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Would You Apear In A Zoo Xxx Movie,

Yea I would.....as long as it was natural.....you can tell when an animal really wants to make love or if they are forced and I refuse to force them in any way....or those awful videos of people sucking off a horse but you could tell the course could not give a damn about what's going on ...I won't do that.
Well, as you did not specify a specific gender for replies, I will jump in too :) I love the idea of appearing in a movie of this sort as long as all participants are willing and happy (especially the dog(s)). I enjoy the idea enought that financial gain is not a motivator for me. I would do it simply for the enjoyment of it. And I would show my face if we lived in a world where such a video designed for private use only would not "leak" but we know that is not possible so it is unlikely I would show my face or any identifiers (tatoos for example).

Great question. I am sure there will be some fun responses!

Agreed on all points. In fact, if and when I ever get the opportunity to have intercourse with an animal, I'd want it to be filmed, both so that I could relive the experience, but also so that I could finally give back to forums like this one that I've enjoyed for about 25 years now, nearly half my life. (I was young when I first developed this "fetish." Alas, I am now old enough to be the father of some of the people here--people who hadn't even been born yet when I first discovered sites like this.) I might even "dedicate" any such video(s) to certain people from the forums whose videos have meant so much to me over the years. I would not want my face shown, but only because of the risks. If it were safe to do so, hell yeah I'd want my face in the video. "Show the whole world who I'm fucking." (That's a quote from "Paulinated"--I hope at least some of you will get the reference.) Alas, at my age and current fitness level, I doubt that very many people would actually want to see me having sex with anyone, human or animal, but I'd still want to put it out there. I would want my voice in any such videos, even though it might be risky. I get really turned on when a guy is vocal during sex, whether it be moans, groans, sighs, etc. or actual words. (Both it best.) I like it when a guy talks in a video and expresses how mush he's enjoying it. (Some "dirty talk" is also good.) I also like it when there's some interaction between the guy in the video and the cameraman. So I'd try to vocalize what I was feeling/experiencing during my first time, although I'm normally the "quiet type," in more ways than one.

There was a guy on the old BF who starred in a few PL videos. I once asked him about it--which videos he was in and what it was like. (It turns out he was in some of my favorite videos and I'd be crushing on him for years.) Anyway, participating in those videos provided him with the opportunity to try stuff he'd never done before, and he thought it was cool that those first-time experiences were recorded and released. I could understand the sentiment. Alas, we did not keep in touch. Wherever he is now, I hope he's safe and happy.
I would only do it if my face wasn't shown. I don't think I would need a crazy amount of money or anything though, just whatever the normal going rate is lol. ?
See id be so scared of people finding out who I am by like freckle/mole placement or body type or something. I am wayyy to afraid hahaa
See id be so scared of people finding out who I am by like freckle/mole placement or body type or something. I am wayyy to afraid hahaa

That reminds me of a Spider-Man comic where Spidey encounters a villain whose power is to unravel fabric, or something like that. She pretty much strips him of his costume. He's able to stop her before she removes his mask, but is otherwise left mostly nude in public, with people snapping photos and posting them on social media. When he gets home his girlfriend is waiting saying, "Why didn't you ever tell me that you're Spider-Man?" He asks how she recognized him and she says something about the three freckles above his belly button, or something like that, reminding him that she's familiar with every inch of his body.

Deadpool and I have one thing in common: a huge crush on Spider-Man.
That reminds me of a Spider-Man comic where Spidey encounters a villain whose power is to unravel fabric, or something like that. She pretty much strips him of his costume. He's able to stop her before she removes his mask, but is otherwise left mostly nude in public, with people snapping photos and posting them on social media. When he gets home his girlfriend is waiting saying, "Why didn't you ever tell me that you're Spider-Man?" He asks how she recognized him and she says something about the three freckles above his belly button, or something like that, reminding him that she's familiar with every inch of his body.

Deadpool and I have one thing in common: a huge crush on Spider-Man.
Honestly thats super interesting. Definitely the same concept for sure. I know that I could easily identify a friend or sexual partner from just body pictures, no face.

If i could then I'd only assume others could as well. Especially because I have some very defining features haha.
Honestly thats super interesting. Definitely the same concept for sure. I know that I could easily identify a friend or sexual partner from just body pictures, no face.

If i could then I'd only assume others could as well. Especially because I have some very defining features haha.

Yeah, but what are the odds of someone who knows your body that well seeing the video? It's not like you're a celebrity and it would end up all over social media. (That is, unless you are a celebrity.) Maybe if someone who is that close to you saw the video it could be a good thing, unless you have a vindictive ex or something.

How would you feel if you recognized someone you knew in a bestiality video? Would it be a good thing (perhaps an opportunity) or a bad thing?
Yeah, but what are the odds of someone who knows your body that well seeing the video? It's not like you're a celebrity and it would end up all over social media. (That is, unless you are a celebrity.) Maybe if someone who is that close to you saw the video it could be a good thing, unless you have a vindictive ex or something.

How would you feel if you recognized someone you knew in a bestiality video? Would it be a good thing (perhaps an opportunity) or a bad thing?
This entire experience is relatively new to me so I am extremely apprehensive about it.

Im not really sure, but the thought of someone seeing it who knows me and would be able to recognize me gives me serious anxiety. Im scared it would ruin relationships with family, friends, etc.

So probably a bad thing lol.
I've done a few in the past that to my knowledge have never by released. No money was ever offered or was it expected. It was just me and another zoo sharing an experience. We didn't show faces and it was with our own mates. Sadly my copies of the films where lost in a computer crash.