
  1. Marshall_The_Husky

    About female dog/canine

    I have some questions about females. Pyometra is fatal and it can be treatable with OSS and spaying, but I heard that it's not good to operate an OSS because with missing womb the vulva/pussy will maybe shrink and a male dog or a human could break the operation seal at end of the vulva/pussy...
  2. C

    What do you think is the sluttiest animal?,

    Out of all the animals you have had personal experience with, which would you say are the sluttiest? I know that dolphins and penguins are notoriously sexual, so I figure some breeds must have stronger sex drives than others.
  3. S

    Should I make an instructional video on quickly pleasing your dog?

    So my thing is I like to please my dogs. Since they don't know how to fuck me yet(I may try to encourage them soon for you people patiently waiting for the more hardcore stuff since they are horny all the time but don't know how to hump me yet) I just like to quickly please them and move on. I...