
  1. Luccian11

    Faire monter un étalon sur moi

    Bonjour, j'aimerais savoir pour mon étalon, comment lui faire comprendre que je lui demande de me monter ? Car je n'arrive pas à lui faire comprendre ! merci d'avance pour votre réponse
  2. The_little_candle

    ChatGPT Vous conseille !

    Après avoir utilisé plusieurs prompt jailbreak pour ChatGPT j'ai fini par en modifier un existant et BINGO ! J'ai finalement réussi à lui faire oublier les politique de OpenAi ! Donc profitez de ses conseils qui je dois le dire m'excitent rien qu'à les lire ! Je garde le prompt pour moi, désolé...
  3. L


    I was with a friend who had horse and they told me to carress a mare breast because they like it. At first, I was like... really?! 😍 I touched it and wow! The mare was so relaxed and it seems that she enjoyed it! Now I understand why people prefer more horse than dogs etc. Now I want...
  4. L

    Anyy good book to buy about Horse?

    Any good book to buy that talks about Horse in ALL aspect with anatomy and all?
  5. L

    After my first horseback ride, I want more..... 🐎

    I was hesitent to ride a horse but I still did it. I went for horseback riding just to see if I would like it ot not. The horse owner understood my fears and help me overcome it. Thanks that that wonderful experience, I want to try horse riding class and do more horse back riding. I am still...
  6. L

    I did some horse riding for the first time...

    I really enjoy it. I didn't know that services like that were accessible to the public. I really bonded with ny horse when I was riding with it. I thought that I would fall or the horse might bite me but it went really well. Thr creepy part of myself love the smell of the horse and I like...