Who would perform beastility in front of a group

I would absolutely perform in front of a group. Let them all watch as the dog takes my zoo virginity. That would be hotter than anything else I’ve ever done.
I've done it once with just one person watching, it was... strange but kind of hot, but I doubt I'd let more then 1 person watch, too self aware for that.
Id totally do it if I knew there’d be no repercussions! I mean, Id have sex in front of people regardless, I think the idea is hot AF. Haha
In my view, it would be the same as fucking a woman in front of others. I have an exhibitionist streak, so hell yes, if Infront of like-minded people, why wouldn't I.
Have done, a d would do again for right group. No recording though
I have done it somewhat against my will by my cousin. He knew I was having sex with a male dog (caught me knotted) and made me perform in front of a couple of his friends. The dog was more nervous (distracted) then me and it took awhile before he mounted and tied me.
Oh god yes. I love bitches and sows. But there would have to be equally men and women present. Too much testosterone anywhere is toxic, in my view.
Wow, that was a mouthful. LOL, but I get what you mean.

one question no one has asked, How big a group are we talking here?

In my case, from other fetish-based parties, I'd say no more than about 20-ish. Given that this particular fetish is still one of the "most taboo", possibly fewer. The issue is "vetting", i.e. getting to know the individuals, couples, triads, etc. that might want to be there. That would take time, and lots of it. Outside of a major metro area (I.e. NYC, SF Bay, Portland, LA to name a few that I've been familiar with) it may not be practical to get a viewing audience together.
In my case, from other fetish-based parties, I'd say no more than about 20-ish. Given that this particular fetish is still one of the "most taboo", possibly fewer. The issue is "vetting", i.e. getting to know the individuals, couples, triads, etc. that might want to be there. That would take time, and lots of it. Outside of a major metro area (I.e. NYC, SF Bay, Portland, LA to name a few that I've been familiar with) it may not be practical to get a viewing audience together.
That is a lot more than I was thinking LOL
In my case, from other fetish-based parties, I'd say no more than about 20-ish. Given that this particular fetish is still one of the "most taboo", possibly fewer. The issue is "vetting", i.e. getting to know the individuals, couples, triads, etc. that might want to be there. That would take time, and lots of it. Outside of a major metro area (I.e. NYC, SF Bay, Portland, LA to name a few that I've been familiar with) it may not be practical to get a viewing audience together.
I have a place in Manhattan... Work there half the year. I would LOVE to be part of a group in NYC. Please help? PM me?