We all know there are things that are overrated, what's something that is underrated?

Well, I guess you are right about that. In the cases of insects to people someone politically disagrees with, killing them seems to be the first reaction. I guess I need to get out of my faith-in-humanity delusion and start living in the real world. 🍻
And for what you said, Saddlebum, I agree that you can defend yourself against insects perfectly fine. I just mean going out of one's way to kill bugs that are not bothering them at all seems wasteful. The vast majority of insects do nothing to hurt anyone, but the ones that do cause a prejudice that gives them all a bad rap...
The vast majority of insects never come in CONTACT with people. People are afraid of a lot of things for no particular reason. I don't disagree with you....there was a certain amount of tongue-in-cheek to what I said, but everything I said was true. I could tell you stories about a lot of things to do with insect infestations. But this much I know....the number of insect species we impact is actually minimal compared to the overall number of species. In case you did not know, and most people don't, there are OVER 350,000
species of Beetles, alone, in the world. I would challenge anyone here to name six different species without a google. Still, I don't advocate killing them for no cause, and I never do. When my kids were growing, they'd catch lightning bugs in jars; the house rule was...they will be turned loose before bedtime. Your faith in humanity has nada to do with bugs.
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This amazing app, I mean honestly, it's fun as all hell, rewarding, and challenging. (And if anyone is curious, you can no longer get Dead Space on google play store, you'll have to look for an apk file)20201102_074017.jpg
Modest breasts and soft snuggly tummies!

AKA A cup bbw's are the best thing in the world!
repeat/loop button
hearing a new awesome song, irl friends reckon im last dude on earth to turn stereo loud and loop song until new song hype wears off :)
Skinny dipping in a lake or a river is underrated. There's nothing like cool water caressing every corner of your body without the obstruction of a swimsuit.
Agree completely with you there.
You know what’s also underrated? Walking out nude to get the Mail in the morning! Did that the other day (Well, truthfully couple months ago) singing “Oh what a beautiful morning!” And my neighbor/business partner’s mom about died of fright, for an old broad she‘s got screamers lungs, loud! But it’s ok. She makes great Cookies and Baklava, she visits just to apologize for screaming near daily, sweet gal.

Her son’s getting mighty peevish of late for some reason.

oh, underrated- 3:30am!
3:30am is highly underrated.
The drunks have slinked off.
The druggies are zoned.
The cops on several of my beats drop off hot coffee.
The stars twinkle,
the summer heat cools,
the winter cold sucks the soul out of your lungs directly.
the pro’s are generous looking for a warm place to bed,
the air even in the city gets a quiet that softens the daylights nerves,
the moon kisses the ground like a lovers caress in the night.
the 4 O’clocker‘s havnt risen to start the new, the old is loosing yesterday’s grip.
2020 was underrated. I for one had a hell of a good year. New job, house paid off, best christmas with family ever.
Sure we all hated on it, but 2020 was not nowhere near as bad as the internet trolls want you to believe.
I personally think Beaststars is overrated. I don’t know, I didn’t really feel a connection to the story :/. And you think I would considering I’m an introvert. I hated the whole romance thing going on with Haru and Legoshi. It felt really lazy and cliche. I haven’t read the manga, so it might be better played out there, but as far as the anime goes, it was a pretty poor excuse for a romance subplot. I personally felt the story would’ve been perfectly fine without it, but that’s just me. I do feel like it has a lot of potential, however, and I enjoyed the animation. I liked some of the characters too.

You know what I think was underrated? The L Word. Sure it was pretty big back in the day, but I barely hear any talk about it nowadays. And this is supposed to be the gay generation. There was a lot of sex scenes and petty drama and all that, but halfway through the first season it starts to tackle some pretty dark concepts, and I love it. I don’t think I’ve ever related to so many female characters before in one show. There’s so much they play around with and it’s one of the few shows I got emotionally invested in. It’s such a good show to binge-watch whenever you’re craving some kind of thrill on your lazy Sunday.

I feel like they’re going to butcher it with the reboot though :/.
I personally think Beaststars is overrated. I don’t know, I didn’t really feel a connection to the story :/. And you think I would considering I’m an introvert. I hated the whole romance thing going on with Haru and Legoshi. It felt really lazy and cliche. I haven’t read the manga, so it might be better played out there, but as far as the anime goes, it was a pretty poor excuse for a romance subplot. I personally felt the story would’ve been perfectly fine without it, but that’s just me. I do feel like it has a lot of potential, however, and I enjoyed the animation. I liked some of the characters too.

You know what I think was underrated? The L Word. Sure it was pretty big back in the day, but I barely hear any talk about it nowadays. And this is supposed to be the gay generation. There was a lot of sex scenes and petty drama and all that, but halfway through the first season it starts to tackle some pretty dark concepts, and I love it. I don’t think I’ve ever related to so many female characters before in one show. There’s so much they play around with and it’s one of the few shows I got emotionally invested in. It’s such a good show to binge-watch whenever you’re craving some kind of thrill on your lazy Sunday.

I feel like they’re going to butcher it with the reboot though :/.
Yes, Beastars is definitelly overated, but it's still a above-average anime in my opinion. I think Brand New Animal was better and catchier.

A propper espresso, from good quality beans and done by barista who knows what's she doing and has propper equipment. That is underrated as hell. And you will only realise it once you have a cup of one. It's so great when you get appreciated for it by people who were all their life on instant coffee or blunt commercial over-roasted coffee.
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Yes, Beastars is definitelly overated, but it's still a above-average anime in my opinion. I think Brand New Animals was better and catchier.

A propper espresso, from good quality beans and done by barista who knows what's she doing and has propper equipment. That is underrated as hell. And you will only realise it once you have a cup of one. It's so great when you get appreciated for it by people who were all their life on instant coffee or blunt commercial over-roasted coffee.
Ooh I adored BNA’s soundtrack. It’s definitely a very artistic show.
That was supposed to be fire lighters but auto correct got to it. I decided both are pretty damned funky.
I'd have to say the Nancy Drew games, they may not seem like much at first, but they are actually really fucking fun, not to mention there is a huge amount of them. First came out in 1998, and the 33rd game came out back in 2019