As a guy I'm super jealous of women

It seems to me that having this sexuality as a woman is just way better. I'm attracted to male dogs and women but the sex will never be as good as women have it. They have a vagina and can get their womb filled with dog cum and they enjoy the sex much more overall. Not to mention all of the porn and the whole fetish is aimed towards women. As a guy I feel completely cucked by this whole situation. Not only do I feel inadequate for women because they like this I also cannot enjoy getting fucked by a dog as much as a woman can. I know it's weird and degenerate but I just wanted to vent.
Gotta say I am jealous of vaginas because like you can put *almost* anything in them to feel good because they stretch more than a guys asshole
In all honesty women have it much harder (pun not intended) than us men down there. I agree with Vesper.
Could always get Gender Reassignment Surgery.

And yeah having a vagina can be fun but we get loads of health issues that come with it. Stuff like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Toxic Shock Syndrome, Endometriosis, Premenstrual Syndrome, the list goes on.
That is a downside I guess, and you also get periods
Besides all the health issues there is the risk of becoming pregnant,
Besides that there are the risks of being raped by some creep,
Besides that there are the risks of other crimes happening to us because we are less of a threat,
Besides that there is the fact that our clothes costs more,
Besides that there is the fact that we have more hygienic needs and that costs more,
Besides that even a simple haircut costs us more.

Sure it's great to be a woman but I don't think you men realize sometimes how much we really have to put up with. For instance if say 3 or 4 of you guys go out to simply have a drink and enjoy each others company then you can do that, but if 3 or 4 of us go out on a girls night out then we are hit on many times and find it harder to just relax and enjoy being with our friends.
Besides all the health issues there is the risk of becoming pregnant,
Besides that there are the risks of being raped by some creep,
Besides that there are the risks of other crimes happening to us because we are less of a threat,
Besides that there is the fact that our clothes costs more,
Besides that there is the fact that we have more hygienic needs and that costs more,
Besides that even a simple haircut costs us more.

Sure it's great to be a woman but I don't think you men realize sometimes how much we really have to put up with. For instance if say 3 or 4 of you guys go out to simply have a drink and enjoy each others company then you can do that, but if 3 or 4 of us go out on a girls night out then we are hit on many times and find it harder to just relax and enjoy being with our friends.
Some perks of being a trans man lol

Jokes aside, living as a woman really is pretty dangerous. Not fun
Some perks of being a trans man lol

Jokes aside, living as a woman really is pretty dangerous. Not fun
That side of the coin is one that I completely fail to understand. I often think that men who dress like women and act like women have a deep seated desire to be a woman and they do it for that reason alone. However in talking with some of them they expressed no desire to be a woman so that further mystified my understanding.

One of the mysteries of this is that of all the women I have known that were lesbians even in lesbian relationships, none of them did more than have short hair and dress in a more masculine nature. But I have known many gay men that not only act feminine, but dress feminine and even raise the octave level of their voices to be more feminine in nature.

Anyway this is getting off course BUT yes I would think that being a man trying to act as if you were a woman would be dangerous, but on a completely different level.
That side of the coin is one that I completely fail to understand. I often think that men who dress like women and act like women have a deep seated desire to be a woman and they do it for that reason alone. However in talking with some of them they expressed no desire to be a woman so that further mystified my understanding.

One of the mysteries of this is that of all the women I have known that were lesbians even in lesbian relationships, none of them did more than have short hair and dress in a more masculine nature. But I have known many gay men that not only act feminine, but dress feminine and even raise the octave level of their voices to be more feminine in nature.

Anyway this is getting of course BUT yes I would think that being a man trying to act as if you were a woman would be dangerous on a completely different level.
Especially since some people don’t like the fact that you’re trying to change your gender and can get pretty violent towards you
That side of the coin is one that I completely fail to understand. I often think that men who dress like women and act like women have a deep seated desire to be a woman and they do it for that reason alone. However in talking with some of them they expressed no desire to be a woman so that further mystified my understanding.

One of the mysteries of this is that of all the women I have known that were lesbians even in lesbian relationships, none of them did more than have short hair and dress in a more masculine nature. But I have known many gay men that not only act feminine, but dress feminine and even raise the octave level of their voices to be more feminine in nature.

Anyway this is getting off course BUT yes I would think that being a man trying to act as if you were a woman would be dangerous, but on a completely different level.
Well, trans men are also called female to male, trans women(male to female) on the other hand are often in even more danger, but im the wrong person to discuss this.

I still avoid as much danger as possible by living like a normal man ;)
Well, trans men are also called female to male, trans women(male to female) on the other hand are often in even more danger, but im the wrong person to discuss this.

I still avoid as much danger as possible by living like a normal man ;)
Yes it is such a shame that we as the human race can not accept that if a person wants to live this way or that way we can not seem to allow them to do that and want to inflict pain or suffering on them because we don't agree with their choices.
Well, trans men are also called female to male, trans women(male to female) on the other hand are often in even more danger, but im the wrong person to discuss this.

I still avoid as much danger as possible by living like a normal man ;)

I was about to reply to knotinterested (post #8), but I see you were able to respond and clarify first. I do think there may have been some misunderstanding of your message, simply in the opposite direction that you intended--which seems like a reasonable and not uncommon mistake.

To put it another way, you were assigned female at birth, but now live as a man and are advantaged by having shed some societal burdens on women, correct?
It seems to me that having this sexuality as a woman is just way better. I'm attracted to male dogs and women but the sex will never be as good as women have it. They have a vagina and can get their womb filled with dog cum and they enjoy the sex much more overall. Not to mention all of the porn and the whole fetish is aimed towards women. As a guy I feel completely cucked by this whole situation. Not only do I feel inadequate for women because they like this I also cannot enjoy getting fucked by a dog as much as a woman can. I know it's weird and degenerate but I just wanted to vent.
Just to throw in my 2 cents, it sounds like you want to be female.


Don't take it so seriously, that's just young men doing their thing. I know it's a PITA, but the ones you should look out for are the ones that are persistent after you told them to buzz off. As far as the whole *rape* thing goes, that's not too common fortunately.

If you want to know why guys hit on women so much, just look at the behavior of gay men, see how often they want to have sex with each other, then translate that on straight men with women. It should be an easier way for you to understand it then.

I know I've said this in a thread inter past, but to understand the male sex drive, imagine being in horniest heat you've ever been in, and imagine that being in that same heat 24/7.

Another perspective I've noticed that comes close to it would be female bodybuilders that take testosterone steroids - I've heard that they say that they want sex 100 times more than they did before they started taking steroids.

Just don't stereotype men and think they have it easily either, as a guy, society "expects more" from you "because you're a guy." And statistically speaking, because of stereotypical macho men, guys are more likely to end up in a violent confrontation, not to mention being statically more likely to end up in a jail cell than women are.
I was about to reply to knotinterested (post #8), but I see you were able to respond and clarify first. I do think there may have been some misunderstanding of your message, simply in the opposite direction that you intended--which seems like a reasonable and not uncommon mistake.

To put it another way, you were assigned female at birth, but now live as a man and are advantaged by having shed some societal burdens on women, correct?
Maybe it is my post that caused the confusion. I simply stated it in the most common view of a woman. But whether it be a woman dressing and acting as a man or a man dressing and acting as a woman I am mystified and often think the real reason is the desire to be the sex that they are

Yes it is such a shame that we as the human race can not accept that if a person wants to live this way or that way we can not seem to allow them to do that and want to inflict pain or suffering on them because we don't agree with their choices.
I have no problem with any kind of trans just as long as I'm not being propositioned for sex with them. Some men like trans mtf, some don't - I certainly don't want him/her having sex with me. :eek::eek::eek:
Just to throw in my 2 cents, it sounds like you want to be female.


Don't take it so seriously, that's just young men doing their thing. I know it's a PITA, but the ones you should look out for are the ones that are persistent after you told them to buzz off. As far as the whole *rape* thing goes, that's not too common fortunately.

If you want to know why guys hit on women so much, just look at the behavior of gay men, see how often they want to have sex with each other, then translate that on straight men with women. It should be an easier way for you to understand it then.

I know I've said this in a thread inter past, but to understand the male sex drive, imagine being in horniest heat you've ever been in, and imagine that being in that same heat 24/7.

Another perspective I've noticed that comes close to it would be female bodybuilders that take testosterone steroids - I've heard that they say that they want sex 100 times more than they did before they started taking steroids.

Just don't stereotype men and think they have it easily either, as a guy, society "expects more" from you "because you're a guy." And statistically speaking, because of stereotypical macho men, guys are more likely to end up in a violent confrontation, not to mention being statically more likely to end up in a jail cell than women are.
I didn't take anything "so seriously" - I only pointed out things that weren't considered in being female.
I didn't take anything "so seriously" - I only pointed out things that weren't considered in being female.
My mistake then. I'm too used to having this kind of conversation with the bat-shit crazy "feminists."

Almost forgot to mention that men can also be forced into the military, AKA drafted.
I have no problem with any kind of trans just as long as I'm not being propositioned for sex with them. Some men like trans mtf, some don't - I certainly don't want him/her having sex with me. :eek::eek::eek:
What you quoted from me says that I have no problem with it either and points out how we as a society seem to act.

I have no problem with your preferences as long as you don't try to change my preferences. Live and let live - a wonderful quote but it is too bad that we can't seem to live that way.
My mistake then. I'm too used to having this kind of conversation with the bat-shit crazy "feminists."

Almost forgot to mention that men can also be forced into the military, AKA drafted.
In the US I think the draft stopped in 1975. It was at the end of the Vietnam War so that's not really an issue in the US anymore.
In the US I think the draft stopped in 1975. It was at the end of the Vietnam War so that's not really an issue in the US anymore.
It still exists. I get reminded of it every time I have to fill out a LEGAL "government" document asking me if I've been "registered" for the SELECTIVE SERVICE. While it's highly unlikely anyone will get drafted, the chance is still there that men ages 18-34 may be forced into a war if one ever breaks out.
It still exists. I get reminded of it every time I have to fill out a LEGAL "government" document asking me if I've been "registered" for the SELECTIVE SERVICE. While it's highly unlikely anyone will get drafted, the chance is still there that men ages 18-34 may be forced into a war if one ever breaks out.
Yes it is still a law that all males between the ages of 18 - 25 must register with Selective Service, but since there hasn't been a draft in 45 years it is highly unlikely that it will ever be used again. Truthfully I think it is used today just to keep up an active list of possible reserves in case the need is ever there again. And NO females were never required to register with Selective Service
Yet another great topic on this forum and I am so pleased to see everyone being civil in light of the topic being somewhat inflammatory in nature. For my two cents, I think each gender has unique perks and disadvantages. It is human nature to only see the positive in things they can't have and negative in what they have (the whole "grass is always greener on the other side of the fence" sort of thing. As I am a guy that approximately resembles the love child or Shrek and Betty White, I have never had to worry about being hit on so I cannot relate to the frustration that must come from that sort of constant and uninvited attention. I can, however, imagine the annoyance of being pestered when you just want to have a fun night with friends. This has to be a bit like a door to door salesman ringing the doorbell every few minutes which would justifiably annoy anyone. I have also witnessed first-hand how some men behave, both online and in person. And while many have manners and behave respectfully, the ones that do not stand out and provide a poor image for the rest of our gender.

It does seem advantageous to me that women, particularly in our little circle here, have their pick of opposite - gender friends here should they choose to do so. For guys, it seems much more difficult to establish that sort of rapport with a (genuine) female here and I suspect that is largely in part due to the poor behavior of other fellows before us.

Please forgive the mostly incoherent rambling. Only on cup number 2 of java. Long story short, I really appreciate this place and its people and am very glad to have a place to talk with other like-minded people.
As far as the whole *rape* thing goes, that's not too common fortunately.
Thats, uh... not true.
According to George Mason University, Worldwide Sexual Assault Statistics, 1 in 3 American women will be sexually abused during their lifetime. About 19.3% of women and 2% of men have been raped at least once in their lives. Additionally, an estimated 43.9% of women and 23.4% of men experienced other forms of sexual violence during their lifetimes. Many victims of sexual abuse were victimized at a young age, about 79% were first raped before age 25, and 40% before age 18. (source; usatoday).

According to RAIIN, Every 107 seconds, someone in the United States is sexually assaulted. There is an average of 293,000 victims (age 12 or older) of sexual assault each year. 68% of sexual assaults are not reported to the police. 98% of rapists will never spend a day in jail.

Rape And Sexual Assault Among College-Age:

An average (65,668+ & 2,866+) college-age women and men experienced a rape sexual assault annually. More than a quarter of college-age women report having experienced a rape or rape attempt since age 14. Out of all, only 16% of the total cases are reported. Females ages 18 to 24 had higher rates of rape and sexual assault than females in other age groups. Rate of rape crime is 1.2 times higher for non-students than students. Female students were more likely to experience rape or sexual assault victimization away from home, while non-students were more likely to be at home. Among females living in rural areas, the rate of rape and sexual assault victimization was almost 2 times higher for non-students. (Bureau of Justice Statistics).
And the whole "thrust" of the original comment was one of conceit and the objectification of women. I think males get more out of f/a porn than men. Much of the zoo porn that exists is purely aimed at male enjoyment, with little thought given to the welfare of the animal or whether or not the female actually enjoys what she is going.
Amateur porn is much better, but not always genuine.
Although I am not exclusive zoo, it is my preferred sexuality. I also love, or enjoy, lesbian relationships and I also enjoy the occasional male, but there are no videos of me.
Why express jealousy of one gender over another? We live in a modern world with almost endless possibilities and almost endless problems. Just be yourself!
Thats, uh... not true.
I said rape, not sexual assault. I know sexual assault is sometimes considered rape (which it is IMO), but I differentiate sexual assault from rape - rape being penetration of the body, and sexual assault being unwanted sexual contact, such as groping.

Before we continue this conversation I'd like to have clear cut definitions of what's what before we continue. (On a side note I've been sexually assaulted before - I've had my dick touched more than once by other males intentionally when I didn't want it - but I haven't been raped.)

Edit: If this thread is going to get derailed I'll make another one in the dumpster fire.
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According to George Mason University, Worldwide Sexual Assault Statistics, 1 in 3 American women will be sexually abused during their lifetime. About 19.3% of women and 2% of men have been raped at least once in their lives. Additionally, an estimated 43.9% of women and 23.4% of men experienced other forms of sexual violence during their lifetimes. Many victims of sexual abuse were victimized at a young age, about 79% were first raped before age 25, and 40% before age 18. (source; usatoday).

According to RAIIN, Every 107 seconds, someone in the United States is sexually assaulted. There is an average of 293,000 victims (age 12 or older) of sexual assault each year. 68% of sexual assaults are not reported to the police. 98% of rapists will never spend a day in jail.

Rape And Sexual Assault Among College-Age:

An average (65,668+ & 2,866+) college-age women and men experienced a rape sexual assault annually. More than a quarter of college-age women report having experienced a rape or rape attempt since age 14. Out of all, only 16% of the total cases are reported. Females ages 18 to 24 had higher rates of rape and sexual assault than females in other age groups. Rate of rape crime is 1.2 times higher for non-students than students. Female students were more likely to experience rape or sexual assault victimization away from home, while non-students were more likely to be at home. Among females living in rural areas, the rate of rape and sexual assault victimization was almost 2 times higher for non-students. (Bureau of Justice Statistics).

this all statistics is about what people define "sexual assualt" or "rape". I heard complaints where a woman defined being assualted because she kissed a guy willingly and then regrated it the day after.
And the whole "thrust" of the original comment was one of conceit and the objectification of women. I think males get more out of f/a porn than men. Much of the zoo porn that exists is purely aimed at male enjoyment, with little thought given to the welfare of the animal or whether or not the female actually enjoys what she is going.
Amateur porn is much better, but not always genuine.
Although I am not exclusive zoo, it is my preferred sexuality. I also love, or enjoy, lesbian relationships and I also enjoy the occasional male, but there are no videos of me.
Why express jealousy of one gender over another? We live in a modern world with almost endless possibilities and almost endless problems. Just be yourself!

i actually disagree. i think in this lifestyle most women who actually preform do it because they really curious or love it. the only preormer i thought that was not really 100% in to it was actually filmed by other women and it was Miss F who filmed for the OZ project girls.

but i agree amature is the best if only the men who hlp film stop trying to direct the woman they are filming because it is ruins the genuine process and stops them from filming better.