Ladies, help educate me.


I love watching dogs pound and pump females just as much as the next guy. What I don’t like is when it’s fake, or seems fake. We have all seen the 30 min. videos of sexy women spitting up globs of yogurt while sucking on an obvious unimpressed horse dick.

My question here is about some K9 videos that give me that same feeling as mentioned above. In almost all of the videos done by Unimportant Productions by the dogs second or third thrust into the females vagina semen starts to pour out in buckets, and in other videos the semen coming out (during sex or after knot pull out) does not look or react like K9 semen would/should (of course I’m uneducated here so maybe it does). In the video I’m attaching is an example of what I feel is not JUST K9 semen. Can you ladies educate me by either confirming or denying if your K9 lover is able to fill you to the same insane amounts of semen seen gushing, oozing, squirting, pouring, and dripping from the vaginas of the women from some of these videos. I would love to here from both zoo exclusive and non zoo exclusive females. Also, I do know that K9’s ejaculate insane amounts of semen but is it as much and as fast as seen in the unimportant production videos, or as gooey as in this video here? Or is it most likely staged and fake? Or maybe (more likely) a mix of K9 and human semen?
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Something about that video just feels icky.
I love watching dogs pound and pump females just as much as the next guy. What I don’t like is when it’s fake, or seems fake. We have all seen the 30 min. videos of sexy women spitting up globs of yogurt while sucking on an obvious unimpressed horse dick.

My question here is about some K9 videos that give me that same feeling as mentioned above. In almost all of the videos done by Unimportant Productions by the dogs second or third thrust into the females vagina semen starts to pour out in buckets, and in other videos the semen coming out (during sex or after knot pull out) does not look or react like K9 semen would/should (of course I’m uneducated here so maybe it does). In the video I’m attaching is an example of what I feel is not JUST K9 semen. Can you ladies educate me by either confirming or denying if your K9 lover is able to fill you to the same insane amounts of semen seen gushing, oozing, squirting, pouring, and dripping from the vaginas of the women from some of these videos. I would love to here from both zoo exclusive and non zoo exclusive females. Also, I do know that K9’s ejaculate insane amounts of semen but is it as much and as fast as seen in the unimportant production videos, or as gooey as in this video here? Or is it most likely staged and fake? Or maybe (more likely) a mix of K9 and human semen?
yes, some videos are forced, but as for ejaculation inside pussy, what happens is that sometimes the tip of the dog's cock kisses the cervix, if the knot is swollen enough, and with a long enough dick, there will be hydraulic pressure to squirt most of the semen into the woman's uterus. causing one to drip a smaller amount after the cock pull-out
Lot to say... but IMHO the answer is... "It Depends".

Unimportant Productions by the dogs second or third thrust into the females vagina semen starts to pour out in buckets,
Keep in mind that there will probably be differences in amounts based on dog breeds. And beyond that... there can be a pretty wide variation even within that breed. Once you get a mixed breed... who knows what you'll get.
Mr.U has a Ridgeback, which is the same breed I have. IDK if his is a pure-blood or a mix. There are a lot of differences I see between my Ridgeback and his Ridgeback, but that's not too surprising since mine was Sired from an American line of Ridgebacks that first came here who knows how long ago. Where as I understand it, Mr.U was in South Africa so his dog would have a quite different lineage.
However... that being said... it just could be differences within the breed.
My dog (Max) does not cum like a fire hose like it appears Mr.U's dog does. My boy does definitely cum a lot, but not quite as much as what is shown in the Mr.U videos. I've always thought there was some movie magic going on there... to make it more dramatic. Because at some points the volume of water coming out would almost be as much as if the dog was just pissing inside the girl. Obviously the dog isn't... so... something else has to be going on.
Also from video to video... the amount seems to vary a lot. If it's the same dog, I'd expect the amount to be somewhat similar. There will still be variation... but I don't think there's be that much variation in amount. I could be wrong though.

and in other videos the semen coming out (during sex or after knot pull out) does not look or react like K9 semen would/should (of course I’m uneducated here so maybe it does).
Keep in mind that Semen in humans can change quite a bit from ejaculate to ejaculate. Ive heard guys talk about how some days its mostly water, other days it's about normal, and some days it comes out almost in clumps. So IDK if there's one "type" for dogs. My guess is that it can vary a little for them as well. And again... maybe that's a breed thing... or even an individual dog thing.

In the video I’m attaching is an example of what I feel is not JUST K9 semen
When that video was first posted I thought the same thing. "That doesn't look right", it looked to thick to me. But it's possible that's just a weird trait that dog has... or maybe she had been playing with herself for a while and had gotten herself all creamy... or maybe she had just fucked her boyfriend and his cum was inside her... or maybe her dog has a medical issue that needs to get checked out... or maybe she's just got a really nasty vag. lol
There's a lot of possibilities.

So as much as my first gut response was "That doesn't look right", there's a lot of things that could cause it look different than what I'd expect.
I’ll take the bait. It feels like someone shoves a very thick hose deep deep inside you VERY FAST. There’s not much room so all the semen gets fucked in and out before your knotted or the owner holds him in with the knot against your pussy lips. If the knot is inside of you. The knot is HOT and THROBBING. The tip is squirting semen non-stop. Non-stop. It is the most amazing feeling.
I love watching dogs pound and pump females just as much as the next guy. What I don’t like is when it’s fake, or seems fake. We have all seen the 30 min. videos of sexy women spitting up globs of yogurt while sucking on an obvious unimpressed horse dick.

My question here is about some K9 videos that give me that same feeling as mentioned above. In almost all of the videos done by Unimportant Productions by the dogs second or third thrust into the females vagina semen starts to pour out in buckets, and in other videos the semen coming out (during sex or after knot pull out) does not look or react like K9 semen would/should (of course I’m uneducated here so maybe it does). In the video I’m attaching is an example of what I feel is not JUST K9 semen. Can you ladies educate me by either confirming or denying if your K9 lover is able to fill you to the same insane amounts of semen seen gushing, oozing, squirting, pouring, and dripping from the vaginas of the women from some of these videos. I would love to here from both zoo exclusive and non zoo exclusive females. Also, I do know that K9’s ejaculate insane amounts of semen but is it as much and as fast as seen in the unimportant production videos, or as gooey as in this video here? Or is it most likely staged and fake? Or maybe (more likely) a mix of K9 and human semen?
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My answer is also my opinion......the dog isn't knotted. And the longer that's the case, the more it will leak.

Unimportant in particular trained that dog WRONG. Yes, I know, ALSO an opinion. Just me I guess. I want my dogs to STICK that knot, and it drives me crazy when they don't. I refuse to let any dog of mine continue the ride if he doesn't KNOT. I'll remove him and let him cool off and try again. Lather, rinse, repeat. Until he has it firmly in his head that knotting, he gets to stay, no knot, no stay.

That dog NEVER knots for very long. And, honestly, it sometimes seems that the dog feels like being knotted isn't the right way to do things. I really WANT to enjoy his content because on the whole, I think it has a great core most of the time to be a very good vid, but that fuckin dog and his lack of actually staying knotted just drives me crazy.

So, to summarize, in my experience, a knotted dog, you get almost no drip or pour, and unknotted dog, thats mostly what you get.
In my opinion, the actress let the knot grow too big before he started thrusting. I think if she pulled the sheath down all the way he would've slammed it home. I haven't seen this dog before but Jake with unimportant productions KNOWS how to knot.
In my opinion, the actress let the knot grow too big before he started thrusting. I think if she pulled the sheath down all the way he would've slammed it home. I haven't seen this dog before but Jake with unimportant productions KNOWS how to knot.
Maybe, maybe not.

Show me a vid of unimportants where the dog stays knotted for any length of time. I havent seen that happen more than maybe a minute or 2 in anything I've seen.

ALL dogs know how to knot. Its pure solid instinct. They knot EVERY time with another dog unless she resists him. Its only with humans where not knotting is common. Many times, for exactly the reason you stated.
Unimportant in particular trained that dog WRONG. Yes, I know, ALSO an opinion. Just me I guess. I want my dogs to STICK that knot, and it drives me crazy when they don't. I refuse to let any dog of mine continue the ride if he doesn't KNOT. I'll remove him and let him cool off and try again. Lather, rinse, repeat. Until he has it firmly in his head that knotting, he gets to stay, no knot, no stay.
Clearly the dog knows what he's doing at first. You can see from the slow-mo video that he knows he should be burying his knot in something. But he's definitely trying to dismount way earlier than he should.

That dog NEVER knots for very long. And, honestly, it sometimes seems that the dog feels like being knotted isn't the right way to do things. I really WANT to enjoy his content because on the whole, I think it has a great core most of the time to be a very good vid, but that fuckin dog and his lack of actually staying knotted just drives me crazy.
Yea, MrU has some great angles (at times), but the lack of a good tie is annoying.

So, to summarize, in my experience, a knotted dog, you get almost no drip or pour, and unknotted dog, thats mostly what you get.
Agreed, in my experience (sample size of 1), when Max knots me, there's no leaking until near the very end when he starts to want to pull out.

In my opinion, the actress let the knot grow too big before he started thrusting. I think if she pulled the sheath down all the way he would've slammed it home.
I haven't seen this dog before but Jake with unimportant productions KNOWS how to knot.
As for her... there's a lot that's sub-optimal. Primarily that the angle is wrong, her hips are rotated the wrong way, her thighs being forward under her are preventing her lining up better, and that will cause more strain on the knot to come out when he rocks forward.
Also some dogs don't have much of a 'dickroot' (fuck if I know what the proper term is). On top of that, she's probably putting no effort into actually holding him in.
Also... not specifically to you in this case, but a major annoyance for me from a lot of guys here... is that they don't seem to understand how the vuvla and vagina works... You see comments all the time where the knot is clearly outside the vagina but is partly held in by the labia majora and dudes will comment about liking how she's knotted. A proper knot means the knot is INSIDE the vagina. If its clearly visible from behind... she's not knotted. And just because you cant see the knot when her labia majora are pressed together doesn't mean he's knotted. Some bigger women have a lot of skin down there and because of the amount of body fat it looks like the dog is knotted. I almost want to start a thread titled "Knotted or not knotted" and go through what is and isn't a real knot. lol

MrU's dog at least knows it somewhat... but he tries to dismount way to soon... or just stops thrusting all together and just stands there partly penetrated.

Maybe, maybe not.
Show me a vid of unimportants where the dog stays knotted for any length of time. I havent seen that happen more than maybe a minute or 2 in anything I've seen.

I think its a little of column A and a little of column B. It's also possible that the girls MrU hires just dont know what to do with their own bodies. Pelvic muscle contractions result in 2 types of forces internally. Pushing down... and clamping. It's also possible the girls haven't bothered to learn much muscle control so are just doing both at the same time and pushing the knot out. Learning the best way to hold onto Max's knot took me some time to learn the best "symphony of muscle movements" in my pelvic region and abdomen to have the best success at holding him. And I was emotionally motivated to do so. These girls are probably just in it for a paycheck and may even want it to be over with as soon as possible so are low-key trying to push the knot out.

ALL dogs know how to knot. Its pure solid instinct. They knot EVERY time with another dog unless she resists him. Its only with humans where not knotting is common. Many times, for exactly the reason you stated.
Female Canine biology definitely helps in that regard, but yea, it's all instinct on the male side of things. But they can be trained around instinct. Like for instance, the instinct to turn as soon as they are knotted. It's unnatural for a dog to not want to turn, but they can be trained not to.
OMG, what a salad, salami meat sandwich. :sick:

Fake cum.
The quantity is too large for the duration. And too thick and white.
I don't do it with male dogs, but it looks fake.
Clearly the dog knows what he's doing at first. You can see from the slow-mo video that he knows he should be burying his knot in something. But he's definitely trying to dismount way earlier than he should.

Yea, MrU has some great angles (at times), but the lack of a good tie is annoying.

Agreed, in my experience (sample size of 1), when Max knots me, there's no leaking until near the very end when he starts to want to pull out.

As for her... there's a lot that's sub-optimal. Primarily that the angle is wrong, her hips are rotated the wrong way, her thighs being forward under her are preventing her lining up better, and that will cause more strain on the knot to come out when he rocks forward.
Also some dogs don't have much of a 'dickroot' (fuck if I know what the proper term is). On top of that, she's probably putting no effort into actually holding him in.
Also... not specifically to you in this case, but a major annoyance for me from a lot of guys here... is that they don't seem to understand how the vuvla and vagina works... You see comments all the time where the knot is clearly outside the vagina but is partly held in by the labia majora and dudes will comment about liking how she's knotted. A proper knot means the knot is INSIDE the vagina. If its clearly visible from behind... she's not knotted. And just because you cant see the knot when her labia majora are pressed together doesn't mean he's knotted. Some bigger women have a lot of skin down there and because of the amount of body fat it looks like the dog is knotted. I almost want to start a thread titled "Knotted or not knotted" and go through what is and isn't a real knot. lol

MrU's dog at least knows it somewhat... but he tries to dismount way to soon... or just stops thrusting all together and just stands there partly penetrated.

I think its a little of column A and a little of column B. It's also possible that the girls MrU hires just dont know what to do with their own bodies. Pelvic muscle contractions result in 2 types of forces internally. Pushing down... and clamping. It's also possible the girls haven't bothered to learn much muscle control so are just doing both at the same time and pushing the knot out. Learning the best way to hold onto Max's knot took me some time to learn the best "symphony of muscle movements" in my pelvic region and abdomen to have the best success at holding him. And I was emotionally motivated to do so. These girls are probably just in it for a paycheck and may even want it to be over with as soon as possible so are low-key trying to push the knot out.

Female Canine biology definitely helps in that regard, but yea, it's all instinct on the male side of things. But they can be trained around instinct. Like for instance, the instinct to turn as soon as they are knotted. It's unnatural for a dog to not want to turn, but they can be trained not to. on and analytical as usual.
Pretty much agree with all you said, and any disagree is more on style points, lol

Meaning you are laying out analytical reasons why the dog doesnt tie properly and I'm mostly bashing unimportant for not properly training his dog.

With good reason, I think. My first dog was like this in a lot of ways and I never could fully condition the tendency to stand there partially in out of him. But, for my case, I'm at fault there because I lacked the complete knowledge I gained over time. No other dog has ever had those issues once I figured out what I was doing, lol

You also reveal yourself to be a more patient and kindly soul than explaining in detail the what and why of being knotted or not knotted. Where I have about 2 tenths of a second of patience and just holler, if I can see the fucking knot, she isnt knotted, dummy, you arent superman with xray eyes.......

Gotta admit.....I laughed at dickroot. I mean, I knew immediately what you were referring to but never gave it any thought that I also have no idea what the hell thats called. I'm sure it has a name, as science lives to name things, lol

I might even look it up later when I have time to spare for oddball google searches, maybe get myself put on another one of those NSA lists, lol on and analytical as usual.
whats a girl to do.gif

Pretty much agree with all you said, and any disagree is more on style points, lol
Meaning you are laying out analytical reasons why the dog doesnt tie properly and I'm mostly bashing unimportant for not properly training his dog.
Yea I follow you. I kinda went on a rant there for a bit. lol Sometimes I hold stuff in for a while and it comes out at odd times when I happen to be talking about something tangential to the issue. haha Mea Culpa. ;)

With good reason, I think. My first dog was like this in a lot of ways and I never could fully condition the tendency to stand there partially in out of him. But, for my case, I'm at fault there because I lacked the complete knowledge I gained over time. No other dog has ever had those issues once I figured out what I was doing, lol
Well I'm sure the women that followed appreciated your efforts.

You also reveal yourself to be a more patient and kindly soul than explaining in detail the what and why of being knotted or not knotted. Where I have about 2 tenths of a second of patience and just holler, if I can see the fucking knot, she isnt knotted, dummy, you arent superman with xray eyes.......
Ive known of that joke about guys thinking with the wrong head for many years, but I thought it was just silly banter. But I swear if there isnt a constant display of total lack of common sense when some dudes get horny.

Gotta admit.....I laughed at dickroot. I mean, I knew immediately what you were referring to but never gave it any thought that I also have no idea what the hell thats called. I'm sure it has a name, as science lives to name things, lol
I might even look it up later when I have time to spare for oddball google searches, maybe get myself put on another one of those NSA lists, lol
haha, yea Im sure its got a technical name, but dickroot is what I use in my head for it. I've never cared enough to find out what the technical term is because fact is it'll go over most peoples heads and its not worth me worrying about. lol
But yea if you ever figure out what its actually called, let me know.
I've always liked this video a ton, except for the quicker pull-out. I think that his knot was totally inside her. It's just not common for the knot to be large enough for the given vaginal opening, for their to be a solid tie. Yes, sometimes it still lasts 30 seconds + after he stops humping, but that's usually be cause he is staying still and probably has a wider knot that this dog in the video.

The cum is thicker, but ejaculation thickness and color absolutely varies relative to how recent the last ejaculation was. I don't think the amount and how soon it starts dripping is rare, especially if his knot is not LARGE for her vagina. Somewhat early dripping of semen happens in other homemade vids. Its just more watery than that.

As ally pointed out, there's multiple reasons it appears to be thicker. She could have been cummed in by a guy within the hour before that. She could have been playing with herself. She could be close to ovulation and be more creamy than normal, etc.....

To me, it seems like she is getting mounted in a barn, a shed, a more poor house than we usually see, or a kennel of sorts. I find that to be hot. It's not creepy to me, but I bet some of you have always lived in much nicer homes, or haven't spent as much times in barns that aren't owned by affluent people, etc....

I don't think that was intentionally faked. I bet that dog just often has thicker cum, and probably hadn't ejaculated in quite a while, AND one other creamy reason is factoring in too.
haha, yea Im sure its got a technical name, but dickroot is what I use in my head for it. I've never cared enough to find out what the technical term is because fact is it'll go over most peoples heads and its not worth me worrying about. lol
But yea if you ever figure out what its actually called, let me know.
I believe it's simply the shaft at that point.