The abusive porn cleanup project

I have found abusive content in the past:

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In the past few weeks I have reported an alarming number of abusive porn videos from the porn section. 90% of them were subsequently removed after a moderator reviewed them and agreed that the content violated animal abuse the rules of this forum.
Over my existence on Zooville I have personally reported content that showed:
1. Animals being forced into sex.
2. Animals being bound, muzzled, held or prevented from moving for the purpose of sex.
3. Animal genitalia being handled incorrectly which includes forceful sucking of a limp penis.
4. Animal rape.
5. Identifiable photos or videos of women being posted without their consent.
Most of which was then removed after a moderator review.
And I have seen other content which is questionable but not directly against the rules or difficult to prove to be abusive like drugged horses, fake cum or animals trained to perform sex all common in commercial zoo porn.

All of these threads and posts had dozens of praising comments and each of these videos had more than 20 likes. Including the last one which showed an unquestionable rape of a dog trying to defend himself. Yet I was apparently the first user who reported it for being abusive. (It shows a little bit about the people using this website and how much they care.)

I understand that due to the high amount of content uploaded to the website, the moderators can not review every video and thus rely on other users reporting bad content.

Because of my setup I can only review certain kinds of content. Large videos and content on some external websites is difficult for me to review because I use TOR.

Therefore I would like to ask the zoophiles of this forum who care about the lives of animals to help with cleaning the porn sections.
Please report abusive content. Use the rules your common sense, experience and knowledge of animal body language to identify bad content and report it.
It does not matter if you are wrong in some cases, all reports will be reviewed by moderators anyway and it is their job.
I believe that as zoophiles we should not allow animal abuse to thrive in zoophile communities.

Abuse on here is not isolated to animals only. Some people think that their own sexual desires allow them to post identifiable photos and videos of other people without their consent. This usually has the form of "reaction" videos or photos of someone they would love to see getting fucked. These people (mostly women) need protection too. Posting such content is against the rules and therefore such threads should be reported and removed.

If you are not sure, post a link to the thread in here so others can review it and help with making the right decision.

Also please have a look at these related threads:

Systematic porn reviewing and cleanup group:
"We hunt atrocious porn and take it down! Pack hunting encouraged."

Thank you.
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Which sections of the forum have the highest volume of stuff like this happening?

I spend a lot in the F/M Dog section and cant say ive seen a lot other than a flaccid penis being sucked on every now and then.

I get the feeling this happens more in the Male human to Female Animal department though.
Which sections of the forum have the highest volume of stuff like this happening?

I spend a lot in the F/M Dog section and cant say ive seen a lot other than a flaccid penis being sucked on every now and then.

I get the feeling this happens more in the Male human to Female Animal department though.
No actually, the majority of content I reported and that was removed was from the women with dogs and women with horses sections. It makes sense as those are the sections that get the most uploads.

In fact it does not matter which section you choose to review content from. All of them have the same potential to contain bad content.
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I can't say I've gone into the section you mentioned, but I will keep a lookout where I usually venture! I'll be sure to report anything.
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In the past few weeks I have reported an alarming number of abusive porn videos from the porn section. 90% of them were subsequently removed after a moderator reviewed them and agreed that the content violated animal abuse the rules of this forum.
Over my existence on Zooville I have personally reported content that showed:
1. Animals being forced into sex.
2. Animals being bound, muzzled, held or prevented from moving for the purpose of sex.
3. Animal genitalia being handled incorrectly which includes forceful sucking of a limp penis.
4. Animal rape.
Most of which was then removed after a moderator review.
And I have seen other content which is questionable but not directly against the rules or difficult to prove to be abusive like drugged horses, fake cum or animals trained to perform sex all common in commercial zoo porn.

All of these threads and posts had dozens of praising comments and each of these videos had more than 20 likes. Including the last one which showed an unquestionable rape of a dog trying to defend himself. Yet I was apparently the first user who reported it for being abusive. (It shows a little bit about the people using this website and how much they care.)

I understand that due to the high amount of content uploaded to the website, the moderators can not review every video and thus rely on other users reporting bad content.

Because of my setup I can only review certain kinds of content. Large videos and content on some external websites is difficult for me to review because I use TOR.

Therefore I would like to ask the zoophiles of this forum who care about the lives of animals to help with cleaning the porn sections.
Please report abusive content. Use the rules your common sense, experience and knowledge of animal body language to identify bad content and report it.
It does not matter if you are wrong in some cases, all reports will be reviewed by moderators anyway and it is their job.
I believe that as zoophiles we should not allow animal abuse to thrive in zoophile communities.

If you are not sure, post a link to the thread in here so others can review it and support the reporting with comments describing what is wrong.

Thank you.
Saw that forced dog video too! I was like, "thiiis looks a little rapey...
oo yeah shes sucking it... but he bolts every time theres an opening to
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I do not know how much of it you saw but they repeatedly forced him to lay on his back while the woman attempted to suck his dick by even laying on top of him. At one point he got away so they threw him back there like a piece of shit and in the end they held him by both his legs and tail while he was trying to escape. This was not "a little rapey" it was rape.
I do not know how much of it you saw but they repeatedly forced him to lay on his back while the woman attempted to suck his dick by even laying on top of him. At one point he got away so they threw him back there like a piece of shit and in the end they held him by both his legs and tail while he was trying to escape. This was not "a little rapey" it was rape.
That's upsetting!
I find the fact that it had 26 likes and a number of positive comments a little bit concerning too. I mean you do not even need to know much about dogs to be able to tell that this was not consensual.
On top of that the woman actually ended up gagging afterwards and looked pretty disgusted too. So either she did not like it either or she faked it for effect. But nobody reported it for human abuse either.
I do not know how much of it you saw but they repeatedly forced him to lay on his back while the woman attempted to suck his dick by even laying on top of him. At one point he got away so they threw him back there like a piece of shit and in the end they held him by both his legs and tail while he was trying to escape. This was not "a little rapey" it was rape.

That's fucked up! Where the people in the vid identifiable? Because that's obvious straight up abuse and really something they should be reported irl for.
I guess the woman was identifiable although I do not know how to report something like this irl. Such content ends up removed from the forum and I guess the admins do not report it anywhere else.
I find the fact that it had 26 likes and a number of positive comments a little bit concerning too. I mean you do not even need to know much about dogs to be able to tell that this was not consensual.
On top of that the woman actually ended up gagging afterwards and looked pretty disgusted too. So either she did not like it either or she faked it for effect. But nobody reported it for human abuse either.
tells a lot about "our" community.... most clearly abusive clips get their share of praise
For reference 5 videos were removed this week based on my reports. And about 4 additional were removed a week or 14 days ago if I remember correctly.
I guess the woman was identifiable although I do not know how to report something like this irl. Such content ends up removed from the forum and I guess the admins do not report it anywhere else.

I don't really know either, I suppose if we could tell where it happened (US, UK, Europe, Other) we could send the vid to the relevant law enforcement but without knowing the location it could be literally anywhere in the world and I'm not tech savvy enough to track something like that even if I had the original post.
I do not know how much of it you saw but they repeatedly forced him to lay on his back while the woman attempted to suck his dick by even laying on top of him. At one point he got away so they threw him back there like a piece of shit and in the end they held him by both his legs and tail while he was trying to escape. This was not "a little rapey" it was rape.
Thats what I was saying too.
I report abusive content as soon as I see it, and there have been multiple occasions I've had to do so.

As far as that test saying who's worthy of being here, I'm only a 21 on the scale, so try not to do the zooier than thou thing, it's about if you love animals or not, not a test.
I don't really watch porn here, especially not the female section so i wouldnt be the most helpful haha. But thanks for pointing that out! Maybe i should look into it more.
tells a lot about "our" community.... most clearly abusive clips get their share of praise
I have a theory about this but it's kinda sad.
Honestly sex with a dog isn't great porn material, there's not much going on. But when they "spice it up" it's new and special! Ew. Maybe it's these people getting desensitized.
Oh and many seem to be oblivious ofc
I do not watch much porn here either. But identifying potential bad material is not hard. Most of the stuff I found was just by scrolling through the New posts page. A lot of the times the title of the thread is enough.
I find the fact that it had 26 likes and a number of positive comments a little bit concerning too. I mean you do not even need to know much about dogs to be able to tell that this was not consensual.

Its not rape when its females (human) doing it to males (most often dogs and stallions whom been drugged) apparently to a number of these people.
I find the fact that it had 26 likes and a number of positive comments a little bit concerning too. I mean you do not even need to know much about dogs to be able to tell that this was not consensual.
On top of that the woman actually ended up gagging afterwards and looked pretty disgusted too. So either she did not like it either or she faked it for effect. But nobody reported it for human abuse either.
Oh God, so awful. Wow...
You can delete the whole riding-thread - I think its very abusive:

That's a grey area for most mods, I've had some deleted myself more than once, but at the same time there are some exceptions to the rule of it being bad even for me , actually only one exception, Frisky and her dog, her dog loved being ridden, and she loved her dog and he loved her, not at all abusive or forced.

99.8% of riding is forced and the dog is not hard or is sedated, I agree it's as bad as dildogging if not worse because the dog is forcibly held down.

But just understand, some of it is going to stay because the dog is not struggling or being roughly treated and is erect, that's usually what the mods go by I think.

@FloofyNewfie can probably clarify the stance on it for us.
You can delete the whole riding-thread - I think its very abusive:
This thread is not primarily aimed to make general statements and expect anything to happen. I would really not like to make this thread dumpster fire material. None of us here can directly delete content either. So please if you find content you consider abusive, report it to the moderators with an explanation.
If you are not sure post a link here so others can help with the review.