What is a silly thing your animal companion does that you love?


I'll start!
My girl (husky mutt), loves to take my dirty clothes, drag them to the middle of the hallway, and roll all over them. They can be sweaty after a workout, or clean, doesn't matter. She always picks something I took off, takes it, then rolls over it..smushing her head into whatever it was she grabbed. Every time she does it, it cracks me up.

She'll even do it in front of me..she'll pick whichever thing she wants to roll on, proceeds to roll, then gets tired of it and grabs the next thing I took off.

It's hilariously adorable.
I had a boxer that would greet everybody with a plushy skunk toy that he loved more than any other toy he had. It was his first toy he ever had and he always kept it on his bed. Whenever myself, or anyone else would arrive at home, without fail, he'd peek his head around the corner to see who it was, go back around the corner and come running up to you wagging is tail with his favourite little skunk in his mouth.
I had a boxer that would greet everybody with a plushy skunk toy that he loved more than any other toy he had. It was his first toy he ever had and he always kept it on his bed. Whenever myself, or anyone else would arrive at home, without fail, he'd peek his head around the corner to see who it was, go back around the corner and come running up to you wagging is tail with his favourite little skunk in his mouth.
Awww thats super cute. It's he little baby ❤️❤️
My horse stole my sandwich off a plate just once. I turned to pick it up, it was gone and I looked at him. There he was, my sandwich not yet fully in his mouth, but getting there. I pet him on his cheek and softly told him he's a scallywag, and have guarded my sandwich more closely since then. It was cute, and he is spoiled.
Hogs the middle of the bed, can't have any panties around that have been worn, he'll shred them, tries to trip me up and knock me down
My dog has actually done that with my partners panties, she only tears hers up though. Never my stuff 😂
My horse stole my sandwich off a plate just once. I turned to pick it up, it was gone and I looked at him. There he was, my sandwich not yet fully in his mouth, but getting there. I pet him on his cheek and softly told him he's a scallywag, and have guarded my sandwich more closely since then. It was cute, and he is spoiled.
Sounds like someone just wanted a little taste of what you were eating :p
My girl uses a chair to jump up to the bed and insists on me presenting it to her as one would present the royal thrown to royalty. She won't jump up on the bed otherwise. It could be 3AM, she'll jump down for whatever reason and want back up and cry to wake me up. So I gotta get my ass up and present the royal stepping chair. Lol

My boy likes to bring me his toys and forcfully cram them between me and the couch cushion. I could be taking a nap or not paying attention and not see him bring one to me so he will cram it between my leg and the cushion and then go get another one.
Sounds like someone just wanted a little taste of what you were eating :p
He did. I'm guilty of feeding him snacks with my hand, so I can only blame myself for that behavior like that. Plus, as bad habits in horses go, it's a mild one.
My girl uses a chair to jump up to the bed and insists on me presenting it to her as one would present the royal thrown to royalty. She won't jump up on the bed otherwise. It could be 3AM, she'll jump down for whatever reason and want back up and cry to wake me up. So I gotta get my ass up and present the royal stepping chair. Lol

My boy likes to bring me his toys and forcfully cram them between me and the couch cushion. I could be taking a nap or not paying attention and not see him bring one to me so he will cram it between my leg and the cushion and then go get another one.
I know exactly what you mean. Our male is similar with toys! Your girl sounds absolutely adorable though 😄
My boy loves to kiss, but last night he took it a step further and got a paw behind my head to pull me closer. I guess he got that from me doing that to him.

Either way, it made the whole experience that much hotter and he wasn't taking no for an answer, so we snuck away for one of his best performances ever.
My boy loves to kiss, but last night he took it a step further and got a paw behind my head to pull me closer. I guess he got that from me doing that to him.

Either way, it made the whole experience that much hotter and he wasn't taking no for an answer, so we snuck away for one of his best performances ever.
You must've had some good food earlier! ;P. I'm just teasing.
I know exactly what you mean. Our male is similar with toys! Your girl sounds absolutely adorable though 😄
Haha. Well at least I'm not the only one. A stuff toy is one thing but those damn chew bones?...that shit hurts. Lol

My girl is absolutely the queen of the house and she knows it.
My horse would try and buck everyone that wasn't me off his back, which I didn't know why before cause he was broke to ride just he didn't like anyone else on his back so I just stuck to riding him. It probably wasn't so cute or silly to other people but I found it very entertaining to watch haha not that he was good at bucking but he did try either way.
Sitting here watching some stand-up comic who started making fart sounds, and my boy suddenly got up and looked behind himself the way he does when he farts. No, that wasn't you.
I don't allow Diesel on my furniture and only in my bed for...... anyway, when he wants to be sweet, he will pull on my jammy pants when I'm watching tv for me to sit on the floor with him. He just wants to cuddle, I'll sit on the floor and he just puts his head on my lap and sleeps while I pet him.. It's so sweet. 💕💕💓
Dude will literally jump in my lap and decide he's a lap dog all 80 lbs of him. If I have a friend over he will get in-between us and try to push the other person off the couch with his hind legs.

Dude uses his eyebrows to signal for things he wants. Like he looks at me then the chest where we keep his toys, then back and forth, he puts his paw on my knee , like hey look , hey look.

When we go on walks if he gets to far ahead on the leash or trail he always stops to wait for me. God I miss him. On vacation abroad rn.