Zoo porn indexed by animal actor?


Zooville Settler
I've always dreamed of finding an animal porn site where you can search not only by animal type but by breed or animal actor. As zoo's I think it would be amazing if the animals were more famous and we could search by our favorite actor. Some of the women who are famous are very beautiful and I love their work but let's be honest, we are looking at the doggie parts just as much if not more then hers. There are a few that I've seen repeatedly in films and I'm so mesmerized by how handsome they are and how amazing their cocks are. I especially love the dogs whose balls you can see twitch ad they pump cum again and again. I would search those actors work all day long if such a site existed.
way too many ppl look at zoo porn for the human actress (ie: seeing a gal "degraded" is their fetish) and are not really interested in the animal for this to ever be a thing. most porn doesn't even acknowledge the animal actor past "a dog fucks *insert actresses name*".

it is kinda understandable why it is this way. it's pretty easy to sort your life out to be able to care for an animal (if we're talking dogs at least), so anyone who's actually interested in them just gets their own and no longer cares about porn. which leaves the porn only catering to folk only interested in seeing the act itself.