Have you told anyone about being into zoophlia?

I know it's mostly a secret you take to the grave but My sister knows and my brother walked in on me trying to get the dog to sit on my face at one point. The relationships didn't change she accepts it mostly but I believe he just blanked it out.
(first post sorry if i did something wrong)
Have you told anyone about your lifestyle? If so, how did it go and how did it change your relationship?
For me, this is a secret i’m taking to the grave
I have told my gf's in the past. they were actually receptive to it for the most part
Being in the furry fandom its kind of awkward to bring up as I feel like I'm part of the reason furries are often compared to zoophiles, because some of us actually are lol. I try to remain ambivalent if the subject comes up.
So several years ago a friend of mine told me that the "strangest video shes masturbated to was a horse fucking a woman"
She said she found it so fucking arousing to see the stallion stretch a woman open with its giant cock.

She was shy about telling anyone... for obv reasons. After hearing her stories it piqued my interest to want to find Beast content she would like.
So I started seeking out videos for her to watch. Which led me to to become more infatuated with watching them myself. Now I cant get help but want to find other women who share the same kink...or enjoy the same content.
(first post sorry if i did something wrong)
Have you told anyone about your lifestyle? If so, how did it go and how did it change your relationship?
For me, this is a secret i’m taking to the grave
Guys are more open to it than women are in my opinion. But I’ve talked a few women into letting my dog eat them out . Don’t be so worried about it mrs kinky lol😉
I've never told a soul and I can't forsee any circumstances in which I would.

I live in constant fear of being outed and certain instances where I thought I was at risk play in my mind over and over again, I just can't forget about them. If a partner ever broached the subject with me I would probably feign disgust.
I've never told a soul and I can't forsee any circumstances in which I would.

I live in constant fear of being outed and certain instances where I thought I was at risk play in my mind over and over again, I just can't forget about them. If a partner ever broached the subject with me I would probably feign disgust.
I can well understand your fear, it can destroy social life and career
I've never told a soul and I can't forsee any circumstances in which I would.

I live in constant fear of being outed and certain instances where I thought I was at risk play in my mind over and over again, I just can't forget about them. If a partner ever broached the subject with me I would probably feign disgust.
Why would you be hesitant if a partner approached you though?
To maintain the illusion I guess. Anybody you tell is a potential issue for the future, should things between you not go well.
I agree. There is always a risk if you give information that can hurt you but eventually you have to decide whether you want to keep it as your own fantasy or to actually share that with someone. Just try to be careful with whom to share it. Propably hardest thing is that who initiates that conversation, he/she always takes the biggest risk.
To maintain the illusion I guess. Anybody you tell is a potential issue for the future, should things between you not go well.
hmmm that's really hard but what do you do if you love and trust your partner completely?
That's the good thing about dogs or animals in general, they don't reveal any secrets 😉
Although sometimes it would be nice to know what they think.
hmmm that's really hard but what do you do if you love and trust your partner completely?
That's the good thing about dogs or animals in general, they don't reveal any secrets 😉
Although sometimes it would be nice to know what they think.
perhaps they thinks only , ok for sex with you mistress but i want to eat after and sleep in your bed ..thats all
(first post sorry if i did something wrong)
Have you told anyone about your lifestyle? If so, how did it go and how did it change your relationship?
For me, this is a secret i’m taking to the grave
I haven’t and won’t Because i know it would end very badly unfortunately my partner even though i adore him isn’t very understanding of things that are considered outside the norm and I’d lose my house, dog everything
I've told to my wife about my desire for animals but she is not into it. She told me that is better not to mention something about it again. I feel so alone on this.
The only real world person I told had told me she was into bestiality first. It was great, I felt like I wasn’t alone. We would watch zoo porn together and talk about fantasies in bed. It felt good to not have to hide anything. But then when I called myself a zoophile and said it meant I was sexually and romantically attracted to animals. She told me I was crazy and needed therapy. Bestiality was okay but being zoophilic was not to her. I really shrunk back down.
That's kinda pot calling the kettle black as far as that girl goes...sorry that happened, it was definitely hypocritical of her I feel.
Talked to my wife about it the other day. Long story short had a great conversation about it and turns out she is into it too!!!!! Dream come true. We both got super horny talking about it and went and had sex while we watched some amazing vids from here. That was some amazing sex too... Now we are trying to find a nice pup to come and take her k9 virginity I'm so excited. I never thought she would be into it too best conversation of my life. I don't have to hide it from her anymore. We were together 6y before I found out she likes the same stuff as I do.
Thats awesome dude! I'm glad yall have a love of zoo in common! I hope yall are still together and having a fun lovely life together!
Nail on the head.. I chatted up and met with a guy and told him about my interest in this. He told be growing up from 12-19 he fucked his f dog every damn day after school. Our fling didn’t last long but it wasn’t a sour situation, just not really compatible (his choice). Yet when he saw me in a social media photo with another guy, who I had ZERO interest in, he warned the guy to “be careful about me”, that I was into really “dark sexual stuff”, like “I fuck my dog.”——- and the truth is my dog is spayed and I have NEVER touched her like that! My advice. Do not tell ppl in your social circles unless you don’t care thsr it’s going to get passed around m. Because it will.
That's so fucked that he told that guy that....he probably did it out of jealousy or some petty shit. Sorry that happened to you 😔