Werewolf penis

It would change. You'd get to enjoy a fat sheath too. I know this because I go werewolf mode every full moon.
I dunno. Being a handsome dude with an ugly dick doesn't seem like that bad a fate.
How does being a werewolf make you handsome? I thought it just made you immortal if you looked like Steve Urkel before being bit you stay like that not turn into Denzel.
How does being a werewolf make you handsome? I thought it just made you immortal if you looked like Steve Urkel before being bit you stay like that not turn into Denzel.
Depends on your opinions on humans and wolves doesn't it? I've not seen An American Werewolf in Paris but a lot of other werewolf fiction depicts some good looking lycanthropes.
Depends on your opinions on humans and wolves doesn't it? I've not seen An American Werewolf in Paris but a lot of other werewolf fiction depicts some good looking lycanthropes.
Well American Werwolf depicts them similarly to Underworld except perhaps bigger noses. Teen Wolf (movies) as just hairy guys with wolf senses. The Wolf, Jack Nickolson eventually becomes a larger version of a wolf. Native American folklore they are Skinwalkers that take on the characteristics of large wolf's with extended arms and legs. So I guess it just depends on which mythos you choose to like. Personally I prefer Underworld, the ability that after a few hundred years you can choose when to change 👍.
theres no reason for it to change unless you actually became more wolf than man. However you would likely get some penis gains from transformation pains.