What should I do without a dog?


So while over a friends house I was left alone to watch their dog while they went out to grab some groceries. I ended up making out with the dog and that's how I discovered myself as a zoo. But I don't see that friend very often as is and even more rarely go to their house. I don't have a dog myself but I want to explore my newfound sexuality further than just masturbating to zoo porn. I'm still living with my parents and since I'm one of 4 siblings my parents are pretty set on not getting a dog (Even though I've asked a BUNCH) So what should I do? Would love your guys' opinions on this
Wait until you get to move out, make sure the place you move to is pet friendly, and get you a dog. Unfortunately, if you got a dog without your parents consent, it could go really bad.
I was 30 before I had enough time and privacy to own a couple dogs. Get your ass to work, start saving now. Set some goals