Whats the longest you can go without making love, before you absolutely start to go nuts.

I loves mares

Esteemed Citizen of ZV
October 21 has officially made it 6 years since iv made love and I can't lie I'd practically beg. When and how long would it take for you to brake and beg for someone to bed you? A day, a week, five mins?
October 21 has officially made it 6 years since iv made love and I can't lie I'd practically beg. When and how long would it take for you to brake and beg for someone to bed you? A day, a week, five mins?
I have stallions. They bred me any time i want. If i didn't have them. Omg, maybe a couple days!
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Let's see. Tonight will make 39 years, 1 month, and 23 days.
How do you cope with it? I mean I'm no horn dog kinda guy sex is...well sex. Boring without other feelings built before hand passionate side of things I guess is what I dig. I long for somthing meaningful in a way that's not just simple pump and go, Like a gas station.
I don't wanna sound like a crying tit bag I know I repeat like a broken record but I'm just trying to find answers I guess.
It's weird for me to think that some people may actually need sex this much... but I guess they're in the majority here. I'm 27 and I had sex pretty much never. If it happens, it happens. It seems I just have different priorities.
It's been 5 years since I've had sex with someone. Not sure if I ever made love tbh. But without masturbating, a week or so.
I basically hate fuck myself. You'll like watching. It's pretty hot.
I used to do that when I lived alone. On the rare night when I didn't have a partner, I would lie back, tuck my knees back and hold a double-dildo with two hands and really pound myself hard, cumming multiple times.