does anyone in your life personally know your into zoo stuff?


curious if there's anyone were people they know personally know that they are onto zoo. haha like did you get found out or did you tell them personally or what?? lol
Only people that know about it are others that I've connected with through sites/apps and communicated our desires before meeting up for a knotty session.
There's several studies out there that potentially indicate kinks and sexual interests are hereditary, so you never know what the response may be, lol. My answer is no though, Definitely not. I haven't told my S/O. But I've always wondered what the response would be.
Unusually, to my regret no, I'm almost certain some past GFs would have been receptive to it and may have even tested me with some questions and I stupidly played dumb not wanting to risk things and being too insecure about being turned on by zoo porn.

Literally signing up here yesterday is the first time I've discussed it with anyone else and I've been watching it for probably 15 years, a lot of missed opportunities.
curious if there's anyone were people they know personally know that they are onto zoo. haha like did you get found out or did you tell them personally or what?? lol
I told my fiancé that I am attracted to all females of all species. And that I wish to try females of other species. She just said what she don’t know won’t hurt her. Anyway does anyone have a female they’re willing to let me get to know and maybe try I guess. In SE Alberta. Can travel within reason on weekends
Only some friends know. They were the ones who introduced the whole thing to me. It kills me that my hubby doesn't know but I'm afraid that he'd leave me if he finds out.
Yea I kinda know what you mean. My gf doesn't know...I've prodded her asking her random questions lol...haha yeah I know she won't bite hahaha sadness lol
I've many zoo friends that know... but nobody from my "straight" life knows. I'd guess some suspect thought :)
My family and close friends all know, the other zoos I know of course know, and some others have figured it out over the years. I don't go around telling everybody, but I don't go out of my way to hide my love for my companions either so the more aware people tend to put things together.
My best friend knows.
We've been sharing some of our most secret yearnings and fantasies over the years.
He's quite the pervert, and he's quite keen on animal sex too, although more as a voyeur.
But it's fun to be able to share and talk with someone about these things without being judged or being afraid that they're going to rat you out or gossip. It requires trust, of course.
Unusually, to my regret no, I'm almost certain some past GFs would have been receptive to it and may have even tested me with some questions and I stupidly played dumb not wanting to risk things and being too insecure about being turned on by zoo porn.

Literally signing up here yesterday is the first time I've discussed it with anyone else and I've been watching it for probably 15 years, a lot of missed opportunities.
I hope that that you get some opportunities to express yourself here and elsewhere 😊 It's never too late!

Two out of my three other housemates know. They are extremely supportive and accepting although they are not into it themselves. My dad knows, and he and I talk. My siblings know and they don't talk to me anymore 😔 I am glad though to have told the people I have despite the hardship sometimes