Anyone ever feel…

Hi all, anyone ever feel guilty or gross? Sometimes I go through waves of it but I just can’t stop fantasizing about K9 cock so I usually just shrug and move on with enjoying it, especially if I’m gonna try it IRL!
!00%, but be confident in who you are. Your feelings matter more than any bullshit laws. Enjoy your feelings of sexuality with any form that you choose my friend. This is your life to do with as you please :)
Sometimes. But being here, and seeing everyone else, it makes me feel a little better. I absolutely love my pup. I've never had such a connection with anything before. There are times when we cuddle, and it's the best ever. He just looks at me, and he'll wag his tail. All I can keep thinking is what I did to deserve such love? I've tried relationships with people many times, and it's just never worked out. Slowly I'm coming around to accept that maybe I just wasn't meant to be with people. Solan (my pup) doesn't care that I'm transgender, or anything else like that. He just loves me for me. And it's a helluva feeling.
Nothing to be guilty about if you are not causing any harm. You are only creating pleasure so nothing to be guilty about
Idk, dogs were humping my friends and I as kids and we thought it was a funny game, so maybe they're the perverts!
But seriously, the only real happiness in life comes from bonds of love and trust. The animals we all love just don't have any exclusivity issues that humans do!
Hi all, anyone ever feel guilty or gross? Sometimes I go through waves of it but I just can’t stop fantasizing about K9 cock so I usually just shrug and move on with enjoying it, especially if I’m gonna try it IRL!
Also yea, dog dicks are fucking hot and I'm willing to bet anyone who's seen one vividly remembers the feeling in their pants. Even if they are ashamed about it haha
Hi all, anyone ever feel guilty or gross? Sometimes I go through waves of it but I just can’t stop fantasizing about K9 cock so I usually just shrug and move on with enjoying it, especially if I’m gonna try it IRL!
Never feel ashamed or grossed out about sexual fantasies or desires. You can’t control what cravings your body naturally has. All you can control is whether you embrace them or bury them. Trust us, embracing is way more enjoyable!
I honestly think its something we all go though the waves of feelings its just human nature and also the nature of it being something that most people wouldn't accept and thats ingrained into us the same thing happens to me.
a lot of times yes, grossed maybe after reaching peak and fantasizing, I've never engaged. I felt very ashamed, went to a sex therapist. Two in fact. One was more preoccupied with my furry fantasies than my zoo fantasies. The other one said it's not big deal, and if I have to fuck a dog at the end of the day, as long as the dog isn't being hurt. Too expensive for that therapist tho lol but in the end I haven't been feeling much, it just is what it is. either way I'm not getting any from neither human nor non at this point. Just me and me
Not really. I mean I used to feel a little guilty when I watched porn when I was younger, but that may have had more to do with being afraid of being caught by my parents if I wasn't careful about clearing the browser history. I guess I felt a little guilty about being so sketchy, and lying to them about what I do on their computer sometimes.

Sadly it's common to feel guilty about it. If it's really starting to affect your mental health, ask for help if you feel like you need it.
That’s a great advice. In my opinion it can be like liquor or tobacco. You gotta be stronger or it will dominate you. It’s kind of normal feeling guilty, specially because this “practice” it’s forbidden and people will think you’re insane. But you learn how to deal with that and overcome. I think that if you you don’t put your mental health on the line, you’ll be OK.
There is sooooooo much in society that says it's wrong that sometimes I worry about the consent issue, and sometimes I feel gross about myself. It's hard enough to love myself as it is, but it seems I'm bound and determined to hit every branch on the way down by being into animals too.
I made a similar comment in a similar thread, yes. I do feel guilt quite often and actively hide my feelings and attractions towards animals from the world. My fear is that even if I'm not convicted, I'll be condemned and have no place in society.
Not anymore, but I am a long way from my puberty and discovery period. I got to a point where I realized that all humans are animals, so it is only natural for some of us to be attracted to other animals. Life is short, enjoy it.
I only had that in the very beginning.
For maybe a year or so.
After that, I accepted it.