Training your dog

This question is for owners of males dogs.
My girlfriend and I adopted a nice 1.5 year old pitbull and started training him.
First we went through obedience training to make him a good listener and confident dog
Then we slowly started to train him for bedroom activities and that’s where the problems started.

He loves to lick and has great focus going right for it when she takes off her panties. The problem is he won’t let anyone touch his male parts. He becomes very uncomfortable and starts a low growl. We have tried many times with great patience and being very delicate but he is just not having it. We also can’t get him to move past licking and try mounting her. We both assumed that an intact male pitbull around 2 years old would figure it out pretty quickly.
Is this a training thing or is he just never going to be that dog?
Anybody else ever face this issue and what did you do?
Never train animals for sex.
How long do you have the dog? These things come with trust and relationship. It may take several years or he may never be into having sex with you. This is something you should have considered before getting a dog. Animals are not sex toys.
Is this a training thing or is he just never going to be that dog?
Anybody else ever face this issue and what did you do?
You know how not all humans enjoy having sex with dogs? Well it works the other way too, not all dogs want sex with humans.

I think it would be better for all involved if you found him a home with someone not so clueless. You'll notice that I did *not* suggest getting another dog.
Caikgoch this is suppose to be a forum for people to share info and help each other, not a place for judging and calling someone clueless. Have some respect, not everyone is as perfect as you think you are.
To everyone else thank you for your help. Obviously we respect the dog and have not tried anything else. We also did not get him for sex, he is a family dog. It was just confusing because he showed so much interest up until that point. I am new to all of this and just wanted to hear other people’s take on it.
Caikgoch this is suppose to be a forum for people to share info and help each other, not a place for judging and calling someone clueless. Have some respect, not everyone is as perfect as you think you are.
it's kinda hard to respect someone who seems to think that training animals for sex is a thing... as if it's a thing "we" do.
I think he should start getting more and more used to you two being into that intimate moment. Maybe you could show him what you do with her as well (always checking on him to not become pushy). Plus, i think it's a matter of him not being used to being touched on his whole body. Maybe you should start getting his trust this way in a non-sexual way, like petting him, hugging him, cuddling with him. Just that way with really slight touches, not that much. If he's still the same then i'd drop it unless he'll change his opinion in a future (that may occur, but never try with him again, let him just do it if he approaches)