Advice on dealing with loneliness.

Canine Smith

Zoophilia was something I that just came alongside my puberty, to the point when I'd get family pointing out nice looking women walking dogs I often didn't spare the woman more than a passing glance as I wanted to check out the dog. Fantasize about if it were my own dog, I've never been opposed to either male or female canines and as I aged I found myself caring about breed less and less.

However I find myself at a place now where I'm moving from place to place that doesn't allow pets, rentals I apply to that do allow pets either have heavy restrictions on pets or most often completely disallow anything beyond a small animal in a cage or a cat. I've been trying to have relationships with other humans but think I've just come to the point where a guy or girl that used to fill my fantasies don't even provoke a sexual or romantic reaction from me anymore. I come to realize I am at the point where I'm not attracted to something that's on 4 legs, furred and barks.

But as I've given up on trying to find the companionship that comes from dating and trying to maintain a relationship, I just find myself alone and honestly in my city in what feels like a hopeless situation. I just don't make enough to move to a new place or city, more so with the rental prices spiking. I can't rely on my family for anything and I'm just at the point where I'm feeling alone and trapped.

Does any fellow zoo here have any advice they could give in regard to how they dealt/deal with something similar to this? I know it's a big as as it tends to be a specific situation, but I'm at the point where anything would help.
I know what you're going through. I've been jumping around for the last 6 years with no opportunity to have my own place. I've always been zoo inclined and never really felt anything towards people.

A couple years there I tried to find something with a human partner but it wasn't filling at all and just left me felling even more alone and confused about myself.

Right now I'm just grinding my way through in hopes that I can get a better job and hopefully a place of my own where I can get a partner to bring some happiness to my life. It hard man, I know.

My best advice is try to find the things that make you happy and can take your mind off of things. For myself I have a never ending list of hobbies that I juggle just because it gives me less time to think about the times I am alone. If you have friends try to find something that you can do regularly so you have something to look forward to doing. It all helps with being alone.
I know this situation. I am an exclusive zoophile and after a few attempts it is quite clear I am not able to have a sexual relationship with a human. I also do not find humans attractive. But humans are social animals and social contact kind of has to be a part of your life.
Finding friends in the zoo community is either a lost cause or extremely difficult because gaining and giving trust here is complicated.
So my advice is to focus on socializing with people outside of the zoo community, find a hobby that can be done with other people. (Which is going to be easier once you get a dog.)
It's a common feeling and a common problem as there are a lot of us who don't find human relationships rewarding. For most of my life famly support was non-existent and I moved around too much to build a network of friends. I have tended to keep a housemate for sharing the ecconomic burden and for socialization and that's worked faily well for me, but getting to know other zoos has been an enormous relief to mental and social stresses.

Engage with the local community in your hobbies if you can. Check for things that might be interesting. At times I've been known to just go out and see what I could find that was interesting enough to distract me from the day to day grind; sometimes I have found some very interesting things on such adventures that became part of my routine.

Explore other job opportunities where you can; check the local trade unions, study subjects that can give you better leverage at work (IT, bussiness management, accounting, etc). Money and it's lack can have a massive impact on our happiness, but the more skilled you are the more valuable you are. That translates into both more money and less bullshit as employers tend to not fuck with you when they know they need you and that you won't be so easy to replace. I feel this is one area zoo exclusives have a bit of an advantage, we have time on our side and can leverage a bit of that spare time to better ourselves and hopefully bootstrap into better positions.

I realize you don't have a companion, but for when you do...
I have rented most of my life and I've found less desirable neighborhoods to often be more lenient to renting with pets as well as more affordable. I have also found that things like the AKC CGC (Canine Good Citizen) evaluation can often help in getting you into places that would be more difficult without it. I also tend to take my dog with me when I am apartment shopping so that people can see right off what to expect. I've managed to rent apartments that had "no pets" policies by doing this, so realize that "no pets" isn't always inflexible. I'm big on training companions so they're sociable and I feel it's been to our mutual benefit.
Thanks for the replies. I honestly didn't know about the CGC and it turns out the CKC does a version of it too (Canine Good Neighbor) so that will be something to keep in mind when I do eventually get a companion thanks a lot.

I've been looking into some trade unions and stuff along those lines for awhile and I'm starting to think it's finally time I picked something and just went for it.
I'm also in a situation kinda similar, where I don't know if I'll ever be able to  really experience this lifestyle. It also seems like there are tons of people on here that are open to giving people the experiences they are looking for as well, but meeting random people is  sketchy. Hopefully you're able to find and avenue that allows you to live the way you'd like to <3