Who was your best mate?

I guess my spinster neibours red setter he was willing to lick or mount quite a few times each day. I almost cried when she moved away with her dog, I had to go back to hand jobs to relieve my balls
I'm not sure I can say there's been a "best", each has had been different and have stood out as making them stand out among the others and each have had qualities I'd didn't like. Sticking only to dogs...

As a sexual partner, nobody compares to my first saint who was so sex-positive she would typically proposition visitors and was anything but subtle about it. Her coat; however, greatly limited our time outdoors in the summer and wasn't a good coat for rambling in the woods.

As a loving partner, my last dane was hands-down, the absolute best companion I've had to date. She was not as sex-positive as the saints, though still very receptive and eager. Her winning qualities were that whatever I was doing, relaxing, working, or just rambling, she was there in the thick of it and was very intelligent and active. She had some health problems we struggled with, but we had a good run and she exceeded the average lifespan by a wide margin despire the problems.
Each of my past and current companions has been special, and each one that's waiting for me took a part of me with them when they left this world. My last doggy who departed last year was the best of everything you could ask for, be it simply company, a cuddle buddy and as a lover. As for mares there's too many that stand out, several were partners for decades and picking one over another seems disrespectful to their memories.

Currently the love of my life is a pony mare I raised myself and the last foal born here, I could spend the rest of the evening talking about how special she is but I'll keep it simple and say she's a spoiled rotten little brat that I'll do anything for, anything.
I love them all, but of course there are always favorites. My first own dog (before that I was with the family dogs) who is no longer alive was the "best".
She was a shepherd dog, I bought him when he was 1 year old, and I was his fourth owner. Because of the change of owner that happened at a young age, and then she lived alone with me for 3 years, she was the most attached to me. That's why it was special.
My other dogs have already joined my pack, so part of the attachment is given to the pack and not exclusively to me. Of course, first love is always the most valuable, as it usually is.
I will never have a dog like the very first one again.
Ozzy. My Beagle Shepherd mix. He was our house dog. Loyal, attentive, caring, playful, and lazy... except for sex he was eager to please, a bit dominant, and had a voracious appetite. Biggest isn't necessarily better but oh wow did he know how to use what he had been blessed with. I shared everything with him. All my secrets, my fantasies, aspirations, dreams, goals, musical tastes, and my body. When he passed a large piece of ny heart went with him. I've had many mates since, all are special, but none like my first love.
Ozzy. My Beagle Shepherd mix. He was our house dog. Loyal, attentive, caring, playful, and lazy... except for sex he was eager to please, a bit dominant, and had a voracious appetite. Biggest isn't necessarily better but oh wow did he know how to use what he had been blessed with. I shared everything with him. All my secrets, my fantasies, aspirations, dreams, goals, musical tastes, and my body. When he passed a large piece of ny heart went with him. I've had many mates since, all are special, but none like my first love.
First cut is the deepest
my George was. not just best mate. he was my love, "the one", the other half i waited my whole life for.... i brought him back from "gave up, ready to die" state and he gave me the best five years of my life. the sheer amount of gratefulness and love he gave me for simply acknowledging his existence, that he mattered and wasn't "just a dog" still makes me tear up two years after he passed away and some part of me definitely died with him that day.
I only had one well technically 2 but only had sex with the first one she was a sweet girl and I miss her. The other was a big rather dumb golden lab he made me feel like everything was OK for the time I was able to spend with him. My Nettles will always be my favorite though mostly because we understood each other in ways that I didn't think were previously possible for a dog to understand a person or for me to understand her.
Ozzy. My Beagle Shepherd mix. He was our house dog. Loyal, attentive, caring, playful, and lazy... except for sex he was eager to please, a bit dominant, and had a voracious appetite. Biggest isn't necessarily better but oh wow did he know how to use what he had been blessed with. I shared everything with him. All my secrets, my fantasies, aspirations, dreams, goals, musical tastes, and my body. When he passed a large piece of ny heart went with him. I've had many mates since, all are special, but none like my first love.
He truly was your "Wizard of Oz, AtomicCookie. He was your partner, your lover, your everything :)
Family beagle when I was a teenager. We had a routine, any time we were home alone he knew and would let me ride on top of him. Best boy ever (rip)
I'd say my most memorable "mate" if you could call it that was a pure black GSD. He had an aggressive personality and didn't like many people. His owners were excited when I said I would watch him for a week while they went out of town because I was one of the few people he actually got along with. We didn't really do anything sexually but I still vividly remember lying down on the floor and this big german shepherd with out hesitation curling up next to me. I could tell that he was starved for affection, probably because he was never shown much affection in his life. Seeing this behavior from what I thought as a fairly aggressive and reactive dog was pretty influential on my young teenager self. I still think about him from time to time.
My white Tibetan Terrier "Tashi". Great dick for his size, immensely fuckable fur/tail/ears, cuddly as can be, lives for handjobs and oral and humping my legs.
I just had a dog pass away. Only had her 16 months, but she was so sweet and devoted. We were inseparable. Never anything remotely sexual, but my best buddy.