What do you do on your "off" days?


Supreme Citizen of ZV
Somedays i have sick days but i dont know how to spend those meaningfully with my dog since it makes me super fatigued and not enough time for my dog.
I take my girl out on the reef to catch octopus if the early morning while the tides out, then later on at night we march around the bush hunting rabbits, she’s caught a few foxes too.
I love exercising her prey drive.
On my day off I get a week I like to fill it with things I enjoy, depending on the weather I would enjoy taking my pups for a walk in the park, watching sporting events, mainly NASCAR. Going out to a nice sit down restaurant. Gaming on my Xbox, that fills my free time.
Usually I'll spent most of my off days doing housework I've neglected throughout the week, spend time with the doggie girls, play video games, or watch youtube. If I'm actually sick however, I will just watch youtube and cuddle with the dogs.
Sometimes it's enough to just put on some music or a podcast and sit with them. Have them beside you or in your lap and enjoy the closeness. If you aren't feeling well they'll notice and will want to be beside you.
Sometimes it's enough to just put on some music or a podcast and sit with them. Have them beside you or in your lap and enjoy the closeness. If you aren't feeling well they'll notice and will want to be beside you.
It amazes me how animals can pick up on your health, it makes sense when your physicaly I’ll because they can probably smell something is wrong with you, but when they can tell something is wrong emotionally it always amazes me.

it’s at the level where literally only my girl knows how I feel (I’m a somewhat reserved person) and when shit is tough for me my girl just curls up with me.

she only seems to do this when I need it.
I enjoy cooking, board games, magic the gathering, painting and drawing (furry and traditional art) as well as listening to music or composing it. I love taking walks and would love to take a hike with my partner/friends and some dogs.
My gosh this blew up on my sick days thanks you all for the fantastic answers. I woulda replied but cough cough internet probs
My favorite thing to do when I feel up to it is bridle up my little mare and just ride her around my place, no saddle or bit just the reins hooked to her halter.
On my days off i spend time together with my family. I cherish every moment i can spend with my wife, my kid and my dog :)
When i need a break on my own then i game a lot. Always been a part of my life.
I sleep. Or take a range day and clean my hardware. Long walks with Jake on the trails is relaxing or a day of fly fishing is quite fun
I don't have days off. My doggies are older now and don't need to release as much but they still need exercise, mental games, bathing, cuddling, and attention.