Complement the user above you!

Why thank you kind panther! I’d love to pet you and/or be pounced on by you ;p
Huh, I don't think anything can beat that compliment :D

Great folk, makes me want to check the games thread as a first thing in the morning
Great guy to talk to and really interesting as a person
A lovely and sweet chum right here! Thank you for being here! :)
Kind and sweet guy, fun to play these games with, and I bet he's even cooler in person
I'd love if more people would join this thread, as complementing the same people again and again gets awkward :D But I can't stand seeing this thread stuck for three days without a single complement for this fun and easy going guy :)
This could keep going for a while, but I am happy to spread the love. It is so good to see kind and thoughtful members here, just like our friend FoxandtheHounds. I am glad you are here!