US Cities and Towns (ABC)

Commerce City, CO 🤮

The one place in Colorado I've been that I don't like. I hear people in Colorado aptly call it "Commerce Shitty"
New Roads, Louisiana
I bet a lot of Chevy drivers flock there, given their slogan :p

Oil Center, NM
The name leaves little room for interpretation. I haven't been there, but I have been to that general part of New Mexico, which is pretty much a Mad Max scene with oil wells as far as you can see.
@spsjdc19 This isn't a "where are you from?" or even "where have you been?" thread, but a "US towns A to Z" thread. The places I list are many that I have been to and others I haven't.
To get us back on track:

Trenton, NJ, which I have been to and am not from.
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