days later she come to me and told be about her curiosity with the family dog when she was growing up and the lines that she crossed with the beloved pet, she doesn’t mind me saying, but her and her dog had a very special bond she kept very secret for some years. After he died she started to doubt who she was and hate what she’d done because it was so socially unacceptable and after a while managed to just suppress the memories all together in a way. Until I told her who I was and she realised perhaps it wasn’t so wrong what happened all those years ago.

After many open discussions and honest truths everything was out on the table and we’re taking the first step to living the lifestyle openly (openly between us lol) together.

Fair to say, personally I couldn’t be happier and she is feeling much better about herself too.

My dishonesty to myself and previous partners about who I am has no doubt hurt if not killed some of those relationships. Honesty definitely is not always the best policy but sometimes, it is. Just don’t lie about what you do, whether it be what was in your deleted search history or hidden in your photo vault to your life partners. It will slowly erode the relationship. Be honest or don’t do it!
I am not ashamed to be a zoo and do this quite frequently. First off, I have paw tattoos and have been asked stuff like "does this means what I think it means?" more than once. These tattoos are always good conversation starters, especially at fetish parties and erotic events, where it is already clear that the audience is sexually more open.

Since my husband and I are also swingers, we do meet a lot of people for sex. I almost always try to test the waters with them by making comments which can be picked up by fellow zoos or by people interested in the topic. We mostly joke around, in the sense of "...ahh, this old lady needs to get herself a dog..." etc. You immediately see how people react. Either they don't react and avoid the subject, or they roll their eyes, etc. In those cases, you just let it go and change the subject "Just kidding, LOL", and move on. Some folks, however, do show a positive reaction, which quite often leads to things like "I'd love to try but our dog is neutered..." or "I let my dog lick as a teen".

Over the years, we have met at least a dozen people that way, both couples and also single women, whom we could successfully introduce into dog fucking. This was all through conversations, not online forums. Zoophilia is more common than one would think, at least the urge to try is. Or you wouldn't have a shit ton of zoo porn online, right?

At the moment, we have two single women from out of state lined up who want to visit and try our boy. It just hasn't transpired yet, because of Covid.
I told a my entire friend group and soon after one of them outed me to my immediate family. If y'all are familiar with that impending dread that you're life is over before it's even really started I definitely had an oh fuck moment. Luckily for me the person who outed me wasn't credible and I was able to downplay the entire situation. My dog slept outside of my room for a month, well sleep is a relative term, really we didn't sleep for the entire month. Could have been worse I might have ran away if it came down to me keeping my dog.
I actually recently told my boyfriend and he was into it. I however don't really see the need to tell people or the need to hide it outside of being discreet for obvious reasons.
Yeah, I'm the same way. Just wanting to find women, or even one women. I know countless, including my sister who has "expiremented" but its always years ago.
Congrats on your first post. Great thread as some members may be contemplating if they should share their sex life with someone special that they admire or love.

I think your sex life should be private especially your kinks and taboos unless they share the same interests
Generally I agree with the exception of human partners. From my experience, hiding yourself from the person you share life with is an awful feeling and prevents intimacy. While my GF might not share my interests, her acceptance of my zoo side makes me feel safe and loved 🥰
I learned this the hard way. Was with a girl for 2 years and finally told her. She “couldn’t” handle it and “had” to tell someone which ended up being an alcoholic friend of mine who then told all of my friends. We haven’t spoken since. What makes it worse is I was hooking up with her later in life and she said she wanted to try it. The hypocrisy… keep this kind of stuff to yourself unless someone is hinting. People lack the mental capacity to view uncommon ideas as witchcraft like we live in the 1500s…
I am not ashamed to be a zoo and do this quite frequently. First off, I have paw tattoos and have been asked stuff like "does this means what I think it means?" more than once. These tattoos are always good conversation starters, especially at fetish parties and erotic events, where it is already clear that the audience is sexually more open.

Since my husband and I are also swingers, we do meet a lot of people for sex. I almost always try to test the waters with them by making comments which can be picked up by fellow zoos or by people interested in the topic. We mostly joke around, in the sense of "...ahh, this old lady needs to get herself a dog..." etc. You immediately see how people react. Either they don't react and avoid the subject, or they roll their eyes, etc. In those cases, you just let it go and change the subject "Just kidding, LOL", and move on. Some folks, however, do show a positive reaction, which quite often leads to things like "I'd love to try but our dog is neutered..." or "I let my dog lick as a teen".

Over the years, we have met at least a dozen people that way, both couples and also single women, whom we could successfully introduce into dog fucking. This was all through conversations, not online forums. Zoophilia is more common than one would think, at least the urge to try is. Or you wouldn't have a shit ton of zoo porn online, right?

At the moment, we have two single women from out of state lined up who want to visit and try our boy. It just hasn't transpired yet, because of Covid.
Yes, but it was our graduation and I was handing out with my best friend at the party, we got bored so spend some time just walking around, then idk why, but I wanted too tell him all of my secrets, wanted too finally share it with somebody, then I told him I'm into zoo, I explained it doesn't mean I abuse animals and etc. and It looked like he accepted it. I'm afraid to talk about it with him now, because he could just be drunk enough to forget that, but after that I started too feel much better.
I have and I'm generally relatively open about it at least in friends circles. But well I'm zoo exclusive and haven´t had a relationship with a Human for years. Having basically friends try to set me up with a partner like a human one was getting so very tiering so I came out to friends and parts of the family. The reactions were a mix of some were shocked some were revelated, like ohh now that all makes a lot more sense. And yes i lost some friends and some family over this but I'm really happy i did it in the end. I don´t need to scream it out to the public, like really not but I tend to tell people who i trust when the issue of relationship or love or something like that comes up.