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What Do You Get Annoyed By?

In my experience, their attempts to veganize everyone dies down in about a year or so. I've also seen this in ex-smokers. When a friend of mine quit, she literally harassed another friend of ours who still smoked, again for about a year.

I've wondered if it's an internal desire to make a big change with someone else, rather than alone?
Yes yes yes! :D
My bf is an ex-smoker and even bigger anti-smoking fanatic than me! 😂🤣😂🤣
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Yes yes yes! :D
My bf is an ex-smoker and even bigger anti-smoking fanatic then me! 😂🤣😂🤣
My boss and one coworker are similar.

Most likely this behavior has its roots in realizing, how mutch money, time and personal health you wasted on litheraly poison yourself without any benefits. It's upsets you, but atleast you woke up... And than there is all these other people, people who you are maybe even like, who still poisen themself, and others around them, any day, until they die. That's just depressing.

I also do understand vegans now, atleast partially. Alot of meat in your died you can just replace with little to no taste loss by using vegetarian alternatives. And these alternative products are often way healthier than the meat they replace.
So it's the same like smoking is. You see people around you use terrible, and for vegans, horrifying ingreedience, while there are superior alternatives.
Vegan propaganda! :mad:
When someone goes vegan, they decide that their most important duty is to veganize all people on the planet.
Vegans are the most annoying community, even more annoying than Jehovah's Witnesses.
Vegan or vegetarian extremists are so hard to take seriously. People are free to do as they please of course but I can't tell you the number of times I've been told that my choice of food is causing unnecessary deaths. Being vegan or whatever for health reasons I can understand, avoiding the hormones and steroids found in meat nowadays is obviously a good idea. But don't tell me that my food is causing mass-killing.

My juicy, rump steak only means one death. And my one cow killed for my food can probably provide 100 meals. Your grain fields or whatever require the death of hundreds of thousands of deaths. When the farmers plough those fields, every mouse, every shrew, every mole, squirrel etc. is killed. Then comes the insecticides, all the insects die. Then the birds, pests, coyotes, monkeys etc. For the amount of deaths required to give you the same amount of food that argument just doesn't make sense.

But I would never condone the poor treatment of animals. I always try buy meat, fish, eggs etc. from responsible, local farms where they're fed properly, allowed to graze, free-range etc.
You can only work yourself up. People assume it's "them".

It's not. You only do it to yourself. It's the lies people tell themselves. The incorrect assumptions. The hypocrisy.

I try to get people to self reflect. Instead people insist on avoiding accountability after being called out on their own bullshit. Admit it and we're fine. Pretend to be a saint when you're not and that's a LIE.

It's not the hypocrisy. It's the lack of accountability. If you don't consider you're part of the problem then you ARE part of the problem.

Rejection breeds hate btw. If all you do is be a hater hating on hate then you're a hypocrite. Telling people not to hate is like saying "Don't feel and be yourself". That's the worst advice to give people. I'd rather let people know it's ok to be angry. That works a lot better. Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away.

Then why the fuck did you ask!?
Probably to show how they pay attention to you.

Now shut the fuck up and get out!
Do you fear what others have to say? Rejection breeds hate. You're creating that hate. You hate others because you hate yourself. As for why that is, I have no idea. Just telling you the "patterns". Stop trying to control everything. You'll be happier for it.

Actually, considering solcial norms often pretend "hate is the problem" that's probably why. It's not. Peoples "attitude" towards the problem is. Pushing away is never the answer.
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People who play stuff on their phone out loud without headphones. No excuse and no one wants to hear, no one with a phone is too poor to have headphones
When different authors are hired to write each book in a trilogy. The difference in writing styles and total inconsistency details and plot really throws off the flow and readability.

Reading the Star Trek Coda trilogy at the moment. The "Nagas" went from being phaseshifted basically non-corporeal creatures that could only be harmed by sustained fire from transphasic phasers, dissipated into nothingness when killed, and killed by the merest contact in book 1 to; flesh and blood "time venom" spitting phasing creatures that klingon disruptors blow blood chucks out of and Martok sliced and diced with his mekleths in book 2. Real consistent there.
When different authors are hired to write each book in a trilogy. The difference in writing styles and total inconsistency details and plot really throws off the flow and readability.

Reading the Star Trek Coda trilogy at the moment. The "Nagas" went from being phaseshifted basically non-corporeal creatures that could only be harmed by sustained fire from transphasic phasers, dissipated into nothingness when killed, and killed by the merest contact in book 1 to; flesh and blood "time venom" spitting phasing creatures that klingon disruptors blow blood chucks out of and Martok sliced and diced with his mekleths in book 2. Real consistent there.
Same with Star Wars books. (n)
When someone comes into my home office to ask something, sees I'm wearing my headphones, and then proceeds to keep trying to come in and have a conversation until I get so fucked fed up I just throw my headphones. Go on, asshole, interrupt me for nothing!
When someone uses the word "chemical" in itself as a scary word, or to mean some alien/foreign substance. When 'chemical' could mean literally any material composed of the atomic elements, like water, salt, air, etc.
When someone uses the word "chemical" in itself as a scary word, or to mean some alien/foreign substance. When 'chemical' could mean literally any material composed of the atomic elements, like water, salt, air, etc.
That's true - but even water or salt kills you, if you overdo it in terms of short-time intake. :husky_happysmile:

As such even those can be "scary".
Yea, 100% of all deaths of mammals, fish and insects on this planet occur after they've ingested quite large amounts of H2O over their lifespan. Not the best advertisement for the safe consuming of water. 🤷‍♂️ (And don't mention the not used subscript - there's no shortkey to this on this keyboard layout.)

But on the other hand: Don't start talking about the intake of air. 🤷‍♂️

What I got annoyed by.. today? Being tired by useless tasks which cost money, time and the motivation to life.

It's like bureaucracy is the paper-bound variant of modern age vampirism.
Yea, 100% of all deaths of mammals, fish and insects on this planet occur after they've ingested quite large amounts of H2O over their lifespan. Not the best advertisement for the safe consuming of water. 🤷‍♂️ (And don't mention the not used subscript - there's no shortkey to this on this keyboard layout.)

What are some of the dangers associated with DHMO?​

Each year, Dihydrogen Monoxide is a known causative component in many thousands of deaths and is a major contributor to millions upon millions of dollars in damage to property and the environment. Some of the known perils of DihydrogenMonoxide are:
  • Death due to accidental inhalation of DHMO, even in small quantities.
  • Prolonged exposure to solid DHMO causes severe tissue damage.
  • Excessive ingestion produces a number of unpleasant though not typicallylife-threatening side-effects.
  • DHMO is a major component of acid rain.
  • Gaseous DHMO can cause severe burns.
  • Contributes to soil erosion.
  • Leads to corrosion and oxidation of many metals.
  • Contamination of electrical systems often causes short-circuits.
  • Exposure decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes.
  • Found in biopsies of pre-cancerous tumors and lesions.
  • Given to vicious dogs involved in recent deadly attacks.
  • Often associated with killer cyclones in the U.S. Midwest and elsewhere, and in hurricanes including deadly storms in Florida, New Orleans and other areas of the southeastern U.S.
  • Thermal variations in DHMO are a suspected contributor to the El Nino weather effect.
Fedex delaying my package. Ordered last tuesday, shipping on wednesday, estimated delivery today, last fedex tracking thursday morning leaving california, updated 6pm last night as "weather delay". Weather? What weather? Where? Even driving it shouldn't take 5.5 days to get it from CA to IN.
People who tailgate me, while im doing the speed limit in the far left lane, Like your actually gonna make me speed up, The closer you get the more I slow down
I can just hear everyone now saying "Dam, That Goats an Asshole"
Manga rippers/translators plastering watermark logos on "their" stuff.

You didn't make it, what you did was illegal, get your name off it!