Verificação de proprietários

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Ruan Santana

Zooville Settler
Como sugestão, seria bom e aumentaria a segurança da comunidade se aqui no Zooville existe uma forma de verificar quem é proprietário homens e mulheres.
Além de aumentar a segurança a verificação deixaria mais visível quem de fato gosta de amor animal e não é fake.
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Zooville is not a dating site. Any form of verrification does nothing but CAUSE RISK to it's users. We are involved in activity that is illegal basically over the world. Being safe should be bigger proprity than having everything easy. Long conversations and slow getting to know each other is well sufficient to rule out who's fake and who's for real
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This idea has been proposed and declined several times.
By no means would this increase security. All it would do is make it easier for people to use this forum as a glorified hookup site to find women who would perform sex with animals in front of them.
Use a dating site if you want to date.
The personal ads section exists here as a bin where we can move the threads which would otherwise pollute the whole forum.
Being fake here is not forbidden, claiming someone else's photos is.

The main forum is English, so use English.
Or do you expect every single person reading your thread to individually translate your message?
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