“Where did those scratches come from?” What excuse do you give?

Two of my dogs love to jump up on the couch and lay on or near me. When an evil "other dog" is detected behind my house (there's a walking trail) they jump up and off to bark at them. That has legitimately lead to scratches so if I end up with scratches some other way that's my explanation.
While the scratches are easy to avoid using a vest or sweater, sometimes I just want to feel the claws and the pain for some stupid reason, so I just make sure I do some gardening or workout before that I can blame the scratches on. Branches, fencing, concrete walls etc anything could have caused the scratches :p I'm not even sure why I take the risk when its so easy to avoid.
Where do they sell those socks that you see the dogs wearing in those movies? How do people make them?
Im new here, but I thought this would make for an interesting topic.

Have you ever had to make an excuse? If so, what was it?
I had scratches for my friends pit breeding my and knotting me. I was completely naked and loved the feeling of his paws scratching me up.my mother saw the scratches and asked what happened. I told her it was from my job, I'm an arborist, it was tree branches from a tree I took down earlier. I think she suspected something never said anything else.
Horse = no scratches.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't horses nip when they are really getting into things. Teeth marks are sort of like scratches have you ever had to explain that, or is your equine not as mouthy as some I've met. Although I guess it's only the stallions I'm thinking of.
Scratches, I've had a few, but I work with dogs it comes with the territory, but "those" scratches are easily avoided with a decent shirt or a nail trim if you prefer to go bareback with your special canine.