What brings you joy?

Off question... Is anyone a creative type I got a question about designs on "cosplay"

(Sorry if off topic but I really need help with "structure" advice)
Fumar hierba, vestirme de cosplay, y coger con los 2 pastores alemanes de mi abuelo en la casa de campo, estar ensartada siendo llenada de semen por los perros que follan ricooo luego siendo ensartada por toda la huerta, fumar hierba y tomar vino dulce mientras sigo siendo jodido por ellos dia y noche,
Llegar a casa en mi moto el lunes x la mañana y cogerme a mi novia y atender en el negocio familiar xD ESOOO ME HACE FELIZ!
Google translating some stuff that someone posted, and then realizing that I could completely understand them (or, at least, what their post added up to), and that I was much better off not google translating it in the first place.
Google translating some stuff that someone posted, and then realizing that I could completely understand them (or, at least, what their post added up to), and that I was much better off not google translating it in the first place.
Trovo lo stesso problema😂😂😂
Google translating some stuff that someone posted, and then realizing that I could completely understand them (or, at least, what their post added up to), and that I was much better off not google translating it in the first place.
Yep... Now I cannot unsee the translation.

What brings me further joy? Well... Sherlock Holmes deductions
Hosting and cooking for guests, answering questions at the gym, having my doctor's fingers in my ass and hearing her giggle at my k9 stories, leading my demolition crew at work and finally, the dark souls game series.
playing good games like Batman: Arkham Knight (pls dont judge just because I like batman he's still cool okay)
So, so many things, making my pets happy for one, making and viewing art, playing video game and watching animation, not dying in summer heat..