What is yalls favorite beast porn

favorite beast porn for me is, K9 female pussy being fucked. then its big cocks or group of men fucking female dogs, and horses. I especially love when they talk in the videos or in Spanish
I like just one dog and one girl and to know they are both enjoying themselves in the moment. If it's too professional or I think she's getting paid and faking it, very gross
Lickjobs without masturbation.
The completely hands free videos like what Tricky Dick uploaded ages ago are my absolute favorite. I wish the videos of his that I have were better quality, I loved how relentless his dogs were and how hard their tongues slapped his cock around. So many are cut before the cumshot though.:(
I love seeing people get their holes stretched open and nutted in and people coming in behind fucking them while the other person's cum is still in them
Movies where there is total and mutual pleasure enjoyed by both animal and person with a clear understanding of how much of a loving bond there is and no fluff or bullshit