I’m writing a PDF instructional e-book: A Complete Illustrated Guide to Dog Love

Lurkers and tourists: "hey this is great keep it up!"

Esteemed citizens: "horrible u suck go home"

Lol. Well I like the idea of a single compiled guide and what you've got looks good so far. Thanks for contributing and keep up the good work!

Despite non-constructive, super toxic attitudes from Boomers saying essentially, "I had to learn the long, hard, embarrassing, painful way, and so should you," I've continued to work on this and despite some delays, I've finished the first section (with full photographs!):

A Complete Guide to Dog Love: Female Human: Male Dog (Section 1: 45 Page PDF)


It is not as thorough as I want it to be. It is not as well-formatted as I want it to be. It takes a lot of time to distill, compile, and edit, from all of the sources (BeastForum, ZooVille, Veterinary Books, etc) that I use, and I want community input because want it to be a true community resource. For the record, I do, in fact respond to and address all constructive criticism.

If you have tips/sections that you think should be included, please send me a PM. I'm not going to address the haters who respond here anymore.

- RedBananaRed


  • A Complete Guide to Dog Love - Female Human, Male Dog - Beta 2.0.pdf
    10.4 MB · Views: 4,531

Despite non-constructive, super toxic attitudes from Boomers saying essentially, "I had to learn the long, hard, embarrassing, painful way, and so should you," I've continued to work on this and despite some delays, I've finished the first section (with full photographs!):

A Complete Guide to Dog Love: Female Human: Male Dog (Section 1: 45 Page PDF)


It is not as thorough as I want it to be. It is not as well-formatted as I want it to be. It takes a lot of time to distill, compile, and edit, from all of the sources (BeastForum, ZooVille, Veterinary Books, etc) that I use, and I want community input because want it to be a true community resource. For the record, I do, in fact respond to and address all constructive criticism.

If you have tips/sections that you think should be included, please send me a PM. I'm not going to address the haters who respond here anymore.

- RedBananaRed
Well as a Boomer myself, I congratulate you! Good work.
Yo thia is fucking crazy. Props to you, thanks for making this. I would provide criticism but I'm dumb and can't do it better.. And it's a thankless job it seems. If you get real good someday you can make money from it. I bet there will be buyers. It would start from the extreme niche, just bought by zoophiles and maybe furries. . And who knows ? It could even make a Tiny Dent towards acceptance in mainstream. Imagine it got to the point where girls read this to be "naughty" and somehow, someway it became more and more mainstream. It just became a new "dirty" kink. You call it crazy now, but think of a generation or 2... past gen Z. by then who knows what the fuck ... leading to more and more acceptance.

I can dream... can't I? So can you. And it sucks when people like to shit on those dreams. Boomers, typically.

Nah, just kidding. Lighten up people.
Wow! All this needs is a male human/male dog segment.
It isnt because I'm a boomer. You millies DO love that excuse, dont you? WHAT I'm more concerned about is the kind of advice that gets people and critters killed. I said Id reserve judgement for the finished product. You all should consider that.
Nobody’s taking offence it’s people giving an opinion ....it’s a forum 🙂
people with no experience will think it’s great people who know better then not so much
We could really benefit from your experience if you could offer your advice on how to improve the book. The amount of work this user is willing to contribute is rare and we shouldn't waste that. All he needs is instructions on how to improve it so it's something you would recommend to newbies.
I don’t mean to trash his work and appreciate the time he’s put into it but in my opinion there’s more information already on site from owners own experiences which is more useful to a newbie
Oh, I hope it’s a pop up book!! Maybe I should wait for the movie. 😂 My only thought is that there is already a load of good material on the subject that’s already out there. I remember a zooskool (3) flash animations from the late 90’s on the subject. They were broken down into beginning, intermediate, and expert. They had text, pics, animations, and videos. So, the question becomes, why?

I suppose there’s a Tide Pod munching generation that didn’t know Ghostbusters was a movie from the 80’s. They only know the one from a few years back with all women in the roles. That’s why they remake movies. Maybe that’s why people choose to rewrite material.

A quick DuckDuckGo search on “guide to sex with animals” yields many links....from dogs to earthworms. If writing it gives the author pleasure, go for it!!!
Here it is! I present, a sample from the first 22 pages of my e-book.

You'll see by the table of contents that it is an ambitious undertaking... but I'm welcome to constructive criticism so that this is useful for the highest number of people.
From what I saw it's very clear and I like a lot, so far...ned to evaluate in the end of course. Good job!
Then shut up and do it yourself, better. Easy.
Writers, painters, musicians.....if you’re going to hang your work out there for everyone to see, it’s going to be critiqued. If your skin is too thin, don’t do it. I suppose someone coming up in the “everyone gets a trophy” generation will not be able to comprehend this.

As for “doing it yourself”, I liken that to being married to the same religious woman for 39 years. There’s no new ground to plow, so why bother?? Everything that could be done has been.....many, many times.....like Groundhog Day.😂
Then let's tell him what's missing. Compiling these better sources was a main part of what he says he was trying to do.

Seriously, it is the single laziest answer, and they give it all the time: "There's information already out there."

Yeah, but the information is spread out in 15 stickied threads, buried in the comments... and that's just here in zooville. What about all the other sites, searches, blogs, etc... that may be unsafe and untrustworthy. Just because it was hard for you to do research in the 70s doesn't mean that it needs to be hard for everyone else now.

Nobody’s taking offence it’s people giving an opinion ....it’s a forum 🙂
people with no experience will think it’s great people who know better then not so much

If the "far more experienced" ACTUALLY HELPED write it instead of shitting on it with non-constructive opinions, we could make a safe, informative guide for our community. I'm specifically soliciting critique/additions from people LIKE YOU, so that this is representative of our collective knowledge.

Edit to add: I am an owner, though writing "objectively" and "professionally" may make it seem like I am not.
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Despite non-constructive, super toxic attitudes from Boomers saying essentially, "I had to learn the long, hard, embarrassing, painful way, and so should you," I've continued to work on this and despite some delays, I've finished the first section (with full photographs!):

A Complete Guide to Dog Love: Female Human: Male Dog (Section 1: 45 Page PDF)


It is not as thorough as I want it to be. It is not as well-formatted as I want it to be. It takes a lot of time to distill, compile, and edit, from all of the sources (BeastForum, ZooVille, Veterinary Books, etc) that I use, and I want community input because want it to be a true community resource. For the record, I do, in fact respond to and address all constructive criticism.

If you have tips/sections that you think should be included, please send me a PM. I'm not going to address the haters who respond here anymore.

- RedBananaRed

wow, this is super informative, great job, thanks to me I am interested in the part about M / F and a guide helps a lot, I do not think I can make a constructive criticism that does not point out the things that surely you already know, (at last and after all, no one knows his work better than the artisat himself).
Thank you and I hope you continue your work, which until now is so professional that I was impressed