Your 5 senses


Your body has 5 senses: Touch, smell, hearing, sight and taste. What is the most satisfying (non-sexual) stimulation to each of your senses? :unsure: I'll start with mine:

Touch: hot tub with jets 🛁
Smell: smell outside after a rain 🌧
Hearing: ocean waves 🌊
Sight: Waterfalls in the mountains 🌄
Taste: tacos :p

touch would be anything warm
smell would be the ocean
hearing would be laughter
sight would be a nude woman
taste would be good food
Touch: I love the feeling of being in Water.
Smell: I love the smell of rain after a heatwave.
Hearing: I like to hear a storm at night. It's so cosy to snuggle down the blankets.
Sight: Snow covered mountains in the summer
Taste: Coffee ( the american brand: covfefe2024(y) )
😆 covfefe
Touch: Silk smooth long fur/hair
Smell: Fur/hair again
Hearing: Rain drops falling through beech leafs
Sight: Any cute animal
Taste: Well set espresso
given the preclusion of sexual....

Touch- My hammer striking hot metal on my anvil
Smell- The odor of sails drying after a storm in high winds
Hearing- the snore of a baby
Sight- the spread of a child’s arms running in glee to hug
Taste- an peated scotch in a tumbler by a campfire