X- ray boar dick in vagina


I want to know what the real condition of a pig's penis is in a woman's vagina,
I saw that Ariel could handle such a long pig's penis.
Do any of you have x-ray films or pictures of how a pig's penis is positioned inside a woman during sex?
thank you friends
There is no such a thing. Those Xray photos are fake and have even been proven to be fake by finding the yiff gif that was used for it.
Nobody is going to do a full body Xray on a woman having sex with an animal.
As someone well-versed in both digital and film radiography, it's essential to understand that these methods are primarily used to detect fractures, solid foreign bodies, or abnormalities such as air pockets, especially in cases like gastric torsion in dogs. However, when it comes to soft tissues like the penis, they typically appear as faint shadows or may not be visible at all. In this context, an ultrasound might offer better visualization, though the area to be examined is quite small, usually just a few square centimeters. As for MRI, while it provides superior resolution of soft tissues, a simple photo wouldn't suffice for proper interpretation. It's also worth noting that radiographs and other imaging techniques don't produce color.