What Do You Get Annoyed By?

people who don't arrive on time and people who don't keep their word.. I have distanced myself from friends for these reasons... even with my ex-partner... for me they are actions that make me trust
and drivers who throw cigarette butts or garbage out of the car window....????? grrrr.... I just realized that today everything bothers me hahahaha that person who passes by you and fills you with sand with the sandal on the beach
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How sweet basically every canned pasta sauce is. Stores stopped carrying the only halfway decent one I used to like. Pasta's not supposed to be sweet!
Or, the store says they have it in stock, I drive there, and they don't.

Went through that with my firetv.
That's another pet peeve. "Oh, yeah, we've got <insert some number here> of 'em on the shelf." Me: "Great, can get what I need and get this job done". Jump in car, to go get, find a naked shelf. "Uh... what happened to "we've got <N> of them on the shelf???" Well, there went a nice wasted trip...
People who don't know the difference between Detroit style pizza and Chicago style pizza.
My coworker got a grilling about that from me. smh.
Why the fuck is your AC running at 7am when it's 57 degrees out? What the fuck ridiculous low temp do you keep your apartment?
Aww. The retard with the "Discrete Fun; Looking for: Right Now" profile that for some ungodly reason thought he would get a positive result by approaching my "LTR only; NO HOOKUPS/FWB/ECT" profile didn't feel inclined to explain himself when I asked "Are you illiterate or willfully an idiot?".
Aww. The retard with the "Discrete Fun; Looking for: Right Now" profile that for some ungodly reason thought he would get a positive result by approaching my "LTR only; NO HOOKUPS/FWB/ECT" profile didn't feel inclined to explain himself when I asked "Are you illiterate or willfully an idiot?".
You say that like you're surprised????
Scifi stories about advanced civilizations made entirely of clones that are suffering from genetic degradation because they're copies of copies of copies. How and they be that advanced but not be smart enough to fucking create a master library of original genetic material and create the clones from that original database only? No fucking copy of copy problems.
Scifi stories about advanced civilizations made entirely of clones that are suffering from genetic degradation because they're copies of copies of copies. How and they be that advanced but not be smart enough to fucking create a master library of original genetic material and create the clones from that original database only? No fucking copy of copy problems.
Yabbut.... Then you just have a tale of an advanced civilization with no drama.

Editor after reading such proposal: "Fergit it, kid - it'll never sell! Don't call us, we'll call you!"
Apparently every single Asian in this city is a young gay single fit male. At least if the number of dating profiles that want to chat is any indication.