Anyone been caught?

Love all the close calls but in reverse we caught a German Couple who were Farmers in our country town in Australia spying the Farmer allowing his missus to have it off with their breeding Alsatians Male dogs as they had kennels breeding Sheperds..!! Back then we where three teenagers as mates we would walk along a creek that went to the back of their orchard as we would pinch fruit from their trees and sit down on the creeks bank and enjoy eating the peaches. One of the mates did this regularly and told us that the wife in her early thirties would go nude around the Farm so at that we would make a bee-line to the farm to see if she was about and yes we caught her a few times in the summer holidays completely nude. Ha, but now on one of those trips to their farm the three of us boys heard their German Sheperds barking and realized why they where barking as crawling quietly for a closer look near the kennels a male dog was going hell for leather on the German Wife while her husband was barking orders at the dogs encouraging them !! Us boys could not believe what we were seeing as still this day over drinks back every so often for a catch up at the Old Country Pub we often lament that she did not do it more often as no we never seen her doing that again !! We grew up and moved into the city for work. But boy what a memory..!! Started us on a journey into it..o_O


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Unfortunately yes, it was while I still lived at home (it was actually the last day of me living with my parents for the following story)

Me and Barry (GSD/Great Dane mix) were having playtime, my dad was at work and my mum was at a meeting and wouldn't be home till around 6pm or so she said.

I got home at around 2pm to a very happy and playful Barry and me having the house to myself decided to use this time to do what I loved best which was getting fucked by Barry (I am gay and we are talking about a tiny little town with no gays I knew off) as I was alone and we had no neighbours anywhere close I decided we could stay downstairs in the kitchen because the hardwood floors would make clean up afterwards easier, skip forward to Barry being done humping and us being tied when I hear a scream followed by the door crashing open and my mum beating me and calling me a demon.

She ran outside and when I followed her out to try and talk to her she was already on the phone to my father who came home about half an hour later to tell me to pack my bags and get the fuck out.

I havent seen or heard from them since.
Unfortunately yes, it was while I still lived at home (it was actually the last day of me living with my parents for the following story)

Me and Barry (GSD/Great Dane mix) were having playtime, my dad was at work and my mum was at a meeting and wouldn't be home till around 6pm or so she said.

I got home at around 2pm to a very happy and playful Barry and me having the house to myself decided to use this time to do what I loved best which was getting fucked by Barry (I am gay and we are talking about a tiny little town with no gays I knew off) as I was alone and we had no neighbours anywhere close I decided we could stay downstairs in the kitchen because the hardwood floors would make clean up afterwards easier, skip forward to Barry being done humping and us being tied when I hear a scream followed by the door crashing open and my mum beating me and calling me a demon.

She ran outside and when I followed her out to try and talk to her she was already on the phone to my father who came home about half an hour later to tell me to pack my bags and get the fuck out.

I havent seen or heard from them since.
sad story
Was not seen but was heard. Woke up in the morning to get ready for work and Zeus was very eager to go and I admit I was as well. We got into it and I had not even noticed I was being very vocal as we went along and orgasmed.

I left my apartment to my neighbor telling me that it sounded like some man had a good morning in there.
I hope you responded with "woof woof" 🤣
I was a horny teenager at a family braai. While everyone was drinking and talking, I snuck around the corner with their neutered mutt. I was busy eating out his ass when all I hear was my cousin calling me. But he called my name as he rounded the corner, so i just managed to get my face out if the mutts ass. So im not too sure if he saw me, pretty sure he did and just left it alone.
Just wondering if anyone has been caught with their dog and what happened?
My dad caught me back when I was like 16. I used to sneak the dog inside through our basement window to play. I forgot to wipe the windowsill to remove paw prints while I was playing in another room and my dad noticed. He didn't actually see the dog, but he did ask if I was fucking our dogs and I was sorta cornered into admitting it.
My dad caught me back when I was like 16. I used to sneak the dog inside through our basement window to play. I forgot to wipe the windowsill to remove paw prints while I was playing in another room and my dad noticed. He didn't actually see the dog, but he did ask if I was fucking our dogs and I was sorta cornered into admitting it.
what was the outcome? Did he beat your ass?
Haha no actually. Don't get me wrong, he was NOT happy. He basically just told me that it better not happen again (it definitely did) and not to tell anybody I did that (here we are).
Wow. Your a rebel. I like it. Do you have any sisters who would also try it? Or your the only one in your family?
The very first time I was inside a bitch, I was outside in the front side yard and it was my neighbors dog, I was maybe 3 good strokes in when I hear the door open up and it's my grandfather. I dropped down pulled her down on my lap, i pretended I was just petting her and he pretended not to notice me fucking the neighbors dog in full view of anyone living across the street.

I wish I could say I finished but embarrassment won and I took off to hang out with friends and forget.
One time. I was receiving a lick job and ny friend walked in on me. It was dark, and we were drunk. I dont think he noticed as I hid my cock. My dog laid their head on my lap. My friend never said anything about it.
Let this be a warning to all who might think they have any semblance of privacy anywhere. I got illegally evicted. Without ever having contact with my animal. Google searches. My neighbors had access to my devices and I am not kidding you, made photos of me with AI using the photos of my animal. The only evidence they had is me deleting a bunch of photos of her from my device bc I realized they were doing something with my images sharing them. They got arrested for stalking me and terrorizing me, literally screaming out my texts for 9 days even in front of the police. I got “asked to leave” for being a detriment to the community. Meanwhile I paid my rent on time and I had good relationships there, it was my dream spot. It has been a nightmare. This is not some funny cool thing to be recording when you don’t know who’s watching. I get the “sexual fantasy” but plz don’t do shit out in the open for ppl to find you! If you care about your animals.