Tough choices


Citizen of Zooville
so I was online today on an App I won't mention and a friend asked me if id like to adopt his dog which he is unable to keep.
(bearing in mind I had to put my last dog to sleep 3.5 years ago....he was 16 years old and my best friend and I miss him everyday)

So I was asked out of the blue today if I wanted to adopt his dog which is a Male Kelpie x Border Collie.....6 months old....hasnt been neutered or m/chipped.
I thought very long and hard and was super tempted to say yes.....
Im not afraid of the minimum 10year commitment it would require nor the level of exercise needed to keep a dog of this breed happy....

But with some regret I had to say no......
most of me wanted to say yes BUT with much reluctance and some sadness I declined as
I currently live in a very small unit with no backyard......and being a 'working dog' breed I just felt it wouldn't be fair on him.

im aiming to move to bigger digs when I can but its a question of timing I suppose AND as I live alone with next to no-one I can even ask for assistance in minding said dog for the day, it'd be extremely unfair on the dog having not bonded with him enough if I were required to be somewhere I was unable to take him.

I not sure why im making this thread....
See I dont just want a dog bf, I also want to do the best and fairest by him as my friend also....

Its like you wait for years for the right moment and when it comes its not quite right.......
I hope i made the right decision......and I really hope he finds a good home.
I know how torn one can feel in such a situation, but it sounds as if you made a responsible and good decision. I also keep my fingers crossed that the dog will find a new good home. That is out of your control and not your responsibility though, even if it may feel a bit like that.
I know how torn one can feel in such a situation, but it sounds as if you made a responsible and good decision. I also keep my fingers crossed that the dog will find a new good home. That is out of your control and not your responsibility though, even if it may feel a bit like that.
thanks're absolutely isn't my responsibility .....I just have a HUGE sense of empathy and if I had the means id rescue every dog at the shelter and give them a good home.....I feel sorry for them to be so 'discarded' by humans...

I have much more respect for the animals of this planet than many of the Human Species ive met through the years.
Animals are honest creatures.....
Personally I think that you absolutely made the right decision. Use this experience as a motivation to find a larger place so that you can give a pup a great life some day soon!
You have all of my respect for making the tough choice you made. Very thoughtful, and mindful of the dog's well-being.
It had to be tough. I'm sorry. When it's a good situation for you and a dog, you'll know it.
*pats you on the back*
Sometimes you have to put aside what you want for what is right. However in my experience things are never quite right. If I had waited till everything was right I would not have gotten a dog. Things were messed up when I got mine but I knew I would make that dog my priority and do with out if I had to. Things got worse and better and then way worse but we have each other and have gotten through it all. Having said that though. If you really can not find a way and you think it would be a bad situation for the dog then you absolutely made the right choice and I commend you for making the difficult choice as I have had to do that at other times as well and it hurts. I thought about what could have been many time but in the end it was right.
Wow it sounds like life really threw you a difficult one, but well done on making the best decision for him. I got my boy a little too early, had everything we needed but failed to put away some emergency money, which really hit us hard a year later when things went south. But at least you have time to prepare and plan, and definitely something special to aim for, when it's right you will just know it.